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No More Pain For This Villain.

Chapter 69 Dreadclaw Part-4
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As I stood up, feeling a satisfying pop in my neck, I focused on the trio of adversaries who remained. 


 System notification.

You earned 70 blood points for killing...

Total blood points: 120


I brushed aside the system notification and focused on bandits.

Their expressions were concealed by their covered faces, but their apprehension and determination were evident in their body language. They understood the dire situation they were in.


I withdrew my sword from the fallen bandit's body, giving it a quick shake to remove the excess blood. The scent of burnt blood lingered in the air, invoking a strange sense of nostalgia.

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The battlefield grew tense, and a momentary silence settled over the area. Time seemed to slow down, granting me a precious opportunity to assess my opponents. Each of them wielded a different weapon—a dagger, a mace, and a short sword. They were ready to make their final stand against me.

Without uttering a word, the bandit with the dagger lunged forward, displaying swift and agile movements. I swiftly sidestepped his attack, narrowly evading the sharp blade.


In response, I swung my sword in a wide arc, aiming for his exposed flank. The blade whooshed through the air, but he managed to dodge at the last moment, narrowly escaping the fatal blow.

I followed up with a kick aimed at his shin, but he quickly raised his hands, deflecting the attack. A distinct cracking sound echoed, indicating that he might have broken a bone in the process.

Meanwhile, the bandit wielding the mace launched a frontal assault, swinging the heavy weapon with brutal force. Reacting swiftly, I parried the attack with my sword, resulting in a resounding clash of metal. The impact sent vibrations up my arm, causing a momentary ache.

As the third bandit, armed with a short sword, assessed the situation, he saw an opening and lunged at me, aiming for my vulnerable flank. I swiftly spun around, evading the attack with a hair's breadth and countering with a quick kick to his abdomen. The force of the impact doubled him over, granting me a split second to strike with the pommel of my sword, temporarily incapacitating him.

Taking advantage of the moment, I swiftly cladded my index and middle fingers of my left hand and -


'You Crazy Ass Sadistic Motherfucker!' Blaze's voice broke the silence, questioning my intentions with a mixture of disbelief and judgment. I couldn't deny the sadistic nature of my actions, even though I knew it wasn't morally right.

Because With a poke, I targeted his eyes, my fingers poking into his skull. causing blood to spill from his sockets. It took him a moment to comprehend what had happened, but before he could scream, I channeled a powerful surge of lightning through my fingers. 


The intense discharge of mana caused his head to explode, painting my face with blood, while the remaining half of his body collapsed lifelessly.


In the aftermath, a heavy silence enveloped the scene. I took a moment to reflect on the lives lost during this violent encounter, acknowledging the harsh realities of the world I inhabited. 

"Perhaps this counts as a second, now," I mused aloud. Observing the two remaining bandits, I noticed their trembling legs and loss of confidence. Fear had replaced their once-assured postures.

As the battle raged on, a wave of intensity washed over me, and everything around me seemed to fade into a hazy blur. The world transformed into shades of blue, a surreal backdrop for the relentless fight that unfolded.

Despite the searing pain of the stab wound, I refused to succumb to the agony. Every movement was infused with a fierce determination, a refusal to let my adversaries claim victory. With every ounce of strength and skill I possessed, I unleashed a torrent of strikes, dodges, and counters.

Their attempts to hurt me became fuel for my relentless pursuit of vengeance. Each blow I landed carried the weight of my hate and enjoyment, delivering a resounding message of defiance. I fought with a ferocity that bordered on madness, channeling my every emotion and dancing into a symphony of violence.

In the midst of the chaos, I ensured that their deaths would be as humiliating as possible. I exploited their vulnerabilities, striking with precision and exacting my revenge with a ruthless efficiency. The battlefield became a stage for their ultimate downfall, as I orchestrated their demise with calculated brutality.

"Ahhhhh!"Their cries of pain echoed in the air, mingling with the clash of steel and the thudding of bodies hitting the ground. It was a symphony of suffering, a testament to the depths of my entertainment.

Time seemed to stretch, each passing second filled with a raw and unrelenting determination. The taste of blood and the sting of my wounds served only to further ignite the fire within me. There was no room for mercy or restraint, only a relentless pursuit of death, no matter how brutal it may be.

As the last of my opponents fell, the weight of the battle settled upon me. I stood amidst the wreckage, my body battered and broken, but my hunger was not dissipated.

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"Haa haa." I controlled my breathing. The blue haze that had consumed my vision slowly dissipated, revealing the aftermath of my wrath.


Silence engulfed the battlefield, broken only by the sound of my ragged breaths. I surveyed the scene, a tableau of triumph and tragedy. The humiliation etched upon their lifeless faces served as a testament to the price they paid for crossing me.

In that moment, I realised how much I've missed all this.


I took a step back, my heart pounding, my body trembling with a mixture of adrenaline and exhaustion. The battlefield may have been drenched in blue, but it was the red stains of blood that would forever mark the legacy of my wrath.

Brandishing the system notification about points being credited I refocused.

"Hey Henry, are all of you fine?" I asked as I turned around, but what I saw was something I hadn't expected.


"S-stop!" Henry shouted, his expression a pure example of horror and shock.

I looked around and saw the same expression on everyone's faces. Whether it was the now restrained remaining bandits, Anabelle's group, or even Anabelle herself, they all looked at me with the familiar expression I had grown accustomed to in my previous life.

It was a mix of fear, shock, betrayal, and disgust.

"It feels like home." I muttered under my breath.