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Chapter 316 316 - Current Situation
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Gloria and Fiona were fighting in Zen city. As you know, it was one of the border cities and it is near Ion city. Also, this is a major border city and is very close to the central city. Because of this from the start, many Warriors were present here. Also, the number of those high-grade Warriors was high compared to those other cities. At any cost, they will defend that city. As you know, the central city is the capital of human civilization and because of this, at any cost, everyone wants to defend their capital.

Most likely because it is very close to the capital city the number of monsters is also very high compared to those other cities. You can say at least 10000 monsters were attacking this city. Not only that, but even 2 S-grade monsters were also with those other monsters. But fortunately, Saint Markus fought those two monsters and because of this those other Warriors were able to focus on those other monsters.

Fiona and Gloria are already focusing on those C-grade monsters. Before anything you should know that Gloria is already able to break through to intermediate C-grade. So she was handling those intermediate C-grade monsters whereas Fiona was fighting those early C-grade monsters. At this time because they are teammates unable to break through to C-grade, they were handling those medium-grade and low-grade monsters. Not only them but many other college students were also present in that city and everyone was using their 100% to fight those monsters.

It wasn't that no one died. They already lost many Warriors while fighting those monsters but it did not stop anyone from fighting those monsters because right now it wasn't the time to feel sad.

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In front of Fiona, a huge rock golem was about to attack her. But she also wasn't slow instantly she also punched that monster. She already uses the spirit technique and because of this her punch also glows in a deep blue color. Instantly that punch completely crushed that rock golem. But she did not stop there and began to punch those other rock golems. While attacking those Rock golems she also got attacked by those rock golems. Fortunately, before those attacks hit her she already activated the body defense technique while using the spirit technique and this instantly increased her body defense. Even though she did not get injured that much, the impact of that once really sent her backward.

After learning on the ground Fiona quickly stabilizes herself. She looked toward those Golems and then split the blood from her mouth. Westing no time she once again went toward those Golems.

At this time while Fiona was fighting those golems, Gloria was facing wind eagle monsters. This monster has the ability to control the wind because of its large wings. They could create an air blade with their wings. Not only that, but their speed is also very fast. Gloria was facing those bird monsters.

Right now around Gloria, you can already see many bird monsters that have already turned into ice statues. But still, you can see in front of her many monsters looking at her with angry looks. Once again they are about to attack her with their large wings. But Gloria is already faster than them because instantly dark clouds appear above those birds and snow begins to fall from those clouds. Those birds already know how dangerous the snow is and because of this, they attack those clouds with their large wings. They begin to send air attacks toward those dark clouds. But even in that situation many of those bird monsters already got hit by the snow and that instantly turned them into ice sculptures. But that instantly did not kill them. The moment they are about to fill into the ground suddenly ice Spears appear and pierce through those birds' statues. It instantly killed all those birds.

Gloria quickly drinks an energy recovery potion, then tiredly looks at those monsters. In front of her, you can see many monsters. She needed to kill many more monsters and because of this, she cannot rest. Fortunately, she wasn't alone; those other Warriors were also attacking those monsters and it gave her some time to recover her full spiritual energy. But at this time she doesn't know why but she was feeling that something happened to someone. She doesn't know what happened but she just hopes that nothing happened to her family and friends. She quickly clears her mind and begins to focus on her recovery.

At this time every warrior suddenly heard a roar. Even those monsters also stop fighting and look in that direction. Those monsters and those Warriors saw that one of the S-grade monsters already died and the other one was very seriously injured. Instantly all those monsters begin to Roar in anger and they once again attack those Warriors. The dark spiritual energy that controls their mind makes them very angry after looking at the scene and because of this all of them angrily attack those Warriors.

For a moment those Warriors are unable to react but that does not mean that they won't be able to counterattack. Everyone knows that it was their mistake to ignore those monsters and because of this they once again concentrate on fighting those monsters. Their Saint already killed one of the S-grade monsters and it won't take him that long to kill the other one. Right now everyone can see that those S-grade monsters weren't that powerful and something was wrong with those monsters. You can say because of this Markus is able to kill one of the monsters easily and is able to injure the other one.


Right now, Alena, Maria, and Aria were also fighting those monsters. Because 3 of them were A-grade warriors, they were fighting those A-grade monsters. They weren't alone. Right now you can also see the white tiger Academy students present on that battlefield and not only that but even some teachers also present on that battlefield. Everyone is busy fighting those monsters. Everyone was following the same rule that those high grade warriors will take care of those high grade monsters. On the other hand, D-grade warriors will handle those medium and lower-grade monsters. With that everyone can focus on their role and they could quickly finish the fight.

Saint John and Saint Mira were in this city and they were fighting 4 S-grade monsters. As you know, one Saint wasn't able to handle that and because of this both of them came to this city. Right now both of the saints and those monsters were busy in an intense fight. Both of the Saints could see that these four S-grade monsters are weak compared to the monsters that they have faced in the Dungeon. Because of this, they have full confidence that they could kill those four monsters.

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Saint Mira attacks one monster with her mind sword while The other monster tries to attack her but she instantly gets away from that place. That monster who got attacked by the mind sword was now roaring in pain. As you should know that dark energy also attacks those monsters' minds and because of this the moment that mind sword hits the monster's brain it instantly seriously damages the monster's mind. Most likely Mira also notices that and because of this, she quickly vanishes from her place and instantly appears in front of the second monster. She also attacks that second monster with her mind sword. The second monster also instantly fell down on the ground and began to roar in pain.

After killing both of the monsters Saint Mira sighed in relief. At first, she wasn't even able to attack both of those monsters' minds but most likely after fighting this long those monsters also lose protection from their mind and because of this she is able to attack them. Actually, that dark spiritual energy also works as a shield that protects their mind from any type of mental attack. Quickly turn toward Saint John. But he also already takes care of both of the monsters and he just nodded to her. Finally, both of the saints focus on those other monsters.

Alena, Maria, and Aria with their subordinates already killed many of those high-grade monsters. While fighting those monsters, they also got injured but they did not care about their injuries. They just quickly wanted to finish the fight and then check the condition of those other Warriors. But in front of them, they can still see many monsters. But suddenly every Warrior saw that both of the saints had already killed those 4 S-grade monsters and they quickly came toward other monsters. Wasting no time both of them started killing those other monsters.


Hina, Victor, the principal of the Royal Academy, and many other Warriors are also present in the border City. Many college students are also present in that city. Fortunately compared to those other border cities they did not face that many monsters. But still, the first 3000 monsters and those Warriors were already able to kill 2500 monsters and right now only 500 monsters were left. If you are wondering why no saints were in this city then it was because previously Vena came to this city first and after killing the S-grade monster she quickly left the city and went toward the Lais city.

____________To be continued____________

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