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His Ex wife is a billionaire (Evadne and Thaddeus) Novel Full Episode

His Ex wife is a billionaire Chapter 475
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Chapter 475

Jason shot up like a bomb with a lit fuse, abruptly springing into action!

Just as he was about to lunge forward. Nydia clutched his hand tightly, her knuckles turning white, “Don’t. Jason, please.”

After all, Byron was the privileged son of the Chambers clan, and she was under the protective wing of the Ashbourne family, but what

about Jason?

She couldn’t let Jason get in deeper water, for her sake.

Before Jason could make a move, Evadne stepped in with the speed of a striker, kicking straight to Byron’s face like she was going for

a goal!


The debutante had dislodged both of Byron’s two front teeth, leaving him with a bloody mouth and two dark, comical holes where his teeth had been.

Thaddeus inwardly gasped, his Adam’s apple bobbing with silent awe.

His almond eyes narrowed slightly, and his l*ps curled upward.

So full of life, so candid. He was hopelessly in love.

“Yikes. Your sister’s terrifying, man. She resorts to violence at the drop of a hat, does she? With that temper, she’d be running the show in any gang.

Chasel’s skin prickled with goosebumps from Evadne’s fierce aura, his b*dy leaning for support against Cassius’s side. “Hey, as her brother–in–law, shouldn’t you have some sympathy for a fellow brother–in–law? On their

wedding day, you should consider giving Mr. Thaddeus a generous life insurance policy. That’d be thoughtful and considerate.”

“Dr. Bright, got too much time on your hands? Enjoy sticking your nose into other people’s business? Cassius’s tone was laced with sarcasm, his imposing presence unwavering.

“Evadne. Go ahead and seethe rage impotently.”

Byron, with his bloody mouth, his words whistling through the gaps, “You’ve got no proof, you can’t do anything to me. But for what you and Thaddeus did to me, I’ll see you rot in jail! Your reputation will be destroyed!”

“is that what you think? You think I’m scared? You think L, Evadne, am faint– hearted?”

The young lady stood defiantly, her l*ps curled in scorn, her knuckles cracking as she clenched her fists, “Keep barking, and see if I don’t remove the rest of your teeth.”

ཋ ཚ 

Byron, finding his bravado met with threat, promptly shut his mouth,

“You’ve already done so much for me.”

Nydia, weak and teary–eyed, shook her head as she leaned into Jason’s embrace, “Let’s just let it go. It’s enough.”

She might be timid, but what terrified her most was the thought of her dear family dragged into trouble because of her.

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After all, she was destined to be married into the Chambers family, and her heart already halfway dead. So, even if she were hurt more, she would make no complaints.

What will be, will be

“Nydia, what nonsense are you talking? You being wronged is a grave matter to me and your sister. How can we just let it go?”

Thaddeus’s breaths were labored, his teeth gritted with determination,” Over my dead b*dy!

The endearment brother–in–law” tugged at his beartstrings.

He adored Evadne, and her sister was like his own. If he stood by idly, what kind of man was he?

Through blood, sweat, and tears, he bears no grudge!

Hearing Thaddeus address Nydia so tenderly warmed Evadne’s heart, and she exchanged a grateful look with Jason towards Thaddeus The situation had reached a stalemate.

With Byron smirking in his supposed triumph, Chasel approached Nydia with calm steps, his voice gentle as he asked,

“Ms. Nydia, I know you’re not feeling well, but in order to clear your name, please try to recall what happened. What did you go through before you lost consciousness? Is there anything you might have overlooked?

Don’t overlook even the smallest detail, which might seem negligible to you.”

Cassius had never seen Chasel so tender, even when asking for a “reward,” Chasel had a sharp, sassy edge.

It was a ram sight, and it intrigued him.

The man couldn’t help but feel a wave of emotion, his eyes slightly reddening, and a tingling sensation surged through his chest.

Nydia inhaled deeply, then a memory fiashed through her mind–she remembered bumping into a waiter. She furrowed her brows, “When I came out of the banquet hall, I bumped full–on into a waiter. Then, I felt a sting on my arm like a bee sting. There was a trivial pain, but the pain faded quickly”

The secretary was surprised, completely unaware of any waiter coming into the picture.

Yet Byron’s face drained of color as panic set in his eyes.

Evadne’s heart tightened, she hurriedly reached under the blanket, checked Nydia’s ant and found a tiny red pinprick on her porcelain skin.


Evadne bellowed furiously, her heart aching for her sister, “What on earth did you inject into my sister, you scum?!”

1 told you, she came onto me. It has nothing to do with me!” Byron stubbornly defended, although his heart pounded like a drum.

He had been confident that Evadne and the others could not do anything to him.

But with this androgynous fox–eyed detective stepped into the case, the veiled truth began to emerge!

Thaddeus’s eyes blazed with anger as he grabbed Byron by the hair and yanked his head back, eliciting a grimace of pain. If what you injected into my sister has any adverse effects, I swear Ill turn you into a pincushion!”

Chasel’s brows furrowed slightly. He first checked Nydia’s pulse and observed her eyes.

After a moment, he sighed in relief, “It looks like she has no problems for now. Only the side effects from anesthetic abuse–rapid heartbeat, and fever. I’ve heard while I was abroad that there’s an injectable version of this substance which is more potent. A single injection shouldn’t cause lasting harm, but I still should accompany Ms. Nydia to get checked out later”

“Dr. Bright, thank you” Jason was choked up with gratitude.

Don’t mention it. Nydia is Cassius’s sister, so of course, I’ll do everything to help her.”

Saying that, he squinted his narrow, passionate eyes, a playful light shone as he glanced at Cassius, “Who knows? We may become even closer relatives in the future.”

While Evadne and the others were considering how to handle Byron, they missed the fiirtatious look Dr. Bright shot Cassius.

President Ashbourne’s eye’s fiickered with a shadowy glint, and he coughed softly while lowering his eyelids.

Chasel smiled with satisfaction, “For now, we just need to take Ms. Nydia for a blood test to find out whether she acted willingly or was coerced. Someb*dy’s dirty deeds are about to be exposed.”

“What does it have to do with me if she’s been drugged with an aphrodisiac

Byron roared in anger and frustration, “That is slander Evadne. You just can’t stand your sister marrying into our family, the Chambers clan, so you teamed up with these people to take me down, to vent your spleen on the Chambers Group! You’re so damn malicious!”

“Oh? When did I say that what Ms. Nydia was injected with was an aphrodisiac?”

Chasel couldn’t help but laugh out loud, finding Byron’s deviousness pathetically foolish, “1 merely mentioned she’s showing side effects of anesthetic abuse, I never said anything about an aphrodisiac. Besides, I never pinpointed that she was injected, how do you know so tellingly detailed?”

“You!” Byron was boiling mad,

Suddenly, Thaddeus‘ phone rang, and he answered calmly on speaker mode.

*Jareth, how is it going?”

“Thad, you really have a knack for predicting things, man!

Jareth’s excited voice came through, “Just like you said, I had my guys lock down all the exits in them mansion, didn’t even spare the dog holes and rat burrows under the walls. And guess what, my guys caught a suspicious waiter trying to make a run for it during the chaos. I did what you told me, and verified his identity. It turns out he’s not a waiter at all, he’s one of the Chambers family’s b*dyguards in disguiser

The secretary stared at his boss, dumbstruck, never imagining Byron had a trick up his sleeve, keeping even him, his so–called confidant, in the dark.

The Chambers folks lived up to their reputation, each one craftier than the last

Thaddeus spoke with a casual tone that nonetheless struck fear into Byron, “You’ve done well, Jareth. Keep him under control until after the dinner, then hand him over to the police.”

“No problem! But Thad, I think it’s better to keep him here to serve as a personal punching bag for you to spar with, and for your lady to

vent on when she’s upset Quite handy, heh?” Jareth laughed wickedly, with an almost devilish excitement stiming within him.

Evadne listened speechlessly.

Thaddeus sighed, “Mr. Fairhaven, act your age, please be a little more dignified.”

After hanging up, Byron was almost peeing himself again.

“Well, we have all the proof. Byron, save your silver tongue for the police, and for my father” Evadne said with stern, icy eyes that chilled Bryon’s bone

Byron was struck, utterly overwhelmed.

How many tycoons really took the police seriously? But he feared Emeric Ashbourne!

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Although the Ashbourne family and the Chambers family were old friends, Chairman Emeric’s reputation for being firm and unyielding was well known through Byron’s father.

Now, with his misdeeds exposed and evidence smacked in his face, getting to Emeric meant a fate worse than ending up in prison. The relationship between their families would end, and even his father might disown him!

Byron crawled to Evadne’s feet like a dog, his forehead thumping the ground, crying his eyes out, begging. “Ms. Evadne, I beg you! It was a moment of folly. I just wanted to outdo my brother that’s why I hatched this damn plan. I’m sorry! I know I was wrong! Please, for the sake of our fathers being sworn brothers, spare me this once!”

Evadne scoffed coldly, unmoved by his fake sobs, “Go to jail and refiect on your sins. But before you do, our family’s brothers, and Emeric, will first give you a lesson in how to behave.”

Byron’s forehead bled, and in a bid to save himself, he finally spilled the shameful truth.”

“I didn’t actually violate Ms. Nydia! I–… I can’t even get it up anymore!”

Everyone was stunned by his words.

Nydia was so shocked that her pupils quivered, and Jason squeezed her cold little hand tightly.

“I don’t know if it’s because of the many medications I took to save my leg. Even with a beauty like Ms. Nydia in front of me, I had no reaction. When I realized my plan wasn’t working, I could only strip her clothes, to create the false impression that we’d slept together.”

“That way, you’d have a pretext to force Chairman Emeric and ensure Nydia will marry you.” Thaddeus said, his gaze sharp as a blade. “Byron, do you think this lessens your crimes? Even if your plot failed, your intentions are still condemnable”

Evadne, who had once operated on this bastard, knew his words had a high chance of being true and couldn’t help but laugh coldly, “Ha, what karma! You deserve to be childless for your beastly ways! Even if what you said is true, the harm you’ve done to my sister was already there. Even if you didn’t succeed, you’ve still sullied her innocence with your vile eyes! If you want to make amends, then gouge out your eyes. Do that, and I might just spare your miserable life!”

Byron was completely terrified and instantly caved.

He was already a cripple; he couldn’t afford to be blind!

At that moment, Cassius and Thaddeus‘ phones rang simultaneously.

One call from Emeric, the other from Frederic.

The two presidents exchanged a look and answered the calls.

The calls were similar, prompting them to return to the banquet hall immediately for an important announcement.

William and his son were about to declare which family would secure the new project partnership.

“Evadne, you and Thaddeus go ahead.”

Cassius looked disdainfully at the two pieces of “trash” on the ground, “Chasel and I will handle the cleanup here. Leave Nydia and Jason to us.”

“Brother, IT be right back!”

Just as Evadne was about to leave, Nydia suddenly grabbed her arm with teary eyes, “Sis, Please. Don’t tell dad about this. Okay?”


Nydia’s slender shoulders trembled, her eyes brimming with tears. “Please, don’t tell Dad. He’s getting on in years, and his health isn’t good. I’m afraid it might be too much for him.”

“Don’t worry, I know how to handle this

Evadne squeezed her hand, fighting back her own tears. “Even if it costs me ev from the Chambers family!”

everything. I will

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