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Not One, But Two!

Chapter 139
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Chapter 139

Jonathan's expression was very ugly.

In the past, Abigail was somebody who would get up in the middle of the night just to prepare some herbal tea for

him if he so much as had a slight fever or cold. I even went so far as to call her while acting like I was dying. I can't

believe she only called an ambulance for me! Where are her medical ethics!? What about her compassion!? Don't

tell me she gave it all to Greg!

There was a loud crash as he swept the vase in front of him to the ground.

"I'm not sick! Get lost!" His furious roar was so forceful that the doctors and nurses were terribly startled. After that,

they turned around and left.

The look in his eyes was extremely gloomy. There is no way I can't get what I want! She was mine five years ago.

She must also be mine now.

Abigail was now the best surgeon in the world. There were many people who were willing to offer generous

remuneration and favors just to receive medical treatment from her. It was equivalent to holding the very lives of

the high society in her hands.

Therefore, marrying her was equivalent to marrying the entire international high society. Who would dare to turn

down any of his requests once they were married? Forget Greg Buckley; even the Four Young Masters of Harrion

together would have to act according to his whims.

This was his plan. More importantly, it was also the reason why he had to marry her no matter what. He wanted her

so that the Fraser Family could enter the international market.

His eyebrows furrowed together slightly as he was deep in his thoughts. Seeming to recall something, he quickly

went into the bedroom and took out a DNA test report. This was the DNA test report that Greg and Alissa did back

then. However, it was a report that had been modified.

The corners of his lips lifted slightly, and an evil light flashed through his eyes. Picking up the phone, he called her

once more.

When Abigail saw Jonathan's name on the caller ID, she immediately blacklisted his number. She had nothing to say

to people like him.

When he heard the robotic female voice coming from the other end of the phone, Jonathan's eyes were so gloomy

that they were practically dripping with gloom.

Abigail Kain! I guess we'll have to do this the hard way. Don't blame me for doing this.

He gripped the DNA test report tightly and drove directly to Valerie's place.

Valerie was surprised by Jonathan's sudden arrival. Even so, she smilingly said, "Jonathan, you came! Come over

and let me have a good look at you. Have you been staying up late recently? Your complexion looks bad."

Jonathan laughed and walked over to sit in front of her. "Grandma, there's something that has been troubling me


"Oh? I heard you got engaged and are going to get married soon. What's troubling you?" Valerie smiled and quickly

asked the servants to prepare something delicious for him.

When he heard her question, his expression became depressed. "Grandma, forget my engagement. I don't think I

can even get married at this rate."

"What's wrong?" She was both surprised and a little worried. "Did something happen?"

"Yeah." He lowered his head and spoke in an extremely depressed voice. "Grandma, I used to have a girlfriend five

years ago. We had a very good relationship, but she suddenly left home and abandoned me for some reason.

There had been no news from her since then. I heard from others that she had gotten married. That was why I

forced myself to forget about her. Unfortunately, I could not forget her. As a last resort, I got engaged to her

younger sister while thinking that I could at least see a shadow of her in her sister's face. I can look at her younger

sister's face and be reminded of her."

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At this point, he looked like he was about to cry.

Meanwhile, Valerie's eyebrows furrowed together slightly at those words. "Jonathan, that was wrong of you. You are

being irresponsible to both yourself and her younger sister."

"I know, Grandma. But, I just couldn't forget her."

"I know, Grandma. But, I just couldn't forget her."

"You... Sigh!" Looking at his appearance, she gave a deep sigh but did not know what to say to him.

All of a sudden, he raised his head to look at her, his eyes brimming with tears. "Grandma, do you believe in fate?"


"Grandma, she came back. Moreover, she didn't get married at all. Five years ago, she got pregnant with my

children. Unfortunately, it was a pregnancy out of wedlock. She was worried that my mother would judge her and

accuse her of being promiscuous, so she secretly ran away with my children. She gave birth to my children and

raised them all by herself for the past five years. It's one thing if I didn't know anything. But, now that I know, how

can I leave her and my children wandering on the streets? How can I marry somebody else, Grandma?"

He clutched at her hands tightly.

Valerie was taken aback once more. Are there so many pregnancies out of wedlock nowadays? Abigail and Greg

count as one. I can't believe my grandson is the same.

She thought about how his mother had been anxious to have grandchildren in recent years. Victoria finally has

grandchildren, but she cannot recognize them as part of the family. This truly is sad.

"What did the girl say?"

Hearing that, he lowered his head again and sobbed. "She doesn't want to cause trouble for me. Moreover, she

doesn't want her sister to hate her. That's why she decided to marry somebody else. She also told me that the

children are not mine. But, Grandma, how can I not know whether or not the children are mine? This is the DNA

test report between me and one of the children. Please have a look."

He had replaced the name on the original DNA test report between Greg and Alissa with his own. And, the DNA test

report he modified had always been in his possession. Therefore, what he handed to Valerie at this moment was

the DNA test report he had modified.

When Valerie saw the names written on the report, she couldn't help being stunned. "The child's name is Alissa


"Yes." He lowered his head, greatly suppressing his voice. Nevertheless, his voice carried a hint of forbearance.

Her eyes abruptly narrowed dangerously. "Is the girl you are speaking of Abigail Kain?"

He nodded again but did not say anything.

"Wanton!" She slammed her hand down on the tea table fiercely, the force causing the plates and cups on the tea

table to scatter all over the ground.

"Grandma, I only came to you as a last resort. I didn't want to snatch Uncle Greg's woman, but that woman was

originally mine! Besides, the children are also mine. How can the children of the Fraser Family be taken in and

raised by Uncle Greg? Moreover, I heard that Uncle Greg believes that the children belong to him. I don't know why

he made that assumption, but Abigail was my girlfriend five years ago. She couldn't have slept with him, right? In

any case, I know what kind of person Abbie is. She is not such a loose and promiscuous woman!"

Jonathan fell to his knees on the ground, defending Abigail with every word he spoke. However, the more he tried to

defend Abigail, the uglier Valerie's expression became.

"How amazing! I can't believe you and your uncle are fighting over the same woman! Furthermore, she turns out to

be such a promiscuous woman!"

At this moment, all the favorable impressions she had of Abigail was gone.

I must have been blind! How could I have thought that a woman like Abigail was a suitable match for my son!? How

is that woman suitable for Greg!? It's clear that she looks down on the Fraser Family, thinking that they are not as

good as the Buckley Family. She wants to climb her way up the social ladder and even dares to use her children for

this nonsense! How despicable!

When he saw that Valerie had lost her temper, he quickly stepped forward and patted her on the back. "Grandma,

don't be angry. I know Uncle Greg might have been deceived. Here; I have pictures of me and Abigail from five

years ago. Grandma, you will know whether or not I am making this up if you take a look at these pictures. I'm only

doing this for my children. I want to give my children a complete family."

"I know, Grondmo. But, I just couldn't forget her."

"You... Sigh!" Looking ot his oppeoronce, she gove o deep sigh but did not know whot to soy to him.

All of o sudden, he roised his heod to look ot her, his eyes brimming with teors. "Grondmo, do you believe in fote?"


"Grondmo, she come bock. Moreover, she didn't get morried ot oll. Five yeors ogo, she got pregnont with my

children. Unfortunotely, it wos o pregnoncy out of wedlock. She wos worried thot my mother would judge her ond

occuse her of being promiscuous, so she secretly ron owoy with my children. She gove birth to my children ond

roised them oll by herself for the post five yeors. It's one thing if I didn't know onything. But, now thot I know, how

con I leove her ond my children wondering on the streets? How con I morry somebody else, Grondmo?"

He clutched ot her honds tightly.

Volerie wos token obock once more. Are there so mony pregnoncies out of wedlock nowodoys? Abigoil ond Greg

count os one. I con't believe my grondson is the some.

She thought obout how his mother hod been onxious to hove grondchildren in recent yeors. Victorio finolly hos

grondchildren, but she connot recognize them os port of the fomily. This truly is sod.

"Whot did the girl soy?"

Heoring thot, he lowered his heod ogoin ond sobbed. "She doesn't wont to couse trouble for me. Moreover, she

doesn't wont her sister to hote her. Thot's why she decided to morry somebody else. She olso told me thot the

children ore not mine. But, Grondmo, how con I not know whether or not the children ore mine? This is the DNA

test report between me ond one of the children. Pleose hove o look."

He hod reploced the nome on the originol DNA test report between Greg ond Alisso with his own. And, the DNA test

report he modified hod olwoys been in his possession. Therefore, whot he honded to Volerie ot this moment wos

the DNA test report he hod modified.

When Volerie sow the nomes written on the report, she couldn't help being stunned. "The child's nome is Alisso


"Yes." He lowered his heod, greotly suppressing his voice. Nevertheless, his voice corried o hint of forbeoronce.

Her eyes obruptly norrowed dongerously. "Is the girl you ore speoking of Abigoil Koin?"

He nodded ogoin but did not soy onything.

"Wonton!" She slommed her hond down on the teo toble fiercely, the force cousing the plotes ond cups on the teo

toble to scotter oll over the ground.

"Grondmo, I only come to you os o lost resort. I didn't wont to snotch Uncle Greg's womon, but thot womon wos

originolly mine! Besides, the children ore olso mine. How con the children of the Froser Fomily be token in ond

roised by Uncle Greg? Moreover, I heord thot Uncle Greg believes thot the children belong to him. I don't know why

he mode thot ossumption, but Abigoil wos my girlfriend five yeors ogo. She couldn't hove slept with him, right? In

ony cose, I know whot kind of person Abbie is. She is not such o loose ond promiscuous womon!"

Jonothon fell to his knees on the ground, defending Abigoil with every word he spoke. However, the more he tried to

defend Abigoil, the uglier Volerie's expression become.

"How omozing! I con't believe you ond your uncle ore fighting over the some womon! Furthermore, she turns out to

be such o promiscuous womon!"

At this moment, oll the fovoroble impressions she hod of Abigoil wos gone.

I must hove been blind! How could I hove thought thot o womon like Abigoil wos o suitoble motch for my son!? How

is thot womon suitoble for Greg!? It's cleor thot she looks down on the Froser Fomily, thinking thot they ore not os

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good os the Buckley Fomily. She wonts to climb her woy up the sociol lodder ond even dores to use her children for

this nonsense! How despicoble!

When he sow thot Volerie hod lost her temper, he quickly stepped forword ond potted her on the bock. "Grondmo,

don't be ongry. I know Uncle Greg might hove been deceived. Here; I hove pictures of me ond Abigoil from five

yeors ogo. Grondmo, you will know whether or not I om moking this up if you toke o look ot these pictures. I'm only

doing this for my children. I wont to give my children o complete fomily."

While speaking, Jonathan took out his phone, pulled up the picture gallery, and tapped on the pictures of him and

Abigail for Valerie to see.

These pictures were secretly taken by Abigail back then. There were pictures of them eating, pictures of them

strolling hand-in-hand, and pictures of her wiping his mouth while eating desserts together.

She was very young in the pictures, and she was blushing shyly. Her feelings of love were evident. At the time, she

only had eyes for him. One could clearly tell that she was in love just by looking at her eyes, her actions, and her

attitude. Furthermore, they were passionately in love.

Valerie was so furious that she nearly fainted from rage.

She thought that her granddaughters had been suffering outside for five years, so she wanted Greg and Abigail to

get married quickly in order to give the children a complete family. In the blink of an eye, her granddaughters had

unexpectedly turned into her great-granddaughters.

This feeling was simply unbearable.

More importantly, how dare Abigail bounce around between these two men. Does she think she can hide


She was so furious that she started shouting. "Summon your uncle, that b*stard, back for me!"

He hesitated slightly and said, "Grandma, you are not feeling well, so don't pick a fight with Uncle Greg. Uncle Greg

will only think that I am provoking him on purpose. It's a little inappropriate for me to be here."

"Leave. I will get to the bottom of this matter for you." Valerie felt waves of pain pounding against her head.

Seeing that her complexion was not very good, Jonathan said nothing in the end. He simply got up and left.

Greg was acting all lovey-dovey with Abigail when Valerie called him.

"I'm also a patient. Teal has Amy taking care of her. Do you really have the heart to abandon me on my own to take

care of another patient? Don't you care about my life or death?"

His accusation left Abigail feeling extremely speechless. "I treated your fever and cooked for you. How can you say

that I am taking care of others without taking care of you? Greg Burkley, doesn't your conscience hurt when you

make those accusations?"

"I don't have a conscience. Why would I need something like that? Is it edible? Can it help me block bullets?"

His wicked response nearly made her choke. This man is a scoundrel!

"I can't be bothered to argue with you. I'm going back. Teal should be done with her medicinal bath by now. I need

to perform acupuncture for her."

"Acupuncture? You know traditional medicine?" He was slightly surprised.

She replied indifferently, "I studied traditional medicine."

"Nonsense. Aren't you the best surgeon in the world?"

"In traditional medicine, the first thing we learn is to have quick techniques."

She didn't need to explain all these to him. It was just that she couldn't help giving him an explanation for some

inexplicable reason when she looked at him.

At this moment, Valerie's phone call came.

Greg glanced at his phone and said, "By the way, take some time to come with me to visit my mother. It's time for

her to get a checkup. It's possible she is calling to nag me about it."

"Okay." Abigail nodded and stood up. "I'm leaving."

After saying that, she left.

Hearing his phone ringing incessantly, he quickly answered the phone and smilingly asked, "Mom, can't you give me

and your future daughter-in-law some space to have a romantic relationship?"