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Flower Master in the City

Chapter 772
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Chapter 772

Hearing Yunqing’s voice, zhonghaoyun finally came back to his mind. Although it’s a little beyond imagination, he has understood that this mature and beautiful woman is indeed the little younger martial sister in his impression. She has grown into a mature woman.

"Little sister, you have changed a lot. I dare not recognize you." Zhong Haoyun said with a smile, while talking, he couldn’t help but take a look at summer and let the little younger martial sister become like this. He should be the lucky guy, right?

"Elder martial brother, you haven’t changed much." Yun Qing said softly, Zhong Haoyun’s change is not big indeed. Her temperament is a little bit mature. Her appearance is not very different from that before, so she recognized it at a glance.

"That is." Zhong Haoyun laughed, "you used to say that I was very old, but now you all say that I am very young."

After a little hesitation, Zhong Haoyun held out his right hand to summer: "Hello, I’m Zhong Haoyun, Yunqing’s college classmate."

"My name is summer." Summer also shook hands with Zhong Haoyun. According to his observation, this guy is not his rival for the time being, so he immediately declared his sovereignty over Yunqing, "I am the husband of sister Yunqing."

"Summer?" Zhong Haoyun slightly stayed, then smiled, "Mr. Xia’s name is very personal."

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"Yes, more than your name." Summer replied solemnly.

Zhong Haoyun was stunned and embarrassed for a moment.

"Elder martial brother, I’m sorry. He’s like this. He doesn’t speak very well." Yunqing is embarrassed to say that this guy’s name is not only unique, but the whole person is different from others. Just like now, normal people can’t talk like him.

Summer is a little unhappy retort: "sister Yunqing, I call it personality."

Yunqing is a little embarrassed at the moment. It’s a mistake to take this guy.

"Mr. Xia really has a personality." Zhong Haoyun smiled a little, and then the conversation turned. "Little martial sister, I have some friends in it. Otherwise, let’s go first."

"OK." Yunqing nodded.

Three people walked into the restaurant together. Under the introduction of Zhong Haoyun, Yunqing also met his friends, four people in total, two men and two women. One of them was a man in his forties, not tall, but thin, looking rather polite, with golden rimmed glasses. The other man was almost the same as Zhong Haoyun, but not tall, with white skin, It’s just that the eyes are deep, and it looks a little weird.

The man in his forties is Yao Wei, and the man in his thirties is Zhuang Zhengxi. Zhong Haoyun didn’t say what they were. He just said that they were all his friends and partners. As for the two women, they were very young. One of them was Ji Yan, who was in her twenties. She was Yao Wei’s assistant. The other was a little older Older, in her twenties and sixes, she is not beautiful, but she has a sense of intellectual beauty. This woman’s name is ouyangjin, but she is not a secretary, and she seems to have a close relationship with Zhong Haoyun.

With the appearance of Yunqing, people’s attention is all focused on Yunqing. The beautiful and mature Yunqing undoubtedly compares the other two women at once. She also naturally lets the men at the table pay more attention to her, and those two women are naturally a little jealous.

It’s summer, but it seems to be ignored. Obviously, these people on the table haven’t heard the name of summer, plus summer doesn’t seem to be special. It’s true that he has a special place, that is, he actually got a big beauty like Yunqing, but it won’t make other people on the table care about him.

"Lawyer Yun, you and Hao Yun are college students. Should you be clear about his previous affairs?" Ouyangjin is sitting next to Yunqing. She is obviously interested in Zhong Haoyun.

"It’s not very clear, just a little." Yunqing replied.

"Is it?" Ouyangjin smiled softly. "Haoyun has always told us that he is pure in college and has never talked about his girlfriend. Is this true?"

"Yes, Mr. cloud, I want to know too!" Ji Yan also helps.

"Believe it or not, I don’t believe it." Yao Wei pushed his glasses and said calmly.

"I think it’s quite pure. It should be similar to my time." Zhuang Zhengxi is not willing to be lonely to take a sentence.

"Come on, you!" Ouyangjin looked at Zhuang Zhengxi with a disdainful look. "Who knows your details? You have changed eight girlfriends in four years of University. How dare you say you are pure?"

"Little Jin, you don’t understand." Yao Wei laughs, "the reason why Xiaozhuang is pure is that he has changed eight girlfriends in four years of college."

"Mr. Yao, why?" Ji Yan asked curiously.

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"Guess!" Yao Wei looks at Ji Yan with a smile, and even Yun Qing can see that there is an ambiguity between them. It’s definitely not a simple relationship between the boss and the assistant.

"People are stupid, can’t guess!" Ji Yan immediately throws Jiao.

"You don’t have to guess. I’ll tell you myself." Zhuang Zhengxi coughed softly, "the reason is very simple. When I graduated from college, I was still a virgin."

"Ah?" Ji Yan stayed for a while, and then he was happy. "Hahaha, Mr. Zhuang, you are not that abnormal, are you?"

"Er, Xiao Ji, don’t talk about it. I’m a normal man." Zhuang Zhengxi said without changing his face.

"Hello, don’t make trouble nearby. Lawyer Yun hasn’t answered my question yet." Ouyangjin is a little dissatisfied. When everyone stops talking, she looks at Yunqing again. "Lawyer Yun, I just asked you a question. Is that true?"

"I don’t know. I can only say that I didn’t see the elder martial brother with his girlfriend." Yun Qing hesitated a little and said, she can see that Zhong Haoyun and these people are familiar with each other, but she doesn’t adapt to the atmosphere.

"How is it? Little Jin, I didn’t cheat you Zhong Haoyun’s stall is full of innocent expression.

"That’s hard to say." Ouyangjin said with a smile: "you are a big elder martial brother and a little younger martial sister. How do I think your relationship is unusual? Ah, I said Hao Yun, you can’t be Linghu Chong, and lawyer Yun is Yue Lingshan, right

After a pause, ouyangjin suddenly turned to look at summer: "Er, according to this analysis, this, Mr. Xia should be Lin Pingzhi."

Yunqing is a little unhappy. How can this man make a joke? Before that, she didn’t think she could speak in summer, but compared with this ouyangjin, she thought that summer was already very good at speaking.

But the next second, Yunqing changed this view, because at this time, summer opened his mouth to talk, only saw him stare at ouyangjin, a dissatisfied look: "you just Lin Pingzhi, your family are Lin Pingzhi!"