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His Nanny Mate By Eve Above Story

Chapter 330
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Chapter 330 Trust in You


In Logan’s embrace, the world felt distant. All the fears and anxieties seemed momentarily shrouded by

the warmth of his presence.

But as we separated, the weight of the spilled wine on the hardwood floor brought a sudden, albeit

misplaced, urgency to the atmosphere. The dark liquid spread lazily between the shards of glass,

forming an ominous pool that mirrored my tumultuous emotions.

Logan’s gaze shifted from my face to the mess at our feet. For a fleeting moment, the gravity of our

situation seemed to vanish, replaced by the simple need to address the accident before us.

“We should clean this up,” he said quietly, already moving toward the kitchen. I nodded, still grappling

with the magnitude of everything. I watched as Logan fetched a roll of paper towels and a broom. As he

bent down to start picking up the shards, I quickly joined him. on the floor, trying to focus on the task at


Our hands worked in tandem, almost in a silent. rhythm, cleaning the wine and gathering the broken

pieces. At one point, as I reached out for a particularly large shard, our fingers brushed against each


The contact sent a shiver up my spine. The intimacy of the moment, the dim lighting of the room, and

the scent of the lavender aroma of my apartment mixed with Logan’s natural musk intensified the

atmosphere. It felt like we were trapped in a cocoon, the outside world and its impending dangers

momentarily forgotten.

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Logan’s hand hesitated for a moment before he gently took hold of my wrist. The touch was soft but

firm, and I could feel the heat radiating from his palm. With his other hand, he carefully turned my wrist,

examining the red welts.

“Ella,” he whispered, his voice carrying a pain that mirrored my own. “We need to clean these.”

I simply nodded, lost in the whirlpool of emotions his touch elicited. He helped me to my feet, leading

me towards the bathroom. The cool tiles underfoot contrasted sharply with the warmth of Logan’s hand

around my wrist.

Once inside, he ran the cold water, wetting a soft cloth. He gently dabbed at my wrists, cleaning away

the grime and sweat. The cold sensation made me wince slightly, but his touch was feather-light,


“You know,” he began, his voice almost hesitant as he reached for a tube of antiseptic cream, “my

world hasn’t always been kind. Quite the opposite, actually. But I’ve never wanted to see someone I

care about hurt like this.”

His fingers brushed over the welts as her applied the cream. I had to look away, my heart hammering in

my chest. Each gentle stroke made me yearn for more contact, for the comfort of his embrace.

Ema stirred within, her thoughts melding with mine. “Maybe he’s not what we initially thought. Maybe

there’s more to him than just the hardened exterior and the mobster reputation.”

I took a deep breath, feeling the gentle pull of my wolf towards him. “Tonight has shown a side of you

that I never expected, Logan,” I said, a slight chuckle escaping my lips. “Color me surprised. You

seem… genuinely kind and caring.”

He finished bandaging my wrist and took a step back, allowing me a moment to process everything.

“Ella, the world we live in isn’t black and white. There are shades of gray everywhere. But I want you to

know that when it comes to you, my intentions have always been genuine.”

The small bathroom space seemed to shrink, charged with tension. Here we were, two souls entangled

in a world of chaos, finding solace in each other’s presence. My wolf nudged me gently, urging me to

trust, to let go of my reservations.

And for the first time, I wondered if maybe, just maybe, Logan wasn’t the monster I had once thought

him to be. Just then, however, I looked up and saw the tumultuous swirl of emotions in his deep blue

eyes-worry, fury, and something else, something almost… vulnerable.

“Who were those men?” His voice held a sharp edge, its earlier warmth replaced by icy concern. “And

what the hell were they after?”

“Logan, I’ve told you everything I know.” I sighed, rubbing my temples to stave off the brewing

headache. “I can only assume they’re linked to the people we just put behind bars. Retaliation maybe?”

He ran a hand through his disheveled hair and retreated to the couch, sinking into its soft cushions,

looking a million miles away. The weight of our recent accomplishments-the victories, the triumphs-

seemed so minuscule now in comparison to the dangers we now faced.

“It’s more than just retaliation,” Logan murmured, his fingers drumming on the armrest. “If they’re willing

to escalate things to this level with either of us, then the murder in that kitchen-it’s bigger than we

thought. Someone’s trying to frame me, make it look like I had a hand in all of this.”

“Who would want to frame you?” I asked, even though I was less concerned with the intricacies of the

case and more worried about the immediate threats facing us. “You think it’s more of Harry’s antics?”

Logan’s gaze darkened. “I don’t know. There are lines that I’d like to think even Harry wouldn’t cross,

despite our differences. But to endanger innocent lives? My own brother wouldn’t go that far. At least, I

hope not.”

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A chilling silence stretched between us. My sister’s face flashed before my eyes, her youthful

exuberance and carefree spirit. The very idea of her being ensnared in this terrifying web of deceit and

danger was gut-wrenching.

“I don’t care about the who or the why anymore, Logan,” I said, desperation seeping into my voice. “I

need to get Daisy out of this. She’s just a kid! I have to go home and get her out of this city.”

He stood up quickly, his sudden movement catching me off guard. “Ella, just… just wait. Stay in the city

a bit longer. I promise, I’ll keep you safe, both of you.”

The audacity of his claim made me scoff. “How? How can you possibly guarantee that? How can you

keep my little sister safe?”

His eyes, usually so commanding and confident, pleaded with me. “I have resources, allies who can

help us. You know that. I won’t let anything happen to you or Daisy.”

But my trust wavered. The enormity of the situation pressed down on me, and in that moment, Logan’s

promises felt like mere words against a mounting tide of danger.

“Logan, these aren’t just empty threats! They showed me pictures of Daisy, they know where she is,

what she does. They’re watching her as we speak!”

“I know, Ella.” Logan’s voice cracked with pain, making my heart clench. “But I won’t stand by and let

you face this alone. I’ll fight for you, for Daisy, for all of us.”

The room seemed to constrict, the tension palpable. I could feel Ema pacing restlessly inside of me,

urging me to run, to protect, to fight. But my human side, the one that cared deeply and feared even

more, held back, torn between Logan’s earnest promises and the very real threats facing us.

The evening shadows grew darker, and the ambient noise from the streets below seemed muffled,

distant. We stood there, Logan with his sincere promises and fierce determination, and me, trapped

between my responsibility as a sister and the looming threats surrounding us.

And though his words were filled with conviction, in that moment, trust was a luxury felt I couldn’t afford.