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The Abandoned Husband Dominates

Chapter 424
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Martin was right.

Jordan would be going through the trial in “difficult” mode if he were to remain in the status quo. He was

certain that he would get his grandfather’s approval if he were to make great achievements in difficult


Clenching his fist, Jordan secretly made up his mind. “I’ll definitely pass the business trial as soon as


Martin also cheered Jordan on. “Son, although the possibility of making a difference in the business

world is very low now that your assets have been frozen, you’re a smart kid and I believe that you will be

able to think of a way to make amazing achievements. Just do it!”

With his assets, bank accounts, and mobile payment accounts all frozen, Jordan couldn’t even open a

company now.

However, Martin and Jordan were convinced that Jordan could succeed.

“Jordan, before you go, I’ll give you another piece of advice. The ones who harm and defeat you are

usually those that are closest to you. Our forefathers have said and written many thought-provoking

ideologies and philosophies. Read more of our ancestors’ books when you have time, and I can

guarantee that you will gain a lot!”

Martin smiled. At this moment, he was extremely benevolent like Jordan’s grandfather.

“Okay, thanks. I’ll go first and come back to see you another day.”

“Great, I’ll be waiting for your good news!”

Looking at Jordan’s departing figure, Martin smiled and murmured to himself.

“Go and do it with courage. Jordan, no matter what you do and regardless of whether you complete this

trial through cheating or relying on your true ability, I will secretly help you!”

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Martin was glad, knowing that he wasn’t far from discovering the Steeles’ secret!

On the way back, Jordan carefully recalled these two sentences that Martin had said to him.

It meant that whether something was lucky or not was not something that was set in stone. It was likely

to change with the person’s mental state and emotions.

‘”Lauren’s grandfather still doesn’t think I have enough control of my emotions.”

Jordan naturally understood what Martin meant.

However, as a man, how could he control his emotions after learning that his wife had lied to him and

that his child might not even belong to him?

‘Surely I don’t really have to conform to those sayings on the Internet like “As long as I can get a pretty

wife, it doesn’t matter if the child is mine” ?’

‘Ah, life is hard.’

Jordan was only in his twenties and he didn’t want to be composed all the time like an old man.

When he returned home, Lauren was already getting ready to go to bed.

Jordan got undressed and was ready to get onto the bed to sleep. However, Lauren turned him down.

“Jordan, I want to sleep alone,” Lauren said coldly.

He didn’t expect to hear such words from Lauren.

In the past few days, she had been begging him to sleep with her. So he had no choice but to come out

of his room obediently.

At this moment, Felicia, who had already changed into her pajamas and was wearing a pair of linen

slippers, just happened to walk over.

Upon sight of Jordan who was walking out of Lauren’s room with his head hanging low, Felicia couldn’t

help but smile.

She asked, “Mr. Jordan, did you get kicked out by Miss Lauren?”

How could Jordan admit to such a humiliating thing!?! During the three years of his marriage to Hailey,

he had never shared the same room as her.

After that, he swore that he would never let such a thing happen again!

But today, Lauren let Jordan taste it once again.

Jordan said with a straight face, “Kicked out? Nothing of that sort. I moved out of my own accord. I want

to accompany Chloe to sleep.”

“Don’t.” The petite Felicia immediately stood in front of Jordan to block him. “Chloe and I are sharing the

same room. You’d better not go in.”

Jordan said with bewilderment, “What’s wrong with that? It’s not like you’re going to be on the same bed


Feeling a little shy, Felicia said, “Mr. Jordan, you’re so handsome. I won’t be able to control myself if we

sleep in the same room!”

Jordan was speechless.

“You’re right but I can tell that you dislike me! Forget it, I’ll sleep in the guest room.”

Felicia laughed and said, “Hehe, goodnight, Mr. Jordan. By the way, here’s a reminder. It’s Miss Lauren’s

birthday the day after tomorrow. It’s a great chance for you two to make up.”

“I remember,” Jordan said.

He had already saved Lauren’s birthday in his phone’s memo.

Back in his room, Jordan didn’t idle about either. It was time he did something serious!

Indeed, he had to finish the business trial as soon as possible because he wanted to know what the

family secret was! He had to know why Jamie wanted to harm him and why Victoria’s father, who was

clearly still alive, did not contact Victoria and Emily for eleven years!

“My assets have been frozen, and so have my bank accounts and everything else related to my

finances. I can’t use any of them. Money talks when it comes to business. Without money, I can’t set up a

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company, be a shareholder, or invest in anything. What does it take to become a dignified figure in the

business world under these circumstances?”

After careful thought, he realized that it was simply impossible!

Jordan was now facing credit problems. He had been blacklisted by the bank, and all companies could

not possibly cooperate with him. All he had was just a bunch of henchmen with little business acumen.

After pondering about it for a whole hour, Jordan was puzzled.

“This is a dead-end. No matter how much business acumen I have and how capable I am, it’s impossible

for me to make any achievements in the business world. Because I don’t even have the qualifications to

make an effort to start. Once I start working on a certain project and preparing to start a business, it will

be canceled immediately.

“What should I do to break out of this?”

Jordan suddenly remembered a saying.

“Two mice fell into a bucket of cream, and the first one quickly gave up and drowned. But the second

mouse struggled so hard that he eventually churned that cream into butter and he walked out.”

This is a quote from the famous director, Steven Spielberg’s film, “Catch Me If You Can”.

Jordan had a deep impression of the film, in which the male lead was played by Leonardo DiCaprio. The

film revolved around the male lead’s repeated acts of fraud. He disguised as a pilot and scammed

airlines. He also disguised as a doctor and scammed a lawyer’s daughter into marrying him.

Jordan suddenly had a flash of inspiration. “Since I can’t set up a company or hire employees and start

from the bottom, I can go straight to the last step.”

“Wouldn’t it be better if I just disguised myself as a successful businessman? As long as I can fool

everyone and get everyone in the world of business to approve of me, my grandfather will definitely

approve of me too! In fact, I can even fool Grandpa!”

He could fake his identity, his company and everything else.

All he had to do was make sure no one could tell!