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Dragon Monarch System-Novel

Chapter 468 468:- Mystical Treasures Auction [III]
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As Aditya, Julia, and Lara ambled further into the auction house, their entrance hadn't gone unnoticed. Whispered conversations sparked up among various corners, with many eyes turning towards the trio, drawn especially to the striking beauty of the two women accompanying Aditya.

Amidst the murmurs, a youthful Crown Prince from the Terra Regency Empire was also in attendance. He was engrossed in a discussion with his advisors when his gaze chanced upon Julia and Lara. The world around him seemed to blur as he fixated on their grace and allure. An uncontainable smile danced on his lips, his usual composure momentarily forgotten.

"Your Royal Highness," one of his 5th-order guards cautiously ventured, leaning in discreetly. "It might be best to remain a bit more... reserved."

But the prince, still entranced, barely registered the words of caution. The allure of the two women had ensnared his thoughts completely.

Finally, snapping out of his daze but still not tearing his gaze away, he said, dreamily, "I want them..."

Upon hearing the prince's wishful declaration, the first guard exchanged a glance full of exasperation with his fellow protector. They had grown accustomed to their royal charge's impulsive whims, but the setting and the situation made it a tricky task this time.

"Your Royal Highness," the first guard began, choosing his words carefully, "this isn't some stroll in the royal gardens. We need to tread lightly here. The auction house has its rules, and we can't just approach anyone as we please."

The second guard chimed in, trying to appease the young prince, "Besides, making a scene here would not only embarrass us but the entire Terra Regency Empire. Let's be patient and see what unfolds after the auction. If you're truly interested, we can find a more... discreet approach then."

The two guards genuinely did not bear any ill will towards Aditya. Indeed, they, too, couldn't help but admire the beauty of the women beside him, and while a touch of envy tinged their thoughts, they harbored no malicious intent. However, the prince's commands bound them, and they braced themselves for the possibility of having to intervene against their better judgment.

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Pouting like a child denied a toy, the prince responded with a huff, "Fine. But keep an eye on them. I won't let them slip away that easily." And even as he voiced his displeasure, his eyes never strayed from Julia and Lara.

Around the room, other guests were equally entranced, their whispers and sideways glances unmistakably directed at the captivating duo of Julia and Lara.

The vast hall was bustling with activity, every corner alive with chatter and movement. Guards, with their vigilant eyes and firm stances, were stationed at strategic points, ensuring that the atmosphere remained peaceful and any potential disagreements between guests were swiftly dealt with.

Beautiful receptionists, each belonging to various races like the entrancing Succubus, the mystical Fox-race, elegant Elves, and classic Humans, moved gracefully around the hall. They greeted the more prestigious guests with welcoming smiles and gestures, directing them to the luxurious VIP rooms. These rooms, situated on the upper floors, offered a bird's-eye view of the auction and all its excitement.

Everywhere Aditya looked, clusters of people engaged in animated conversation. While some nobles, surrounded by their entourage of guards, preferred the company of their own elite circles, others eagerly ventured to their private rooms, not wanting to miss out on any bit of the auction.

Yet, Aditya couldn't help but notice the stark divide. The nobles and the high-ranking guests seemed to stick to their own, barely even glancing at the lesser-known attendees, let alone mingling with them. The first floor's entrance, in particular, seemed to cater only to the general attendees or rogue cultivators. Despite each one of them forking over a hefty 100,000 gold coins for their spot, they were crammed into a vast arena-like space, sans the luxuries the floors above offered.

"The clear lines drawn between classes even in a setting like this," Lara whispered to Aditya, following his gaze.

Julia nodded in agreement, adding, "It's a reflection of the world outside. But it's a bit sad, this is the harsh reality of life The world is unfair."

Aditya sighed, "Well, as they say, some things never change."

The majority of the guests, about 95% of them, had settled on the first floor. Neatly arranged chairs formed a semi-circle around the grand stage, where soon enough, the coveted auction items would be showcased. Each row of seats was designed slightly elevated than the one in front of it, allowing everyone a clear view. It was an architectural marvel, ensuring everyone, regardless of where they sat, had a good view.

Aditya, glancing down at the sea of people, remarked, "It's already packed! And the show hasn't even started."

Just as he was taking in the vibrant atmosphere, a polite voice interrupted his thoughts. "Um, excuse me, miss?" A young woman with a pleasant demeanor stood before them, addressing Julia.

Julia, looking a bit surprised, responded, "Yes, can I help you?"

The lady hesitated for a moment before asking, "Could you please show me the jade slips you're holding?" The jade slips in Julia's grip were essentially their golden tickets – the VIP passes that Aditya had secured for them. They came at a steep price of 250,000 gold coins. For Aditya, that seemed like an extravagant amount, but then again, the lavishness of this place was becoming evident with each passing moment.I think you should take a look at

He couldn't help but think, "This feels more like an exclusive club for the rich than an actual auction." It was clear that the organizers were more inclined to pamper the elite, the ones occupying the second and third floors, rather than the general attendees.

Julia gently handed over the jade slip to the receptionist, whose striking appearance was hard to ignore. The lady had a youthful glow, seemingly in her mid-20s, with short purple hair that playfully framed her face. Delicate bangs swept across her forehead, revealing captivating purple-tinted eyes.

However, what truly stood out were her elongated, light purple bunny ears that added an exotic touch to her charm. Given the rarity of bunny-eared beings, it was an immediate giveaway that she wasn't entirely human.

Now, while her appearance suggested she was young, Aditya could sense her cultivation level. She was a Peak 4th-order cultivator, hinting that she might be much older than she appeared. In a world of cultivators, it wasn't unusual to come across individuals who aged gracefully, looking decades younger than their actual age.

Her figure was slender and athletic, a balance of grace and strength. Her physique boasted well-defined curves that were in perfect harmony with her petite frame. By the world's standards, she was undeniably a beauty. However, Aditya wasn't swayed by her looks. After a brief acknowledgment, his curious eyes wandered elsewhere, leaving Julia to handle their interaction with the lady.

The bunny-eared receptionist delicately held the jade slip, inspecting it briefly. Almost immediately, she could discern its authenticity. She mused, 'Considering their elegant attire, I doubt they'd resort to using a fake jade slip.' As her gaze lingered a moment longer on Julia and Lara, she couldn't help but be captivated by the radiant glow of their skin. Julia, in particular, had an almost ethereal sheen to her complexion, making it seem flawlessly smooth and free from any blemishes.

'What skincare magic does she use?' The bunny receptionist found herself wondering, slightly envious of Julia's luminous skin. However, she didn't voice her thoughts. She had a role to uphold in this grand auction house, and maintaining a professional demeanor was paramount.

With a warm and courteous voice, she said, "Esteemed guests, if you'd kindly follow me, I'll show you to your VIP room." She then began guiding Aditya, Julia, and Lara, leading them gracefully towards the third floor.

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As they strolled toward the third floor, the bunny-eared receptionist couldn't help but sneak glances at Aditya from the corner of her eyes. She was used to men fawning over her, showering her with compliments, extravagant gifts, or attempting to charm her into a date. However, Aditya seemed different. The elegant man with long blue hair and a sharp black suit seemed disinterested, almost aloof. He hadn't given her more than a fleeting glance. This uncharacteristic behavior made her question her allure momentarily, a feeling she wasn't accustomed to.

"Aditya," Julia's voice broke into the receptionist's thoughts, "You seem so engrossed. What's caught your attention?" She noticed his continuous scanning of their surroundings, a quizzical look in his eyes.

Julia's query made the receptionist prick up her ears, though she didn't turn to show her interest.

"Just soaking it all in," Aditya replied candidly, his gaze still wandering. "It's not every day you find so many powerful 5th-order cultivators in one place, you know."

Julia, with a touch of playful possessiveness, hooked her arm snugly into Aditya's right arm, giving him a mock scolding look. "Come on now, there's no need for all this vigilance," she chided gently, her lips forming a playful pout. "Inside this place, rules are strict. No fights, no troubles. Just relax and enjoy the atmosphere."

Lara, eager to chime in and to not feel left out, mustered the bravery to reach out and hold onto his left hand. Her voice, soft yet earnest, added, "Big sis Julia is totally right. Let loose a bit, husband. Take in the sights and sounds."

Aditya chuckled lightly at their antics, nodding in acquiescence. "Alright, alright, I'll be at ease," he said, his eyes twinkling with amusement.

The receptionist, who had been leading the way, felt an odd sensation in her chest, her right eye twitching slightly. The puzzle pieces clicked into place in her mind, and she couldn't help but cast a discreet glance over her shoulder. Realization dawned on her as she took in the two gorgeous ladies flanking Aditya. It made sense now - he was already accompanied by two incredibly captivating women, making her feel a tad ordinary in comparison. She let out a soft, almost inaudible sigh.

As they ascended to the third floor, an unexpected yet familiar aura wafted into Aditya's senses. Almost simultaneously, Julia felt it too. A spark of recognition lit up their eyes. "Could it be Aditya?" The voice, tinged with surprise, rang out in the silent hallway. It was then that they all paused, their steps halting abruptly.

Turning their gazes to the right, the source of the voice came into view. Lo and behold, it was Alicia's older brother standing there, his face reflecting an array of emotions. The surprise visit of Aditya seemed to have startled him, the echoes of Aditya's name still hanging in the air.

Aditya, Julia, and Lara exchanged quick glances, their faces revealing surprise. This was an unexpected encounter indeed, one they hadn't anticipated. The man standing before them had a significant role in their lives - he was the sibling of Aditya's second fiancée, Alicia. Meeting him here, in this place, was nothing short of a plot twist. The grandeur of the auction house, the flickering lights, the gathering of powerful figures - it all seemed to fade into the background as they focused on the figure that had unexpectedly entered their line of sight.


Really Thank you very much to all those who sends support with valuable golden tickets. I hope we can keep it up!!!