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No.1 Supreme Warrior by Moneto

Chapter 701-750
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Chapter 701

“What would you kill him for? You’ll marry Cecilia Taylor in the future and we’ll be in-laws with the Taylor

family. We’re deemed as one family by then hence there’s no need to slit his throat.”

The head of the Gold family orated straightaway.

“Father, jackie is snobbish and always going about with his nose in the air! Okay. Let’s just forget the fact

that he insulted you and Grandpa but for the deed he did to the Gold family today, killing so many of our

men, don’t you desire to avenge the dead? Besides, if the words go out of these walls, what’ll be the

outcome? It’s shame and humiliation toward the Gold family! We challenged the other party to duels, not

once but nine times. And guess what? We lost all nine rounds! None of our men had won even one

round! Isn’t that embarrassing?”

Kelly’s expression stayed frosty. The more he looked back on the occurrence, the deeper the irritation

welled up in his chest.

“We can’t shove all the blame onto jackie for this. On the contrary, I think the fault is on you! Who asked

you to make such a bet with him? Moreover, it’s not a small and casual one. And you kept emphasizing,

what, ‘it’s not unheard of to die in fights’? Now that his bodyguard has killed ours, you were saying?”

Master Ezra was not particularly delighted with his son’s behavior—parading his superiority and desire to

prevail over others. He thought that this son of his was too impulsive and reckless.

“Hmmm, if we really want to kill off this guy, it’s actually not that painful.”

Old Master Gold tittered and continued, “However, I don’t think there’s a need to kill him right now. Did he

not keep on advertising that the birthday party that he’s going to throw for Selena Taylor, will shake the

whole Eastfield? That this party will be the grandest and most indelible. Today, he’d shamed us all, so

why don’t we return the favor on that day?”

“You’re right, Grandpa. If we end him right now, it would be too simple and painless for him. To shame

him and humiliate him in front of thousands is a better idea!”

Old Master Gold’s utterance knocked some sense into Kelly, he nodded to agree. “It just so happened

that Cecelia had the desire to compare with Selena, and suggested having our wedding on the same day

as the birthday party. This is an excellent opportunity to avenge ourselves! Just imagine, when the day

arrives, all relatives of the Taylor family will come to our wedding instead of Selena’s birthday banquet.

Many guests of exalted rank will be present at our wedding and no one will go to theirs. Just the thought

of it makes my mood soar!”

Old Master Gold bobbed to show unison. “When the time comes, we’ll need to gather as much

information as possible about their party. If they’re preparing a dinner worth one hundred thousand

dollars, then we’ll throw one that’s two hundred thousand. If they make it to five hundred thousand, we’ll

raise it to eight hundred thousand. In short, we have to make jackie realize what true wealth is!”

A gentle smile appeared on Master Ezra’s face as well. “On that day, our event will be more magnificent

and eye-catching than theirs will. By then, let’s see how he can stand by his promise—a party that will

shake the foundation of Eastfield!”

“Yeah! They even made a countdown just for the birthday party! And we did not even use such

exaggerated moves! We’ll wait until two or three days before the wedding and drop the bomb. It’ll be a

total humiliation to them when their advertisements are louder than ours but the event is not as

happening as ours! Such a shame!”

A contented smug appeared at the corners of Kelly’s mouth. The image of jackie’s vein popped out in his

neck and Selena’s white blanched face was like a ray of warm sunshine flooding Kelly’s soul—he would

be flabbergasted with joy.

“Kelly, get several men to challenge jackie’s female bodyguards someday.”

Nevertheless, Old Master Gold had abruptly invaded Kelly’s mind and broken his chain of imagination on

jackie’s and Selena’s reactions. He did not expect such a question from Old Master Gold.

“Grandpa, what do you mean? What am I going to do with those female bodyguards?” Kelly’s brows

drew together.

“These female bodyguards are no vases, all of them are very skilled fighters. The thing that makes me

worried the most is that I feel that they haven’t revealed their full strength! Such combat prowess is no

ordinary. So, try your best to find out, first, how much jackie pays them, then counteroffer with a higher

pay and get them to work for the Gold family!”

Old Master Gold expressed his thoughts, slowly.

Young Master Gold stretched out his hand and gestured a thumbs up right after hearing Old Master

Gold’s thoughts. “Smart! Grandpa, your plan is smart! Those ten female bodyguards are indeed powerful

and strong. If we could get them to work for us, it’d be marvelous!”

” jackie will spew blood to death by then! Let anger consume him, shall we?”

The head of the Gold family laughed aloud at the proposition as well.

Chapter 702

The next morning, Kelly went out with a few bodyguards to execute their ultimate plan.

He waited until jackie and Selena were both out only then he spent some money to dig out information

about the female bodyguards from some servant of the Taylor family.

When he finally got hold of the salary information of the ten beautiful bodyguards, his jaw dropped to the

ground and his eyes widened. He was utterly shocked.

The combat strength and prowess of those bodyguards were beyond extraordinary. With such skill, fifty

thousand dollars pay a month would not be an exaggeration.

The most overriding fact was that each of these gorgeous bodyguards possessed long and deceptively

delicate legs. If the hirer was some young master of prominent families, they would be willing to pay

everything, even if it breaks their bank!

“What the heck! And they’d actually agreed to this amount of pay?”

Young Master Gold was almost choking at his rage. He could not fathom what was on these female

bodyguards’ minds, were they missing some brain cells? How could they have agreed to such a low pay,

were they not self-derogating?

“Hmmm, Young Master, I think it’s good news. The lower their pay, the easier for us to persuade them to

join us. Also, we’ll spend less money too, given that the starting pay is so low!”

A bodyguard of the Gold family addressed with a huge grin on his face, wanting to please his young


“You got a point!”

Young Master Gold nodded at his words. He and his bodyguards were standing far away from the villa,

paying attention to the situation inside the villa’s gate and waiting for the golden opportunity.

After like a century, finally, there were two shadows. Orchid and another lovely bodyguard showed up at

the main gate of the villa. They seemed like they were preparing to go shopping.

“Finally, the opportunity is here!”

Kelly smiled slightly at the sight before him, and soon he ordered a few of the bodyguards to tail the two

beauties together with him.

Not long after Orchid and the other cute bodyguard left the villa, they sensed somebody was behind

them. Both halted and wheeled back immediately.

“Oh, it’s Young Master Gold. are you upset about what happened yesterday, that none of you managed

to defeat us? And you brought all these men with you to create trouble this early? Trying to use the

number to press against us, to kill us?”

Orchid sneered with a frosty cold tone when she realized the sickos that were tailing them were Young

Master Gold and his bodyguards.

“Chill! It’s a misunderstanding!”

Kelly let out an awkward chortle and approached nearer to the two, and explained, “Oh, my two beautiful

ladies, you’ve really misunderstood me. How could I let someone tail you and harm you? Look, both of

you are skilled fighters with high vigilance. Hence, even if I wanted to do sneak attacks, it’s impossible to

succeed! It’s dumb for me to do that!”

“Hmph! Good to know that you’ve used your brain!”

With Orchid’s arms crossed in front of her chest, she jeered with a stoic tone.

“My ladies, we’re actually looking for you to discuss some business with you.”

Kelly explained with a pretentious smile plastered on his face.

“Some business? What do you want?”

Orchid and the other female bodyguard exchanged glances, both looking perplexed at the statement.

“Yup! I noticed this iron fact yesterday, that all nine of you, wait, no, there’s another beauty. All ten of you

are strong combatants and your fighting prowess are incomparable! It’s really rare to have ten lovely

masters of fighting… How wonderful!”

Kelly said it with a broad mischievous grin on his face, as though he was a greedy moneylender.

An obvious irritation washed over Orchid’s face, she barked impatiently. “Stop talking bullsh*t! If you have

something to say, just spit it out! Don’t tell me you came here all the way just to praise us!”

“What a clever girl! And yes, I came here for an important business. I got to know that your combined

salary is only twenty thousand dollars per month, which is way too little for a skilled fighter like you!”

Young Master Gold put on a faint smile, and extended his left palm, showing a figure five, “Fifty thousand

dollars! How about the Gold family pays you fifty thousand per month? Quit your job and work for us!”

“Young Master Gold, let’s forget what you’ve said just now. Fifty thousand? We’re not interested at all!”

Orchid rejected his proposal straightaway without showing any hint of hesitation.

“Yep! You want us to quit our job? Dream on!” The other beautiful bodyguard refused Kelly’s proposition

as well, without thinking twice.

Chapter 703

The corners of Kelly’s mouth twitched as though he was having a stroke. He started to wonder if he had

misheard them. He had increased the pay from twenty thousand to fifty thousand, it was more than

double! Why on earth did the ladies reject this fantastic raise without even thinking about it?

“Alright, alright. I’ll pay one hundred thousand. One hundred thousand is pretty good now, right?”

Kelly tightened his teeth and stretched out another hand, spreading all fingers of both hands to gesture

the figure ‘ten’. “This price is five times your current salary. There’s no reason for you to refuse!”

“Hell no!”

The two beauties looked at each other and yelled in unison. Once the last syllable of the word dropped,

the two turned and walked away, not bothering to continue this boring conversation anymore.

“What the f*ck?”

Kelly and his bodyguards exchanged perplexing glances, each of them remained as still as a statue, as

though the episode had not registered into their central brain. Did these women just reject one hundred

thousand pay per month? Were they stupid or what?

“What the heck, I don’t believe it!”

Kelly was not convinced, so he ran forward, caught up with the two, and then offered again. “Two

hundred thousand dollars per month! How about that?”

Nonetheless, the two did not even bother to answer this time. They continued walking, nonchalantly.

“Three hundred thousand!

“Four hundred thousand!

“Five hundred thousand!”

Kelly kept increasing the amount as he followed the two by their side. The number was quickly raised to

five hundred thousand per month. Each of the ten female bodyguards would be offered five hundred

thousand a month, and it would be sixty million per year. The cost to hire these ten bodyguards was

already hellishly high!

Nevertheless, Kelly was not convinced of the refusal, and he did not believe that these female

bodyguards would reject such a high pay.

Finally, Orchid and another bodyguard stopped.

Kelly showed a victorious smile when the two had finally stopped for him. He thought that there was

hope, and he said expectantly, “How’s it? Five hundred thousand a month and all ten of you will be

offered the same amount. This number is considered high in the bodyguard’s market, isn’t it?”

“Young Master Gold, you won’t give up, will you? Even if you’ve offered us one million dollars, none of us

will accept it, let alone five hundred thousand.”

Orchid flashed him a mirthless smile, spilling out a statement that would break Kelly’s hope and stop him

from dreaming.

“What the f*ck?”

Kelly’s jaw dropped to the ground, and his eyes widened. “Why on earth did you reject such a great

offer? Are you nuts or idiots? That you actually refuse such a high salary! Are you a hardcore fan of

jackie? Otherwise, why are you satisfied with only two thousand per month?”

“It’s because Master jackie is Master jackie. We follow him simply because he’s Master jackie, it’s Master

jackie’s personal charm that makes us follow undoubtedly. It has nothing to do with money. So now, can

you f*ck off?”

Orchid smiled faintly, and she left with the other bodyguard in the next second.

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Kelly and his bodyguards, on the other hand, stood still on the same spot, completely stunned.

After a moment that felt like a century, Kelly only moved a little—he turned his head toward his

bodyguards—and asked in a disbelieving tone, “Master jackie’s personal charm? Did I hear it wrong?”

“No, you didn’t. Do you think that it’s because jackie is good-looking? Or it’s the inner kindness that

makes up his personal charm?”

One of the bodyguards managed to spew some thoughts after squeezing all his brain juice. He looked at

Kelly with confusion written on his face.

“I know! It must be that jackie has some sort of underground romantic relationships with these women a

long time ago!”

Another bodyguard blurted out of a sudden as though some truth had entered his tiny brain. He guessed

boldly, “Just try to think about it, women, in nature, are fans of love and romance. Usually, they would be

blinded and dazzled by love and thus make such irrational decisions. They’re emotional mammals that

can’t think logically. Otherwise, how could they pick two thousand over five hundred thousand? It’s a

stupid choice! This proves the secret romance between jackie and these women! They would rather take

two thousand than to leave jackie!”

“Jesus fcking Christ! It totally makes sense! Damn, jackie, this brat is something. All those ten beauties are his collection! Sht! This brat is just too good at flirting and seducing, isn’t he?”

Kelly nodded, his facial expression was full of admiration and envy. How he desired he was jackie right


Chapter 704

In the end, Kelly had no other option but to return to Gold’s residence, with his gloomy face.

The head of the Gold family frowned when Kelly appeared in his sight. He then asked, “What’s the

matter? You look upset!”

“I went to jackie’s villa to persuade those bodyguards to leave jackie and come work with us. But

everything is in vain!”

Kelly explained, smiling bitterly.

“Are you sure? How much do they earn per month now?”

Ezra—the head of the Gold family—was slightly startled. The thought of an unsuccessful persuasion had

never crossed his mind. Was it because jackie paid them incredibly high?

“Only two thousand per month!”

A wry smile on Kelly’s face as he responded.

“Two thousand? Are you freaking kidding me? They only earn two thousand a month, and you couldn’t

even get them to leave jackie? It should be a piece of cake!”

Ezra’s facial expression morphed into one of unpleasant surprise, his eyes were as large as saucers.

“Father, they claimed proudly that they followed jackie because of his personal charm, and even if I’ve

offered them half a million or even five million a month, they won’t budge in slightest!”

Kelly added further, his smile bitter. “Ha! Personal charm, can you believe that?”

Ezra’s mouth was immediately shut for a few seconds at Kelly’s claim. “Personal charm? What bullsh*t

reason is that? I think they probably have some romantic affair with jackie. Otherwise, how can they

reject money? Which type of woman on earth doesn’t like money and branded bags? What a joke!”

“Yeah, that’s what I thought too. But the real reason is not important anymore, it’s impossible to persuade

these women to work for us!”

Kelly heaved a deep sigh of defeat. It was obvious that he tried to suppress the disappointment within


After all, if he were accompanied by such a group of pleasing and lovely bodyguards, every existing man

on the earth would look at him differently—admiration and approbation.

At noon, jackie, Fiona, and the others headed to a high-class restaurant in an opulent hotel, with a team

of bodyguards together with them.

“Master jackie, are you serious about treating us to lunch? You’re so generous!”

Orchid could not conceal her smiles, obviously elated.

“Of course! You helped me to give the Gold family an unforgettable lesson! And did you notice how

snobbish and brazen he was before the duel? And how his expressions turned into one of those ugliest

and gloomiest ones, ones that I’ve not been seeing in quite some time! I’m delighted!”

jackie replied and a warm chuckle let out from his mouth.

“Ugh! I’m so frustrated! I’m at big loss! Last night was a priceless opportunity for me to showcase my

combat skill, and yet I was not there!” Elaine, on the other hand, whined like a dog, then she shot Ben—

who was sitting beside—a cold stare. “It’s all your fault! If I weren’t needed to protect you, I could’ve had

a good fight last night! Ughh!”

Ben flashed her a bitter smile in return. “Well, I didn’t ask you to protect me. You worry about me and

you’re the one who insisted on following me!”

“Hmph! If it weren’t for Master jackie, that he worried about your well being and asked me to protect you,

I didn’t even want to be near to you! And I still have to endure your vicious and venomous mouth every

day when my job is only to protect you! Elaine sneered angrily.

“Alright, alright. Don’t be mad. C’mon, I’ll pour you a drink. Thank you for being the most responsible

bodyguard and for protecting me every day! Is that good now?”

Ben signed in defeat. He opened a red wine and poured a glass for Elaine.

“Hmph! At least you know how to say thank you!” Elaine snorted coldly, a closed-lip smile formed at the

corners of her mouth, a frosty one.

Chapter 705

“Ahem! jackie, since it’s a rare opportunity to gather everyone for lunch, today the bill is on me!” All of

sudden, Fiona blurted, followed by a giggly laugh.

jackie and Selena instantly looked at each other, their eyes full of disbelief. The thought of Fiona being

generous and treating everyone to lunch with her own money had never crossed their minds.

“Mother, are you sure? I’ll pay for it, alright? Don’t worry about it!”

A pretentious modesty appeared on jackie’s face, he smiled and offered to pay.

“I’m just so happy today. Besides, I’m loaded now, no longer the old Fiona—poor and impecunious. It’s

only lunch, I’ll pay for it!”

Fiona chortled in return, her mood obviously high and good.

“Tsk tsk, it’s not easy for a person to change, Ma. You used to be such a stingy person. You wouldn’t pay

even if someone gave you money. I never imagined that you would suddenly have the conscience to do

so now!” Ben said, grinning.

“What are you talking about? What do you mean I was stingy? We were poor before. I was being frugal,

got it? Someone like me is more suited to manage money!”

Fiona rolled her eyes at Ben. “Eat all you want, everyone,” she told the entire family. “Just order more

wine if you think it’s not enough. The bill can come up to ten thousand, a hundred thousand—it doesn’t


“Hear that? Did you hear that? My mom just said that. Let’s eat. Don’t be shy!”

Ben said with a huge grin.

At that moment, a middle-aged man was seen in front of the Green Sky Hall’s entrance. He brought quite

a few people and went straight in.

The head of Green Sky Hall, Hector, immediately frowned when he saw the middle-aged man leading

the group. He then went forward to welcome them with a smile. “Oh my. What’s going on? The head of

the Eagle Clan is gracing my hall today. I did have a feeling that an esteemed guest was coming to visit

today, but never did I imagine that it would be you, Master Neuman!”

Lee Neuman, the head of the Eagle Clan gave a wan smile. “Master Zaborowski, I have a matter to

discuss with you today,” he said. “Let’s talk inside. It’s not convenient out here with so many people


“Oh. Alright then!”

Hector nodded his head, smiling. He only brought a few of his most trusted fighters and they headed

back in, along with the leader of the Eagle Clan. “Master Neuman, you’re being too courteous. Just call

me Mr. Zaborowski. That’s what my men call me. It feels strange if you call me ‘master’.”

“It doesn’t matter if I call you Master Zaborowski or Mr. Zaborowski. It doesn’t change the fact that you

call the shots here!”

Lee burst into laughter. The group quickly filtered into a receiving hall and settled themselves on the


“Alright, Master Neuman. There are no outsiders here. You can say whatever you want to say now. The

last time we saw each other must have been two years ago. You wouldn’t come to see me if nothing was

going on!”

Hector was still smiling. He looked warm and friendly on the surface.

Lee’s countenance shifted, turning heavier. He looked straight at Hector. “Not too long ago, 300 men

from the Eagle Clan died,” he said. “They were killed in the forest outside the city. One of them was part

of my cadre—Baldy! Have you heard of this incident, Master Zaborowski?”

Hector picked up his teacup and slowly took a sip from it. Then he nodded his head. “Of course, I’ve

heard of it. I even heard that it was a lone murderer. Tsk tsk. A man with such strength is frightening

indeed. He must at least be a marshal!”

Lee shook his head. “I think even a marshal doesn’t possess that kind of strength. Among the 300 men,

quite a number were masters within the Eagle Clan. You know as well as I do that the Eagle Clan is

among the best of all the Halls. Now among the Four Fighters, only three are left. If my guess is correct,

it’s highly improbable that the murderer is a marshal. Rather, it’s highly likely that he’s a King of War!”

“A King of War?”

Hector drew his brows together when he heard the phrase ‘King of War’. “It’d be a huge problem if you

provoke a King of War.”

Chapter 706

“Judging from the strength needed to kill that many men, it’s almost certain that he’s a King of War. And

we’ve been deciphering his modus operandi over and over, and all our men died by a clean break to the

neck. It’s definitely done by a single person. Doesn’t seem like anyone else helped!”

Lee’s expression darkened. “Because of this, we suffered heavy losses and our position dropped a lot.

Two of our territories had been snatched away by other Halls!”

When Hector heard this, his features twisted into an unreadable expression. “Master Neuman, don’t tell

me you want to get my help to take your territories back? They probably aren’t worth much if they’re just

small areas, right? Besides, this is a matter of the Eagle Clan. What does it have to do with Green Sky


Lee laughed aloud. “We won’t trouble you for this. I’ve managed to recruit quite a few fighters lately. One

of them is even stronger than Baldy when he first started out. That’s why we’ve already managed to take

our small territories back!”

“Then you just came over to complain to me?”

Hector frowned. He did not think that Lee would come over for something as menial as that.

“We’ve been trying to find the murderer of Baldy and the others for some time now. Finally, we’ve got our

man. It’s a 99% guarantee that it’s that person!”

Anger sparked in Lee’s eyes as he spoke. That man had killed 300 of their men, including a top fighter.

This thought sent his mind into panic every time.

“Tell me then. Eastfield only has a handful of Kings of War. It should be easy enough to weed him out if

you investigate properly.”

Hector spoke slowly after he thought about it, “But let’s say that he’s a high-ranking King of War and that

he earned his position through his fists. It would be difficult for you to get revenge then!”

“You’ve seen him before!” Lee revealed, smiling bitterly.

“I’ve seen him before?”

Hector frowned. “No way. I’ve not spoken to any marshals or Kings of War lately,” he said, surprised.

“And they think of themselves as the protectors of Daxia. They’re righteous warriors. We would have

nothing common to talk about in a conversation!”

“Mmhmm. He came to see you just two days ago. If my guess isn’t wrong, he even fought with your

men!” Lee answered, giving a wan smile.

“ jackie White!” Hector and the fighters around him immediately cried out.

“That’s right. It’s the adopted son-in-law of the Taylor family!”

Lee spoke in a confident tone, “I conducted a little investigation and found out that my subordinate had

offended a good buddy of his, named Tiger. Tiger is a delivery boy, someone unassuming. But he

actually killed 300 of my men to avenge his friend!”

Here, Lee paused for a while before continuing leisurely, “And according to what I know, your men had

also offended Tiger and his wife a while ago. And so that punk came looking for you! I believe that he

fought with your people!”

The corners of Hector’s mouth twitched slightly. It took a while before he replied in a frank tone, “That

punk didn’t come to us just because of that. There was something else as well!”

Chapter 707

“Oh, really? Why don’t you tell me about it?”

Lee was slightly taken aback. He never thought that jackie would meet the Green Sky Hall for anything

else other than the whole outcry over what they had done to Tiger.

At this moment, the master of the Green Sky Hall took a step forward. “This is what happened. Our men

are also involved in another business,” he explained. “We don’t just make business within the country,

but we trade with a foreign organization as well. We secretly take pictures of women and sell them…”

After Lee heard the entire story, he spoke up in a huff, “ jackie really went overboard. This has nothing to

do with him. It’s natural for him to ask for compensation from you because of what happened to Tiger, but

you guys didn’t even take pictures of his wife. Why did he have to get so worked up about it!”

“Right? This incident really pissed me off too!”

Hector’s expression hardened, then his gaze sidled toward Lee. This entire affair was between him and

jackie. He was curious why Lee was reacting in such a manner, blowing up even more than he did.

“Then what happened? Did you guys fight him after he came?”

Lee asked after he thought about it.

“Of course, we fought. Initially, we had planned to kill him if he wasn’t any good. But if he was strong, we

would brush the conflict off as a misunderstanding…”

Hector narrated the entire incident to Lee. After he finished his story, he released a long sigh.

“Unfortunately, we lost! All our people were no match for him.”

After he said that, Hector looked as though he suddenly recalled something, and could not help but say

to Lee, “Right, Master Neuman, isn’t jackie, a commander? I heard that he proclaimed to have two

hundred million dollars to his name during Old Man Taylor’s seventieth birthday party. He’s probably a

commander. But he claimed that he lost his medal. Why are you saying that he’s a King of War?”

“It’s obvious that this punk is lying. He’s definitely not some run-of-the-mill assistant commander!” Lee

chuckled. “I’m very sure that the person who killed Baldy and the rest of our 300 men was jackie. And

with that amount of destructive power, he’s definitely a King of War. There’s no way that so many people

would surround him together and still be killed otherwise.”

“His strength really can’t be underestimated. Judging from how our best fighters fared against him, he

doesn’t seem like a commander. Even a marshal wouldn’t have beaten us so easily!”

After Hector began to deduce the information, a shadow passed over his features. If this was truly the

case, he would truly be difficult to deal with.

“Master Zaborowski, that punk told you to cut off the entire photo trade. Do you really want to give it up

just like that? You guys make a lot of money from it every month. More importantly, this is a business that

will only expand into a gold mine, and you’ll just abandon it? Can you really do that?”

Lee noticed that Hector was in a dour mood, and he intensified his manipulation. “Why don’t our Halls

join hands and kill this nuisance?”

At this moment, Hector burst into laughter instead. “Master Neuman, you’ve spoken so much today, but

this is your main motive of coming here, isn’t it? You don’t stand a chance against him, so you’re coming

to us in hopes that we’ll lend you our strength!”

Lee nodded his head. “That’s right. I was thinking of that when I came here. That punk offended both of

our Halls. How can we just let him live?”

Hector went silent, pondering. After a while, he finally replied, “For now, we’re not sure if we want to take

jackie on. You said it yourself. It’s a big possibility that he has the strength of a King of War. It won’t be

easy to kill him. And in the end, we might suffer heavy losses and still end up on the losing side!”

Chapter 708

“Can you really stand it, Hector? This is a colossal loss for you! Have you really thought about it? At any

rate, I’ve got some grudges against the kid!”

Lee chuckled, although he was a little unhappy. He had thought that the master of the Green Sky Hall

would agree to cooperate with him. After all, jackie had bullied him practically to death.

He never expected that Hector would choose to compromise himself at this moment.

“Master Neuman, what happened to the Green Sky Hall is a little different from what happened to yours.

The Eagle Clan lost 300 men. They were your precious comrades, so I understand if you want to kill


Hector released a breath. He picked up his cup from the table and sipped from it. “However, no one from

our side has died,” he said slowly, “only two of our men were critically injured. One had his leg broken,

and the other had his d*ck rendered useless. So we didn’t lose any men, and we’ve only lost a bit of

money. There’s no need for us to provoke a man who has the strength of a King of War. Look, let’s say

we fight—we’ll still suffer heavy losses even if we win!”

The corners of Lee’s lips began to twitch. Green Sky Hall was very powerful, and they had the backing of

Kingston Hall. That was why he wanted to cooperate with them and gather their strongest fighters to

assassinate jackie together.

Now though, if Green Sky Hall refused his proposal, he would have zero chance against jackie, with only

the men from the Eagle Clan to rely on.

He never expected that Hector would cast him a long look and suddenly break into a smile. “Oh, right. I

heard that jackie had offended Young Master Wilson during Old Man Taylor’s seventieth birthday party

not too long ago,” he said. “The Wilsons are very powerful too. That guy really has got some guts!”

Lee was not an idiot. When he heard this, he immediately understood the hidden message behind

Hector’s words. His eyes brightened as he leaped to his feet. “Master Zaborowski, think about my

proposal for a while longer. Once you have truly come to your senses, just give me a call. We’ll stand

together, for the enemy of an enemy is a friend. I believe that there’ll be a day where we’ll be allies!”

“Let’s wait and see. For now, though, I really don’t want to provoke someone who’s as strong as a King

of War!”

Hector chuckled and climbed onto his feet as well, preparing to see his guest off.

Soon enough, Lee and the others left Green Sky Hall.

After the men from the Eagle Clan left, the old woman of Green Sky Hall finally blurted toward Hector,

“Master, jackie is truly a loathsome man. He’s making us lose at least one million dollars in a single

month. If we can’t continue our business, I think we should cooperate with the Eagle Clan and get rid of


Yet Hector had a frosty smile plastered onto his face. “Lee will definitely never forgive jackie for killing

300 of the Eagle Clan’s men,” he said. “I reminded him of something else just now though. I believe that

he’ll go see the Wilsons and make an alliance with them. They’ll help us get rid of jackie instead. Isn’t

that better? We won’t have to do anything. All we have to do is to sit back and enjoy the show. Isn’t this


The old woman’s eyes brightened when she heard this. She flashed him a thumbs up. “It’s perfect. It’s

absolutely perfect! We’ll reap the rewards for no cost if they’re really able to get rid of jackie.”

“Mmhmm. Let’s just wait and see. We need to continue our photograph business. We can’t just give up a

gold mine because jackie threatened us.”

Hector thought about it for a while and added, “But tell our men to be more careful. Don’t let jackie catch

them doing our business anymore. It would be troublesome for us if he did. We’ll just be as careful as we

can. As for jackie, we’ll let Lee and the others take care of him. We’ll just quietly rake in the dough.”

The few people surrounding him bobbed their heads.

At this moment, Lee and his henchmen quickly arrived on the streets.

“Master, are we going to the Wilson family’s estate?”

One of the elders had already guessed Lee’s motives. He could not help but step forward and ask.

After Lee thought about it, he nodded. “We should pay the Wilsons a visit. But the fighters from the

Wilsons are no match for those from Green Sky Hall. Furthermore, Green Sky Hall has Kingston Hall

backing them up. There’s no way that Kingston Hall will stand by and watch if anything happens to

Green Sky Hall. That’s why the Wilson family isn’t as reliable!”

Chapter 709

“Why are we still meeting them then, if they’re not that reliable and can’t guarantee us victory?”

The elder furrowed his brows and asked again.

Lee gave a bitter smile. “Wouldn’t it be better if we made an ally with the Wilson family while we’re

forming an alliance with Green Sky Hall? Firstly, let’s go meet the Wilson family and propose an alliance.

But don’t rush it. We’ll plan our next move once we have Green Sky Hall in the alliance!”

“But won’t it be difficult to get Green Sky Hall onboard? Hector already expressed that he didn’t want to

face jackie with us just now!”

A middle-aged woman chimed in, frowning, “Unless you have some other plan in mind, Master?”

“Of course, I have a plan!”

Lee burst into guffaws. “It’s impossible that Hector doesn’t hate jackie. He just wants to watch from the

side-lines because he fears that we are no match for jackie. He even reminded us of the Wilson family

on purpose, hoping that we will cooperate with them and get rid of jackie. As for them, they won’t have to

lift a finger, and their enemy would be gone. Hmph. Did he really think I wouldn’t see through his


The middle-aged woman clenched her hands into fists when she heard that. “Hmph. What an old fox. He

meant to use us as fodder!”

The elder asked, “Then how should we drag Green Sky Hall into this, Master? It’ll be very difficult for us if

they refuse to join us!”

“Didn’t they say that they wouldn’t sell photos to the foreign organization anymore? I don’t believe a word

of it!”

Lee chuckled and said, “We’ll get a few of our bravest men to pretend to be from Green Sky Hall and go

around secretly taking pictures. Then we’ll get jackie to find out and pin the blame onto Green Sky Hall.”

“Amazing. Your plan is absolutely amazing, Master. It’d be difficult for them to refuse to join our alliance


A few of the fighters surrounding him nodded their heads. They could not help but admire their master’s


“Let’s go and see the Wilson family!”

Lee waved his hand. He and his men drove straight toward the Wilson family’s estate.

“F*ck. That stupid jackie. My face still hasn’t recovered!”

A few days had passed since the party incident. Michael rubbed his face. It still felt a little swollen.

However, the injuries were barely noticeable from a glance. He would probably recover fully in one or two


“Dad, you must avenge me!”

Michael looked at his father, almost bursting into tears.

“Of course!”

David looked at his son, expression solemn. “Don’t worry. I’ve spent quite a lot of money lately to hire a

few fighters to be our bodyguards,” he said, “I even recruited some from other cities. They’re all pretty

strong. jackie won’t live for very long.”

Chapter 710

“That–that’s great!”

Michael heaved an internal sigh of relief when he heard that.

“Master, the Eagle Clan is here to pay you a visit!”

Right at this moment, a bodyguard ran in and reported, “The master of the Eagle Clan is here, along with

his fighters!”

David and Michael exchanged a glance. They were confused.

“F*ck. What does the Eagle Clan want from us? Organizations that operate in the day like us have never

had anything to do with Halls like theirs!”

David frowned. The Eagle Clan could not be easily provoked. They were far stronger than a second-

class aristocratic family like his. Their sudden appearance at his doorstep made him anxious.

“Dad, don’t tell me that one of our men offended the Eagle Clan so they’re here to see us now? It’ll be

troublesome if that happens. It won’t be easy to deal with them!”

Michael was worried as well.

David looked at the bodyguard. “Tell me, were they extremely angry when they arrived?” he asked.

The bodyguard shook his head. “No. They were all very calm. They said that they’re here to propose a

deal to you!”

“Alright. Bring them in!” David loosened a breath when he heard that. Then he waved his hand.

“Looks like they’re not here for trouble!” David told his son after the bodyguard left.

After a while, Lee and the others came in.

Lee raised his hands in a fist-to-palm salute toward David after he sat down. “Master Wilson, long time

no see. I heard that the Wilson family has been doing well lately. So admirable!”

David managed a wan smile and returned the salute. “Oh, we’re not that great. We’re just getting by. We

have no way to match up to a first-class aristocratic family!”

“From the looks of it, your family is drawing closer and closer to the title of a first-class aristocratic


Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Lee flashed a polite smile and looked at Michael. “Young–Young Master Wilson, your face hasn’t

recovered completely yet? Tsk. What a shame. I heard that Ivan from the Taylor family was the one who

beat you up?”

When he heard this, Michael replied immediately in a huff. “It was Ivan’s doing, but the person I’m most

frustrated at is that son-in-law of the Taylor family. My face wouldn’t be in this state if he didn’t think of

that method to punish me. I’m mad at Ivan, but I’m most angry at jackie…”

Here, Michael ground his jaw and clenched his fists. “If I ever get the chance, I’ll make sure that jackie is

flayed and tortured to death!”

“All right. That’s the spirit!”

Lee instantly stood up as he saw Michael’s temper flaring. He clapped his hands as he spoke, “You’re a

true man, Young Master Wilson. You have the aura of someone who isn’t afraid of anything. Men should

be like that. To bless when they have received blessings, and to take revenge when they have been


Delight sprang in Michael’s heart at the other man’s praise. “But of course, don’t judge me just because

I’m fat. I’m a grown man as well!” he said, chuckling.

Yet David, who was watching all this from the side, could not bear to watch on any longer. “Master

Neuman, just get straight to the point,” he said simply, tone blunt. “The Wilson family hardly associates

with your Eagle Clan on a normal basis. What business are you here for today?”

Chapter 711

When Lee noticed that David was raising the issue, he said, “To be honest, you know as well as I do that

the Eagle Clan has suffered heavy losses before this. We lost 300 men, and we’ve been searching for

the culprit behind their murders. We must avenge their deaths by killing him!”

“Oh? So did you find him?”

David’s heart nearly skipped a beat. He said, “Master Neuman, why are you here then? Don’t tell me that

you suspect one of us? Your 300 men were all elites from the headquarters. One of them was even one

of the Four Fighters from the Eagle Clan. We certainly don’t have the means to have a man slaughter so

many people!”

“It’s all a misunderstanding! You misunderstood me, Master Wilson,” Lee replied hurriedly. “I don’t want

to cause any trouble by coming to you. I wanted to cooperate with you!”

Here, Lee paused for a while and cast a glance toward Michael, who stood to the side. “According to our

investigations, jackie was the one who killed our 300 men,” he continued. “That son-in-law of the Taylor

family, jackie!”


Michael immediately exclaimed when he heard that. His expression revealed utter disbelief. “No way. Is

he that strong?”

“You don’t know who he really is?”

Lee was surprised. “I know that you’re on pretty good terms with Selena. Shouldn’t you have some

knowledge about the circumstances surrounding jackie White?”

“Not really. I’ve seen him fight before, but he was only facing off against a few dozen bodyguards. I know

that he’s pretty strong, but no way that he killed all 300 of your men all by himself!”

Michael still felt that it was impossible. He looked straight at Lee. “Maybe you’ve got the wrong guy? The

man who killed your people from the Eagle Clan, at least had the strength of a marshal or a King of War.

And jackie is probably just a head commander!”

“No way. We’ve verified our sources. It’s definitely him!”

Lee was extremely adamant. “ jackie is a funny little character. I suspected that he was a King of War

who was hiding his true strength and keeping a low profile. But once he’s provoked, the consequences

are unimaginable.”

At this moment, David nodded his head after he thought about the subject. “ jackie is very strong. I was

also curious why so many people respect him even though he was just an assistant commander. And

many war veterans had turned up for Old Man Taylor’s birthday party!”

“Dad, if jackie truly turns out to be a King of War, it doesn’t matter if he’s only a one-star King of War—

he’ll be extremely difficult to beat! What do we do? Don’t tell me that I have no hope of taking revenge?”

Michael twisted his features into a grimace, clearly unhappy with the news.

“Don’t worry. The Wilsons cannot beat him alone. But we have our brothers from the Eagle Clan with us.

Isn’t that right?”

David chuckled. “Master Neuman said it himself just now, that he came over to negotiate an agreement

between us. You won’t let him go just like that, won’t you, knowing that he murdered your men?”


Lee gave a wan smile. “Just get some of your best men ready and wait for our orders. We’ll get in

contact then and set out to kill jackie. We’ll arrange everything else!”

“But I don’t feel assured even if we combine the forces from our two families. In fact, I feel like we’ll suffer

many casualties! If we lose too many of our men, our position and power will drop significantly!”

David felt unsure of the plan after he thought about it for a while.

“Don’t worry about it, Master Wilson. jackie is a certified assh*le. He even offended the Green Sky Hall.

Soon enough, we’ll have the Green Sky Hall by our side as well!”

Lee flashed a mysterious smile and said, “But you’ll have to wait patiently for our arrangements!”

“No problem. It’s a done deal then!”

David extended his hand. The two men shook hands, faces beaming triumphantly.

Chapter 712 At that moment, jackie and the others had just finished their lunch at the hotel. They were

about to go back after a scrumptious meal.

“It wasn’t that expensive now, was it? We only spent over seven hundred thousand dollars. I thought the

bill would go over a million!”

Fiona was rich now. When she spoke, there was an undeniable tinge of arrogance laced in her words.

“Ma, you really… Did you forget our struggling days in poverty?”

Selena gave a bitter smile. She did not know whether to laugh or cry.

“Ah, why would I compare myself to the olden days? Now I have a son-in-law who can bring in the

dough, and my daughter makes plenty of money as well. Of course, I should indulge myself. Money is

meant to be spent!”

Fiona grinned and looked at Joan beside her. “Let’s go, Joan dear. I saw some nice clothes in a boutique

yesterday. I think it’d suit you. Why don’t we go shopping?”

“Is it expensive?”

Joan frowned. She remembered how jackie had brought her to buy plenty of clothing and all sorts of

unnecessary things the last time. Even now, she was still not used to it.

Besides, jackie gave her quite a lot of money. Now that it was in her grasp, she could not bear to spend it

every time she flashed back to her days as a cleaner.

“It’s not that expensive. Just a little more than ten thousand dollars. More importantly, it will look good on

you. I’m a little short, so I probably won’t look good in it. Why would I recommend the clothes to you


Fiona chuckled as she spoke. jackie had given her ninety million dollars yesterday. She was in good

spirits now, and she was even feeling amicable toward her son-in-law.

“Alright then!”

Joan smiled and agreed to the proposal to go shopping.

Of course, two of the beautiful bodyguards tailed after them to ensure their safety.

“Let’s go, Ben. We’ll take a look at your cybercafe and see how it is doing now!”

Andrew drank quite a bit during lunchtime, and now his cheeks were flushed. He patted his son’s

shoulder and they left. Naturally, a few bodyguards followed them as well.

“Let’s go, dear. We’ll take Kylie to the aquarium. I did promise her, after all!”

jackie looked at the beautiful Selena beside him, smiling as he spoke.

“Alright! Kylie had been wanting to go for a long time now. But I didn’t have the time nor the money, so I

told her that we would go together once Daddy is back.

“That’s why Kylie always hoped that you would return soon so that you could bring her there!”

Selena’s eyes began to reddened as she reminisced about what had happened these past few years.

At that time, she had been extremely afraid that jackie would never return. She had been fearful that he

would die on the battlefield.

Kylie would not have a father then, and she would officially be an orphan.

Fortunately, the gods were smiling upon them, and jackie returned. He did not disappoint her either,

turning out to be a strong and reliable man.

“Don’t worry. I’m back now. All we need to do is live our lives peacefully. We’ll definitely be happy


jackie was touched. He swept Kylie into his arms and walked forward.

Orchid and three other female bodyguards trailed after them, keeping an eye out for danger.

In a car not too far away from them, Flynn was watching the entire exchange furiously.

“It’s time to make a move, Cousin. jackie has been poisoned for a few days now. He’s definitely not in his

best form to fight!”

Chapter 713 Flynn spoke with such hatred, and he gritted his teeth in fury and bitterness.

“Don’t wear yourself out over this. The people I’ve dispatched are ready to give jackie a good beating

without killing him. We still need to wait for him to make a fool of himself and die painfully during Selena’s

birthday party.” With a cynical grin on his face, Ken then took out his phone to make a call.

Not a second later, more than a dozen people walked out from an alley, seemingly dubious and shady-


Flynn frowned as he looked at the people slowly emerging from the alley. “Are these people reliable,


“Don’t worry. I was afraid of exposing myself so I employed gangsters, but there are several strong ones

among them, and they’re definitely reliable!” Ken said confidently. “Of course, they’re no match to a not-

poisoned jackie, but as luck would have it, he’s weakening due to the poison as we speak. It’s been days

now, and he definitely seems to be unaware. Rest assured: these people could give him a good one-


Still, Flynn was considerably worried—and rather surprised—when he saw four stunning ladies with

jackie. “Look at him. He has four women with him, and the words ‘Taylor family’s bodyguard’ are written

on their clothes… I wonder what these four women are like.”

“We never heard of jackie employing bodyguards. F*ck!” Ken cursed the wind. “Now that Xena isn’t with

them, we won’t get updates about them in real-time.”

Once he gave the women a once-over, Ken then surmised, “It should be fine. Look at those four women.

Do they look like bodyguards? All of them have long legs, fair skin and pretty faces. Well, there’s no

reason to fret. They’re no match for a gang this many in number, and that’s for sure!”

Flynn nodded, agreeing to Ken. “ jackie is really good at employing bodyguards, I’ll give him that. All of

them are so pretty. I don’t think he’s employing bodyguards… I think he’s getting his hands on women!”

“My thoughts exactly,” snapped Ken. “This womanizer! Selena loves him so much, but he might’ve had

secret affairs with these women since long ago. That irks me so much! And here I am, holding Selena so

dear to me and treats her so well. I don’t even mind that she’s married and has a child. How dare she

ignore me! This is so frustrating!”

Orchid’s keen eyes noted the group of people walking toward them from afar, and she saw the

unmistakable look of malice in their eyes. “Master, see those people there? They seem to be coming our


“There are only a dozen people, so I’ll leave them to you guys.” With his child, Kylie in his arms, he

gently spoke, “Kylie, turn your head away, don’t look forward now. You might be frightened of what’ll

happen next. It might get brutal.”

The last thing jackie expected was for Kylie’s defiant, “No!” She then pouted. “I want to see how the

pretty sisters fight the bad guys. I want to beat bad guys up when I’m older, too! I’ll beat anyone who

bullies Mommy and Daddy!”

“This girl…” At a loss of words for a good while, he felt a warm sensation going through the fibers of his

being. “Alright. Since you’re brave enough, you can look.”

Turning to his bodyguards, jackie then ordered, “If they make a move, you fight back, but don’t kill

anybody so you don’t scare Kylie. Just give them a beating they’ll never forget!”

“Yes, Master!” Orchid and the group nodded.

The gangsters acted nonchalant—somewhat unsuspicious—as they came closer, but they

instantaneously reacted once they came close enough to jackie and his company.

“Beat them!” yelled one of the people with dyed-blonde hair, and everyone else rushed toward jackie not

a moment later.

All four beautiful female bodyguards encompassed jackie and his family defensively. They attacked at

the same time.

In just a blink of an eye, the gangsters dropped like f