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The Billionaire Who Stole My Heart

Chapter 956
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Chapter 956 The butler didn’t dare move.

Mrs. Metzger smashed her coffee mug onto the hardwood floor. “Well? What are you waiting for? Get moving!” When Mrs. Metzger spoke, people listened.

The butler immediately notified Jonathan's father Brian Metzger and the extended Metzger family. The family gathered in no time.

Brian Metzger’s face was a stormy shade of thunder. “Are you sure about this?” Jonathan stood firm. “Dad, please just grantthis one thing.” “Fine!” After regaining her composure, Mrs. Metzger’s breathing was ragged. “Remove his nfrom our family record.

From this day forth, Jonathan is no longer a Metzger! Jonathan, don’t you dare set foot in this house again!” Mrs.

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Metzger hissed venomously. “Not even if I'm on my deathbed!” “Mom...” Panic seized Jonathan. He had expected his parents to cave, but they were actually cutting him off! “Out!” At Mrs. Metzger's command, the security guards escorted Jonathan out and dumped him on the curb.

Mrs. Metzger had always been strong, but now she seemed on the verge of breaking. She covered her face, weeping. “Where did | go wrong to raise such a good-for-nothing...” Brian wrapped his arms around her, trying to soothe her. “Don’t cry. He'll learn his lesson and ccrawling back.” But Mrs. Metzger just kept crying.

As word of Jonathan's disinheritance spread like wildfire, Ophelia’s warnings becfutile. One by one, people took their turns- Jonathan's career hit a brick wall.

Upon hearing the news, Saskia lost all hope in Jonathan. With Leila fanning the flames, her dates with the wealthy scion becmore frequent. Rumors even spread of a scandalous hotel rendezvous.

The news distracted Jonathan at work, and he ended up with a scalding soup down his front, landing him in the hospital. He kept calling Saskia but never got a response.

08:34 Chapter 956.

Brittany saw the news and knew Saskia had made her choice- Jonathan was abandoned.

Sure enough, that afternoon, the news featured the wealthy scion admitting his relationship with Saskia and their engagement plans.

With the union announced, stocks for both families soared.

At the Lynette family dinner table, Yuri had no objections to the marriage. Following tradition, he prepared a substantial dowry for Saskia.

“Since the wedding is set, tie up any loose ends. We don’t want any scandals.” He meant Jonathan.

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Saskia knew what was expected. “Understood.” Preoccupied with her new beau, she had no tfor Jonathan. Without the Metzgers, Jonathan was worth nothing.

After dinner, Saskia went upstairs.

Yuri turned to Brittany. “I've heard the studio’s doing well?”

“Yes, we've just signed a preliminary agreement with the royal family attany espanel Yeh month, PFinbess Ivy will be wearing our designs at the gala.”

Lately, she'd been in touch with Ivy more and more. They had me, atthe Go clubas glance efgaging in three cbnbbctitive games each of which Brittany narrowly won. Before leaving, Ivy stopped her. “Ms. Dustin, | was unaware of your connection to Mr. Salter. | apologize for the dishonor | brought.” Brittany thought she referred to the scandal. “Your Highness, if you mean the photo incident, it’s been forgotten.”

Ivy shook her head. “Not that. | had a crush on Mr. Salter at first sight, pot rowing le wasmafried” fy chnfésse 2] assumed his wife must not be remarkable, since she never appeared in public.” “Your Highness,” Brittany interjected, not wanting to dwell on the topic. “Let's leave the past in the past.” She paused before continuing. “But | would advise you, whether his wife isor another, he is a married man.

You were mistaken from the start.” Having reflected a lot recently, Ivy recognized Her error and apologized again. “I'm sorry. | won't repeat such actions. Please forgive me.” She had initially thought she could sway Isaac, but upon further consideration, she realized it was beneath her dignity as a princess to be the other woman.