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Reborn In a Murderer’s Embrace

Chapter 81
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Chapter 81

“Colin, have you ever killed someone?” In the dim light of the room, | whispered the question.

He paused for a moment, looking up atwith piercing eyes, neither confirming nor denying.

“Let's sleep,” he said, pulling back the duvet and gesturing forto get in.

| hesitated but eventually crawled under the covers.

The rain had started outside, and the room was chilly. I've always hated the cold. It makes every muscle in my

body tense up, like I'm about to shake apart.

| know I'm someone who's desperate for a sense of security and affection. Because | was starved for love, that’s

why | spent years hung up on Dexter. | loved Dexter, maybe just to fill the void in my soul.

When it comes down to it, everyone's selfish. There's no one who lives solely for another, with a heart and eyes

for that person alone.

Just like Dexter, he seemed so smitten with Melody, but that didn’t stop him from doing all those vile things to


Thinking back on it all just makes my skin crawl.

Colin went to take a shower, and through the frosted glass door of the bathroom, | could see the yellowish light.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

During our ttogether, | noticed Colin had this thing about soaking in the tub.

| often worried he might end up drowning himself.

And tonight was no different. Even as | grew sleepy, he showed no signs of coming out.

“Colin?” Out of nowhere, | worried he might have died in there.

Lightning flashed, and thunder boomed outside, the room feeling vast and empty, and he was still in the

bathroom, silent and out of sight.

| got out of bed and tapped on the door, but there was no response. | was genuinely scared.

Scared he was dead? But how could a killer die so easily?

“Colin?” | pushed the bathroom door open with force, holding my breath.

The steam hadn't yet cleared, and there he was, curled up in the tub, seemingly fast asleep.

Maybe he never planned on sharing the bed with me. Back when we were holed up in that attic room, he had the

shabit of sleeping in the tub.

“Get out and sleep,” | said, approaching him and giving him a tug.

He didn’t move, just curled up tighter.

Chapter 81

Something felt off, so | touched his forehead..

Just as | suspected, he was burning up.

“Colin?” | went to turn on the lights, heat swater, and search for scold medicine.

“Phoebe...” He seemed delirious, calling out for me. “Liar...”

| sighed.

He meant Foebe, right? Why did he keep calling Foebe a liar?

What exactly had Foebe lied to him about?

“How did Foebe lie to you?” | asked softly.

| wanted to know what had happened between Colin and Foebe. Even though | had sof Foebe’s memories, it

wasn't everything.

“You said. “Wait forat the orphanage... such a big fire. Phoebe... | have to wait for Phoebe. can’t leave. |

have to wait for Phoebe...”

| furrowed my brow, straining to understand, and leaned in closer to hear better.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

But as soon as | did, his eyes snapped open.

| froze for a second, my heart stopping in its tracks.

I've admitted more than once that he’s handsome, and those eyes could steal your soul.

My body stiffened, and I tried to explain, but when | opened my mouth, no words cout.

He looked atgroggily, lifted his hand to my head, and kissed me. He was so hot from the fever.

“You...” It took all my willpower to push him away and sit back, confused.

He sat in the tub, wearing only his sleep pants, and ran his fingers through his damp hair. He was almost

otherworldly in his beauty, his legs too long for the bathtub, lean and straight. His skin was pale, his abs defined,

his V-lines sharp.

The sight in front ofwas enough to make anyone's heart race.

“You've got a fever; take your medicine,” | said, pushing the pills toward him with a trembling hand, turning

away to hide my flushed cheeks.

It's not my fault. He was just too alluring.

You can’t blDido for succumbing to Aeneas.

Colin's hair was still damp, and he casually swept it back, taking the medicine and swallowing it down.