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His Sweet Little Mate by Obticeo Decatect

Chapter 28
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Chapter 28

It wasn’t too long before the carriages arrived at the restaurant, but Abby couldn’t help but feel like it

was several hours before she could escape that small box of gossip called luxurious carriage.

Abby even considered stopping the carriage in the middle, and leaving with Reyna. To hell with this

lunch date with Ruby and her friends. If meeting new friends was this troublesome, she didn’t need it.

Even traveling in the ordinary carriage with the maid ser vants would be a hundred times better than


“We have arrived,” the coachmen announced and Abby couldn’t feel happier.

As soon as they got down, Reyna rushed to her and checked on her. “Laby Abby, are you alright?”

Abby only shook her head in response as she followed the rest into the private room, hoping to get.

done with this lunch as soon as possible.

And just like what Ruby said, they were soon ushered into a private room, where they settled down

around a large table, which could easily accommodate ten people.

“Abby, I’ll let you choose our food today,” Ruby said, as she handed over the menu to Abby, who just

sat down on her chair at this humongous table.

“But, I don’t know what is good here,” Abby deflected in a soft voice.

“Oh, right, how could I forget? I’m sorry, Abby. It slipped my mind that this is all new to you,” Ruby said,

looking apologetic. Meanwhile, Abby couldn’t help but feel like she was implying something else


However, before she could delve deeper into that thought, Ruby quickly ordered a table full of food,

comprising several meat dishes and desserts. They all looked expensive and came in even larger

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Abby could understand that the shifters had huge appetites but this was simply a waste of food, while

the maids who came with them were sitting at a smaller table in the same private room and ordered

food separately.

Abby couldn’t stomach the food as the girls resumed gushing over the King. Initially, her mood was not

good, now it plummeted again as these girls couldn’t find another topic other than Micah, and it

became unbearable for Abby.

She couldn’t join their gossiping/marathon either.

“…oh, right. Ruby, how long have you known the King for?” Tia asked Ruby suddenly, as they talked.

about several things before circling back to Micah once again.

And before Ruby could answer her, Leila beat her to it. “She knew him all her life. They basically grew

up together. Just like (wo peas in a pod.” The girl punctuated her words with a smile.

“Oh, come on, Leila. It’s not that exaggerated.” Ruby immediately denied her words, blushing a



Chapter 28


“I’m not exaggerating anything. Did you guys not grow up together? Or did you guys not train

together?” Leila quickly asked her back, flashing her a knowing smile.

“Everyone in the capital knows how close you two are,” Tia added, going as far as wiggling her

eyebrows at her.

“Exactly. You are the former royal beta’s daughter, while he is the previous king’s son. You two have so

much in common as well.” Gissele noted you loud.

“Yeah, they were taught together since they both were really young. You guys are really the true

definition of childhood sweethearts,” Tia said, and Abby almost choked on her food.

But the other three women were so engrossed in this conversation, they didn’t notice how she grew

uncomfortable by each second that passed.

Or they simply chose to ignore her completely, Abby couldn’t help but realize this nagging feeling at the

back of her mind.

On the other hand, Ruby blushed even more as she denied their words again. “I am not denying that

we were friends from our childhood. But childhood sweethearts is a very big word, Tia.”

“Oh come on, can you say that even your parents never had that thought? Or nothing ever happened

between you two?” Leila asked and Ruby fell silent.

“A small kiss on cheek when we were little couldn’t be counted guys,” Ruby said a moment later.

If Abby wasn’t sure before, she was now. These three were intentionally trying to make her feel

uncomfortable. Only she couldn’t understand what they could get by doing so.

“But what about your parents? I heard that they actually hoped for you two to get together after you

grow up. Especially our previous king.” Gissele said.

Abby couldn’t tell if everything they said was true or not, but she couldn’t help feeling that they were all

trying to imply something really important.

“Not just getting together, they even thought these two would end up as each other’s destined mates at

one point of time,” Tia sounded too carried away, as her voice came out beyond excited. “Too bad, it

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was not the case.”

“Now, she can’t even get the man by becoming his chosen mate anymore,” Gissele said, sounding

apologetic for Ruby.

Meanwhile, Ruby had this nostalgic expression on her face as if she was being forced to do something

she didn’t want to.

“Don’t talk like that,” Ruby started, as she wrenched her hands. But before she could continue, they all

heard an audible clang from Abby’s direction.

The table fell utterly silent as they all turned around to look at Abby, who had long turned speechless.

They had invited her to this lunch and now they were all acting as if they had completely forgotten

about her until that moment.

Chapter 28

Abby was genuinely shocked hearing their endless nonsense. These three girls made it sound like she

came in between the real couple that was the King and this Ruby girl And Abby couldn’t help but

remember the fact that she couldn’t feel anything mates related toward the King again.

Seeing that Abby was really uncomfortable, Reyna walked over to their table and tried to make an

excuse so that Abby could leave this place

“Miss Ruby, Lady Abby seems unwell. I want to take her back to the palace.” Reyna boweil talking

“Don’t you know how inappropriate it is for maids to interrupt their masters?”



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