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Stomp on Your Broken Heart With Our Babies

Chapter 36
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As soon as she noticed the voice, she felt like her own head was about to blow up.

Why could it be him picking up the phone?

When she wanna shout out to stop him, the call was disconnected.

She wanna dial the number once again, but Sebastian walked over to huff in front of the security guard

domineeringly, “Don’t you know it’s working hours? You wanna get yourself fired?”

The security guard couldn’t help shivering. He hurried to take back his phone, “Mr. Sebastian, I am sorry. I will be

back to work right now!”

Seeing that, Bonnie realized she lost her chance to ask the guard for help again.

After all, she would be guilty if the guard got fired because of helping her.

She then responded with a glare at Sebastian.

This scheming, mean and snobbish jerk actually threatened this kind-hearted guard for helping her!

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Since then, Bonnie had to drop her will to make another call. Sitting still in the wheelchair, she then moved herself

back to the roadside, waiting for the pick-up.

While waiting, she looked over her shoulder, luckily to find that Sebastian had gone.

She breathed a sigh of relief and fixed her eyes forward on the quiet road.

Then a screech of hitting the brake sounded. An eye-catching lilac sport car stopped in her front.

As the window was lowered down, a man with deadly handsome face showed up, “Babe, get aboard!”

Speechless, she felt so reluctant to get in the car. But now that was her only choice.

She finally compromised. Then she moved herself to the side of the front seat, opened the door, got herself in and

placed the wheelchair inside.

“Take me back to the hotel.” She required.

“Right on! It’s getting late enough for both of us to rest in the hotel together!” he smiled.

With goose bumps all over her body, she fastened the safety belt.

This man was called George, the assistant working for Bonnie. He was actually a gay, who loved to hunt for love in

the nightclub. Besides that, he also enjoyed getting her busy working.

Bonnie returned to the Willisto while getting him assigned to Country M just because she wanna get herself rid of

busy work temporarily and spend some time with her kids.

She had never expected that George actually came to her so soon!

Her head was stuffed with annoyance as soon as she assumed the heavy workload he was gonna bring to her in the

following days.

“Annie, my sweetheart, why this annoyed-looking face? Aren’t you happy for seeing me again?” while speaking, he

was ogling her.

Bonnie slapped him on his face, gritting madly, “Focus on the steering wheel!”

Not until then did he start their way back to the hotel.

Meanwhile, at the top floor of the hospital, Sebastian was standing in front of a French window with his hand

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grabbing a glass goblet tight. His face was covered with grim color when he saw Bonnie get into a sport car while

talking intimately with a seemingly rich guy at these late hours.

Huh, what a wanton!

The goblet was then squashed into pieces.

Meanwhile, inside the Sunshine Villa, Bella ripped off the facial mask while yelling madly with her delicate-looking

face going twisted, “What?”

It was the nurse in the hospital who was talking to her through the phone, “Miss Bella, that’s the truth. I saw Mr.

Sebastian entered while holding that lady into his arms. And he said he had just offered her more than nine

hundred million…he suggested her to quit her job…”

Hearing that, Bella felt like being frozen out of shock.

More than nine hundred million?

He spent so much for another lady? What for?

He must be sweet on her!

“What’s her name?” Bella asked with rage.

It took the nurse a few seconds to recall, “She didn’t fill any form…But I heard Mr. Sebastian call her
