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Quadruplets Unite: Mother's Words Are Law

Chapter Chapter 1492 Where Is The Fire Extinguisher? (2)
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The next day, Emmeline received initial treatment at the Wyatt Traditional Healing Center, with Brandon serving as her attending
After completing all the admission procedures, Abel returned to the 11th–floor ward. Upon opening the door, he saw Mia by the
bedside, engaged in a pleasant conversation with Emmeline. The two girls seemed to be surprisingly enjoying their conversation.
Although Emmeline didn’t speak, her face was filled with a radiant smile. Witnessing her long–lost bright smile, he felt the urge to
cry. This woman, whom he had loved deeply in his life, had endured so much pain because of him.
A week later, Emmeline’s condition improved, and he returned to Altney. Back at the Ryker Group company, he went straight into
his office.
“Mr. Ryker,” Lorren entered the office. “The fire department and police department have investigated our fire accident.”
“What’s the conclusion?” Abel flipped through the files on his desk.
“It is preliminarily determined that a loose wire end caused a spark, igniting the safety equipment on the storage rack.”
Abel raised his head from the files. “Would an experienced electrician make such a rookie mistake? It can’t be that simple.”
“The electricians have already given their statements,” Lorren said. “They also mentioned that our company’s wiring has been
rectified, and there are no hidden dangers.

“Then, where are the fire extinguishers?” Abel asked. “They were nowhere to be found on the day of the accident!”
“That day was the big cleaning day.” Lorren explained. “All the fire extinguishers were gathered in the restroom for cleaning and
hadn’t been returned!”
“Who said that?”
“The warehouse supervisor on duty that day,” Lorren responded. “Perry Noel and Alana.”
“Alana?” Abel furrowed his brow.
After finishing his work, Abel returned to the company’s backyard. He noticed that Emmeline’s Ford Focus was missing, so he
quickly called the security department. The security department informed him that Zahn had taken the car
Abel immediately dialed Zahn’s phone number. It rang for a long time before Zahn finally answered.

“What are you doing?” Abel demanded, “Where is Emmeline’s car?”
“Uncle Abel, can you speak a bit softer?” Zahn whispered, “My girlfriend is right here. At least show some respect.
“What?” Abel choked on his words. “Where did you get a girlfriend from?”
“She is the girl who learned to drive with me at the driving school. She willingly became my girlfriend!”
“Can’t you learn anything, Zahn?” Abel exclaimed in frustration. “You’ve only been here for a few days and haven’t learned
anything. Learn how to talk to a girlfriend first!”
“Well, it’s not my fault... Zahn replied. “Who would have thought that as soon as I mentioned that Ryker Group is yours, she

would fall in love with me?”
“Zahn. Abel gritted his teeth. “I give you thirty minutes to bring the car back to me. Tomorrow, go your home!”
“Uncle Abel!” Zahn called out. “I haven’t even gotten my driver’s license yet. The exam is next month, Uncle Abel-
Abel had already hung up.
After finishing his work at the company, Abel returned to his new home, Sylvan Mansion. Landon arranged for housekeeping to
come and clean up. Apart from Landon, no one knew that Abel had a home here.
Abel sat on the floor and played the slideshow. The figure of Emmeline in a wedding dress appeared, changing in the space
before his eyes, with her beautiful eyes and affectionate gaze: Abel opened a bottle of beer and drank it in big gulps, tears
welling up in the corners of his eyes and suddenly falling.
A week later, he returned to the Wyatt Traditional Healing Center. The door to the ward opened, and he appeared in his black
shirt and black trousers, exuding dominance. Emmeline on the bed was first startled, then jumped off the bed and threw herself
into his arms.
Abel held her tear–stained face in his hands and lowered his head. His thin lips were eager to have a passionate kiss with her. In
the end, he only wiped away her tears and softly asked, “Emma, are you feeling better?”
His warm fingertips wiped away the tears on her checks, and her heart warmed. Nodding, she made a clear “Mm!” sound from
her throat. A weight was lifted off his heart, knowing that his woman was starting to get better.

Another week quickly passed, and she slowly recovered. During this time, she began to calm down and learn esoteric medicine
from Brandon. She had a good understanding and quickly grasped the knowledge, and he even praised her repeatedly.
One afternoon, Abel was guarding Emmeline in the ward when his phone suddenly rang. Surprisingly, the caller was Benjamin.
Abel quickly answered.
Benjamin asked in a low voice, “Abel, is Emma with you?”