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Not One, But Two!

Chapter 70
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Chapter 70

"Which one of you is Emma Kain? We need you to come with us for an investigation."

Philip and Sasha were stunned to see the officers coming in, and when they announced Emma's name, Philip flew

into a rage. "What is going on? What did that girl do this time?"

Sasha was scared, of course, and she quickly said, "This must be a misunderstanding, officer. Emma is a law-

abiding citizen. She would never break the law."

"That is not up to you. Either you get her here right now, or we'll go in and arrest her ourselves." The one in the

lead was infamous for his stubborn behavior, and he would never bow down to anyone.

"Get that girl down! For the record, I blame you." Philip was enraged. He thought of himself as a famous aristocrat

in Harrion, and the look of police cars in his yard would impact his reputation.

Sasha didn't argue, of course, and she quickly went to Emma's room.

Emma was still shopping online happily. When her mother came in, she quickly said, "Mom, look! I just got a limited

edition handbag. Nice, huh? I've been eyeing this lipstick for a while now, but it was just too expensive. Now I can

finally buy it."

When Sasha noticed the amount of the transaction, her heart started to race. "Where did you get this kind of


"I made it myself, of course." She lied as naturally as she breathed.

"Tell me the truth!" Sasha slapped her.

Emma shot up from her seat. "What are you doing, Mom? That hurt!"

"Where did you get this kind of money?"

As Sasha was looking angry, Emma finally said, "It's Abigail's money. I logged into her personal website and

accepted a surgery request. That guy is super generous, Mom. He paid five million in deposit. Five million! So I

changed the bank account to mine. I did this kind of stuff before. Her stuff is mine, right? No big deal." Emma

shrugged it off.

Sasha was dumbfounded. "Are you stupid, child? That's when you were kids! She's not the same person now! Did

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you forget how she sent you to the police station previously?"

Compared to the frustrated Sasha, Emma looked calm. "You're too cautious, Mom. She's rich, and she's my sister.

It's not like she can sue me. Besides, she doesn't know that I have the money. By the time she does, I would have

already spent it all. What can she do then?"

Yep, this is all my fault. I've taught her a lot about mannerisms over the years, and yet she still grew up to be a

simpleton. "Sue you? She already called the police, and they're downstairs now, waiting for you. Just clear your cart

and give her the money back. We can deal with this if you don't have the money in your account. Don't you see?

Abigail doesn't care about us. She doesn't even do anything your father says, let alone us." Sasha could feel her

head exploding.

Emma couldn't believe it. "Impossible. On what grounds did she call the cops on me?"

"Because you put your account number on her website."

"I did it? Who saw that? She's the one who did it, alright?"

Sasha could not believe what she was hearing. "What did you say?"

"You're too nervous, Mom. Nobody can prove that I put my account number on her website. We can just say that

she did it. She borrowed my card, so of course the money goes into my account."

Sasha froze up for a moment. "Alright! That's what we'll say. But take those stuff out of your cart and give her the

money back. You'll be fine if the money is still in her account."

Emma was reluctant, but since the police were here, she took all the items out of her cart. "My bag… My lipstick…"

"You can buy those things in the future. Handle this matter first. I'll go ahead. Your father is angry, so don't cause

anymore trouble, alright?" Sasha tugged on Emma and went downstairs quickly.

Emma was heartbroken. I made the money myself. Do I have to give them all back? Damn you, Abigail. You called

the cops on me? She was frustrated that she couldn't spend the money in her account, but she knew what was

more important. Emma was a smart woman. If she was convicted of theft, she would be done for. Her last

experience in the police station still gave her nightmares. Hence, even though she was reluctant, she turned her PC

off and went downstairs.

The officers wanted to take her away, so she started defending herself. She told them the same thing she told her

mother, and she accused Abigail of slander, but the officers didn't buy it. They told her she could defend herself all

she wanted once she was taken back to the police station, and in the end, she was taken away.

Philip had a dark look on his face, and Sasha didn't dare ask him for help.

"Philip, she's your daughter, so…"

"You can help her if you want, but I won't! This is theft! She's an embarrassing case!" Philip was so angry, he

smashed a set of tea accessories.

Sasha trembled in fear, but she kept defending her daughter. "This is not theft. Abigail's your daughter too. This is

just a fund transfer between sisters. Besides, Abigail's not married yet, so she should give all the money she makes

to us. Emma was just helping you. She only did this because the company's cash flow is in trouble. You wanted

Abigail to give you eight million, and you had to give her the ruby necklace in exchange. She still hasn't cut ties with

us, and now that the company is in trouble, she doesn't want to help you. Worse, she called the cops on Emma, who

only wanted to help. She's not married to Jonathan yet, so she can't ask the Frasers to help." Sasha could always

bullsh*t her way through everything, and she managed to change Emma's felony into something more benevolent.

Well, unless the law had something to say about that. Sasha thought it would soothe Philip though.

And yes, it did work, for Philip was a fool. "You're right. The company is in trouble. She's my daughter, and I've

raised her for many years. She should help me out."

"That's right. I mean, she charges at least millions for every surgery, and we aren't asking for much. All she has to

do is give us two or three surgeries' worth of money every month, and it'll help us out a lot. Besides, when she gets

married, we'll be giving her all that money as her dowry. That's what all families from the upper society do, so why

not her?" Sasha continued, trying to convince Philip.

Philip squinted, and he thought as fast as his foolish brain allowed him to. Abigail did give him eight million, but he

wouldn't complain if he had more. If she could give him ten million every month, he could strengthen his family in

no time. Philip smiled smugly. "See Abigail and talk to her about this. We're a family. She shouldn't call the cops on


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Sasha looked horrified. See Abigail? No! She's a decent fighter. She might break my bones, and I don't want that.

She quickly said, "I'm not suited for this, Philip."

"So, you want me to go instead?" Philip glared at her majestically.

Sasha quickly answered, "That's not what I meant. You're her father, so it's even more awkward if you go."

"If neither you nor I are suited for this, who is?"

"Jonathan, of course," Sasha said. "He's Emma's boyfriend, so handling some problems for us is expected, right?

Besides, he used to date Abigail. She's still single until now, so she probably still likes him. If he talks to her, she

might agree."

Philip frowned, but he nodded. "FIne. We'll go with your plan."

Sasha heaved a sigh of relief. She quickly called Jonathan and asked him out for an appointment.

Jonathan didn't know why Sasaha wanted to see him. He didn't want to go, but he was still Emma's boyfriend, so he

came to the café reluctantly. "Why did you want to see me, Mrs. Kain? I have a meeting to attend later."

"You have to save Emma, Jonathan. She's arrested!" Sasha cried. The last time she was taken, Jonathan was on a

trip, but this time, she would not allow her girl to suffer.

Jonathan frowned. "Arrested? Why?" He was starting to dislike Emma more and more. Before this, he thought she

was a bit daft, but he didn't mind. After all, he didn't need a wife who was too smart. However, after seeing Abigail

again, Emma had become an eyesore. She got arrested? For what? Jonathan's face fell.

Sasha could see that he was upset, so she said, "Because of Abbie. You know that she still hates Emma because she

thinks Emma took you away and caused you two to break up five years ago."

"And she'd be right. After I came back from overseas that day, I got drunk. If it weren't for her being so easy, I

wouldn't have slept with her, nor would I have betrayed Abbie."

Sasha never expected him to defend Abigail, and she was stunned. "That's unfair, Jonathan. Abigail went to sleep

around for a whole night that night too, didn't she?"

That answer pierced Jonathan where it hurt the most. He was still annoyed by that even after five years. No man

liked it if their woman cheated on them. Even though he had cheated on Abigail, he would never allow her to do the

same to him. That was his hypocrisy.