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Son-in-law From Rags to Riches

Chapter 25
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Chapter 25 You Have to Divorce Her

Joshua gave her a bitter slap on her face.

“Since you said so, I will try my best to meet your request.”

It was deadly silent in the dining room.

All those present were shocked at the scene in front of them.

They didn’t expect Joshua to slap Giselle.

Wasn’t he a cowardly man? How dared he!

Was he crazy?

Giselle covered her swollen cheek and was stunned. After regaining her senses, she shouted in anger,

“How dare you! I’m gonna kill you.”

She stepped forward and wanted to scratch Joshua.

However, Joshua dodged and slapped her again.

There came another huge voice.

He slapped Giselle harder than last time. The latter lost her balance and stumbled backward.

The false eyelashes on her left eye fell off.

Both her cheeks were severely swollen.

“If you lose, you have to slap yourself three times. Since you didn’t want to do it yourself, I can help

you. I’m gonna slap you one more time.”

Joshua murmured, walking towards Giselle.

Giselle, who had been slapped twice in a row, instinctively stepped back. “Stay away from me!”

Joshua seemed not to hear her.

Ever since he married Pamela three years ago, he had suffered a lot due to Giselle.

He used to swallow his anger because he was not capable enough to handle her.

However, he was not who he used to be. He didn’t allow Giselle to treat him arrogantly anymore

What was worse, she bullied Pamela multiple times.

It was time for her to pay the price.

Just as he was about to give Giselle the third slap, Lamont rushed over and shouted, “Joshua, what do

you want to do to my daughter?”

Joshua said fatly, “She is afraid to slap hersell, so I help her.”

Lamont’s face was dark with rage. He said loudly, “You are risking your neck. How dare you hit my

daughter! I’m killing you.”

After that, he rushed to Joshua.

However, he was old and was no match for Joshua at strength at all.

Joshua pushed him away directly.

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Lamont fell to the ground.

“Hurry up and stop Joshua! I’ve told you that he is ungrateful. He wants to kill Lamont.”

Seeing her daughter and husband being beaten, Lamont’s wife slapped her thigh and shouted.

The others present started to scold Joshua.

They kept saying unpleasant things about him.

Mary could no longer maintain calm. She stood up and cursed Joshua, “Stop! Believe it or not, I will

kick you out of the Windsor family.”

Joshua turned to look into Mary’s eyes, answering briefly, “I don’t care.”

Mary was furious.

She took control of the Windsor family.

No one in the family dared to talk with her like this.

Joshua used to be afraid of her the most.

Mary had never thought that Joshua would talk back.

It was unforgivable.

She picked up the cane and slammed it on the table, shouting, “Get out of the villa!”

Joshua replied without hesitation, “I will leave right now. After all, I don’t want to stay here.”

He turned around and walked out of the dining room.

Just as he reached the door, he turned to look at Giselle and snorted, “Look, you still owe me a slap

and an apology to Pamela. I’ll come to you again.”

He kept a straight face.

After finishing speaking, he left directly.

“What a bastard!” Mary patted her chest in anger.

The rest of the Windsor family was also irritated. It took a while before they stopped cursing Joshua.

Only Donte and his family felt relaxed for some reason.

Whenever the Windsor family had a meeting, Donte and his family would be bullied.

They had suffered a lot.

So, they couldn’t help feeling pleased with what had happened just now.

Pamela was especially excited. She tried hard to conceal her true feelings when Joshua slapped


Finally, she realized that Joshua also had advantages.

Although Joshua had gone out, the Windsor family had no appetite to eat.

Mary’s face was gloomy. She said to Pamela, “You have to divorce Joshua within three days.”

“Grandma, I don’t want to divorce him,” Pamela replied.

In an instant, Mary’s expression changed. She shouted, “You have no other alternatives. I have to drive

Joshua away. He will disgrace our family.”

Giselle covered her swollen mouth and sowed discord between Pamela and Mary, “Grandma, Joshua

has given Pamela such an expensive diamond necklace. That’s probably why she doesn’t want to

divorce him.”

Pamela was speechless with rage.

What Giselle said was nonsense. She did not want to divorce Joshua not because of the necklace.

She had lived with Joshua for three years, and she had gradually gotten used to him.

Even though she didn’t love him, she felt at ease staying with him.

Pamela had wanted to say something else, but Mary interrupted her, “I don’t want to discuss it

anymore. Just do as I said. If you don’t divorce him within three days, you and your parents have to

leave the Windsor family as well. You are no longer able to manage any branches.”

Heidy was scared and said anxiously, “I see. I will get Pamela to divorce as soon as possible. Mom,

don’t be angry.”

Pamela felt wronged and did not say a word anymore.

Mary cast her glance at Pamela and then changed the subject. She said to the others with a serious

expression, “I’m getting old now, and I don’t have enough energy to manage the family business. I think

it’s time to choose a successor among you guys to develop our family into a better one.”

All the youths of the family were excited at Mary’s words. They tensed themselves immediately.

In particular, Marsh and Giselle were in high spirits. As the two with the highest status among the

youths of the Windsor family, they had long been waiting for this day to come.

“For the sake of fairness, I will set up a test target.”

Marsh looked at Mary expectantly and asked, “What’s that?”

Mary replied, “Maple Properties had a new president this morning. The new president announced that

the company will have open bidding soon. We must find a way to win it.”

All the people present were surprised.

There were murmurs among them shortly.

The Windsor family had been trying to expand their businesses over the past few years. However, most

of their partners were developing themselves and couldn’t provide the Windsor family with good


Maple Properties was different. As the largest real estate company in New York, the demand for

construction materials was absolutely huge.

If they could cooperate with Maple Properties, the Windsor family would upgrade to a much higher


Mary swept her gaze over the crowd. “Listen, you guys need to make your bidding proposals based on

the situations of your branches. Whoever wins the bid three days later will be the successor of the

family business. The first thing is to get the qualification to participate in the bidding. Marsh will be

responsible for it. Do you have any questions?”


Marsh was the first to answer excitedly.

To obtain the qualification to participate in the bidding, he would have more time to go to Maple

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Properties and be on good terms with the person in charge of the bidding.

In this way, he would have an advantage in making the bidding proposal.

It seemed that all the youths would join the test fairly. However, Mary was partial towards Marsh from

the start.

“Then, let’s call it a day.”

After that, Mary left.

Marsh stood up and walked around the table to Pamela. With a mocking smile, he said

proudly, “Pamela, I know that you are capable, but so what? Grandma likes me more. As soon as I’m at

the helm of the Windsor family, I’ll transfer you to the sales department. By then, the only things you

need to do are to eat and drink with those rich men.”

After saying that, he walked out with his nose in the air.

“You bastard! Pamela is your cousin. How could you talk with her in this way?” Heidy said through her

gritted teeth.

Donterested his hand on his forehead and let out a long sigh.

Pamela shed tears of injustice.

She thought, Grandma is so unfair. What should I do? Who can I rely on?

Joshua left the Windsor’s villa, got on his electric bike, and was going to go back to the company.

He was crossing the road.

Then, all of a sudden, a black Hummer darted out sideways!

Joshua reacted very quickly and directly turned to the entrance of the alley next to him. The lights of his

bike were hit!

The black Hummer rushed to the entrance of the alley and stopped.

Aman got out of the car.

He looked angry. “You bastard, you didn’t expect me to come so soon, did you?”

It was Kermit!

Joshua squinted and sneered, “You did come very quickly! Are you also so quick in bed?”

“Damn it! Are you mocking me?”

Kermit glared. “just now, you embarrassed me in front of the Windsor family. I’m not going to let go of

you! You are so dead!”

Kermit said so.

Then, the sounds of motorcycles came from afar.

Soon, about seven motorcycles were parked by the roadside.


The motorcycles were all modified and looked garish.

A group of ruffians got off the motorcycles.

The leader was a bald man with a gold necklace. His lest hand was in a sling. It seemed that he had

just been injured.