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Remarry Missions: Catching My Naughty Ex-Wife

Chapter 27
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Chapter 27 She Came to Robinson Group?

The message had no sender’s name, and Damara could tell at a glance that it was from Abner.

A meeting at Robinson’s Villa?

Was this about the formal divorce discussion?

She didn’t overthink it, as whether they divorced or not didn’t significantly affect her.

After going through numerous masterpieces, she had a basic design in mind and planned to visit the

villa tomorrow.

Early the next day, Damara drove to Abner’s company.

Since she was going to the site, it was only appropriate to inform Abner, the homeowner, and she had a

few questions to consult with him.

This was her second visit to Robinson Group. It seemed the

receptionist remembered her face as she frowned when seeing Damara.

“I’m sorry, miss, for any cooperation matters, you should contact our business department. If you want

to see Mr. Robinson, you need an appointment. Thank you for being so understanding.”

Since her last visit, the receptionist must have assumed she was one of those women desperately

trying to approach Abner for money.

“I’m Mr. Robinson’s interior designer. I want to consult him on a few questions. Can you please ask

him? I only need ten minutes.”

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Chapter 27 She Came to Robinson Group?

40 Vouchers

The receptionist sized her up, found her composed and elegant, and then went through the call.

A minute later, she hung up and said to Damara, “Please turn right. Mr. Robinson said you can take the

exclusive elevator directly to the top floor.”

After confirming her identity, the receptionist’s attitude improved a lot. It seemed she was genuinely fed

up with those women lurking around Abner.

As Damara approached the exclusive elevator, about to step inside, she was shocked to see Sophia

coming out from inside.

What was Sophia doing at Robinson Group?

Damara complained inwardly but had no time to avoid her before Sophia called out to her.


There was a look of surprise in Sophia’s eyes, followed by anger, “What are you doing at Robinson

Group? Trying to get close to Abner? Didn’t I make myself clear last time?”

Sophia tried to control her temper, not losing her composure too much.

“Damara, if you want money, I can give it to you, but you won’t have a shot with Abner. I don’t want

things to get ugly in the end. You know very well that Abner has a crush.”

“Ms. Hill, I’m here for work.”

Sophia didn’t believe Damara. She had never heard of Damara’s company; it was probably just a tiny

studio. How could she connect with the high-level executives of Robinson Group?

Chapter 27 She Came to Robinson Group?

40 Vouchers

Sophia’s brows furrowed, her gaze sharp.

“Are you using the identity of the Robinson Group President’s wife again?”

Damara felt a bit annoyed, but she kept her composure.

“No, I already said that I won’t bother Abner. Ms. White, if you don’t believe me, you can call him right

now. Since he returned, I haven’t initiated a meeting with him.”

Sophia frowned, pointing to the exclusive elevator behind her. “This elevator can only be used with

Abner’s permission. Were you trying to enter just now?”

Da mn!

Damara was almost left speechless. Why did she have to run into Sophia?

“I didn’t know it was an exclusive elevator. Where is the employee elevator?”

She responded calmly.

Sophia pointed to the other side. “Over there. But, Damara, I warn you…..”

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་་ “You better not have any other intentions.”

Damara maintained politeness, nodded to Sophia, and walked toward the other side.

Once she entered the elevator, she felt relieved.

If Sophia misunderstood that she was nagging Abner, she might cause trouble for the studio.


Chapter 27 She Came to Robinson Group?

40 Vouchers

It seemed that apart from work, she needed to set boundaries with Abner.

The elevator arrived at the top floor, and Matt led Damara to Abner’s office.

Abner was on the phone, gesturing for her to sit on the nearby sofa.

Damara nodded, and she lightened her footsteps before sitting down slowly.

Abner’s tone grew slightly impatient as he spoke on the phone, “I’ve told you that I haven’t met her.

Mom, please stop being so suspicious.”

It turned out to be Sophia on the phone.

Sophia called Abner to ask about Damara.

“Abner, I saw her at Robinson Group. She’s probably here to see you. You should be careful. You’re

getting a divorce; don’t make a baby lately. Moore Group still has its eyes on you.”

Abner frowned. That woman came to Robinson Group?

No doubt, she was here to find him.

Moore Group wouldn’t give up.

He felt extremely frustrated because he couldn’t divorce for the time
