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Impulsive Vow to an Enigmatic Husband

Chapter 19
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Chapter 19

Cornelia felt a terrible headache, but when she heard Marcus’s question, she immediately said, “Don’t

worry, President Hartley, my work won’t be affected at all.”

Marcus didn’t pay attention to her anymore and got on the business van heading to the scenic area.

A driver and Helena joined to pick them up, making it a party of five in the car, including the trio.

Helena sat next to Marcus, chatting him up about the scenic area’s info the whole way. Cornelia and

Ben sat in the back, taking notes on their laptop about their conversation.

During the hour–long drive, Helena kept talking, and Cornelia and Ben kept taking notes. By the time

they arrived at the scenic area, it was already evening.

The company had arranged dinner, but Cornelia wasn’t feeling well and had no appetite, so she

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decided to check in first.

The Hartley Group’s own hotel was fully equipped.

It was quite a rare find to have such a hotel in such a relatively remote place.

After taking a shower and changing into her pajamas, Cornelia went to bed. Just as she fell asleep, she

was woken up by the ringing of the phone.

The call was from Merlin, her tone not very friendly, “Ms. Stewart, it’s already past eight, why aren’t you


Cornelia suddenly remembered that she had made an appointment to meet with a lawyer tonight, but

she was so far away from Riverton that it was impossible to go back immediately, “I’m sorry, I’m pretty

busy lately and don’t have time to meet with you.”

Merlin asked, “When will you have time to see me? Give me a definite time, please.”

This job was a temporary arrangement, and how long it would last depended on Marcus’s decision,

Cornelia really wasn’t sure when she could go back, “Helena, I’ll contact you when I have time.”

If she couldn’t get her divorce agreement signed this time, Merlin was worried that Marcus would get

angry and he might lose her job.

He angrily asked, “Are you too busy, or do you not want to get a divorce?”

Cornelia’s headache was too severe. She didn’t have the energy to argue with him, so she hung up the

phone, turned it off, and prepared to get some good rest, hoping to adapt to the local climate when she

woke up in the morning.

Just as she was about to close her eyes, the doorbell rang again.

Cornelia thought, “Will thèse people ever let me rest?”

She got up impatiently and went to open the door. When the door opened, Helena was standing there

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with a smile on her face, “Cornelia, I noticed you weren’t feeling well, so I brought you some medicine.”

Cornelia didn’t refuse her kindness and took the medicine, “Thank you, Helena.”

Helena looked at her but didn’t seem to want to leave, “Can I come in and talk to you for a bit?”

Cornelia didn’t want her to come in, but she let her in anyway, “Helena, what do you want to talk to me


Helena looked at Cornelia, “Do you know that President Hartley is married?”

Cornelia nodded, “I know.”

Helena continued, “Since you know, you should be more cautious with your words and actions to avoid

causing misunderstandings between him and his wife.

Cornelia frowned unhappily, “Helena, is there anything inappropriate about my behavior?”