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Dragon Monarch System-Novel

Chapter 427 427:- Goddess Of Lust
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The serene tranquility of the Goddess of Lust's quarters was suddenly disrupted by an intrusive knock. The sound echoed through the luxurious and opulent room, hinting at a visitor's presence. The Goddess, in her splendor and allure, held numerous titles. As the Succubus Empress, she was the pinnacle of her race, unmatched in power and influence. She was renowned as the most lethal and cunning Assassin in the world, yet her primary identity remained as the Goddess of Lust.

"Who is it?" Her voice, as soft as velvet, cooed, radiating an intoxicating charm that was part of her essence.

"My lady, I regret to disturb your peace, but a visitor has arrived," came the hesitant reply. A strained silence hung in the air for a moment, followed by the calm and collected voice of the Goddess after a few seconds. "Let her enter."

With a soft click, the door to the chamber opened, giving way to an astonishingly beautiful Succubus. Her fiery short red hair was a striking contrast against her porcelain skin, and her sensuous figure was barely concealed in her scant attire. Her mere presence was a symbol of irresistible temptation, embodying the core of her existence.

The first action she took upon entering the chamber was to kneel in respect to the Empress. "Speak," came the command from the Goddess, her gaze fixated on the enigmatic beauty of the night sky visible from her window. It was common knowledge that she seldom left her chamber unless a mission demanded her lethal proficiency.

"My lady, we've been offered a contract amounting to nearly 500 million royal gold coins." The sheer scale of the sum, equivalent to 50 billion gold coins, indicated that their client was a figure of immense wealth and resources.

"Please do not tell me this mission involves another attempt on the Istarin Emperor's life," the Goddess responded, her tone icy, causing the Succubus to shudder. It was an unspoken policy of their Organization to reject any contracts aimed at Aditya, the Emperor of the Istarin Empire, a rule that had been upheld as the Empire expanded under his reign. As his adversaries increased in number, so did the bids for his life.

In the past, the Echo Nexus Empire had set their sights on Aditya's life. Their Prime Minister personally approached their organization, offering a whopping 100 million royal gold coins for the Emperor's assassination. However, the contract was dismissed. This rejection led to a dissenting faction within their organization breaking away from their code, going rogue to attempt to fulfill the contract independently and claim the immense reward. Consequently, the Goddess found herself compelled to intervene. The memory of the incident was a reminder of the lengths some were willing to go for wealth and power, and the measures she had to take to maintain the balance.

"No...No...My Lady, the target this time is different," the succubus quickly responded, her voice quavering with fear and apprehension. Her whole body seemed to tremble, betraying her anxiety. Despite the Goddess's silence, the succubus knew she had her undivided attention. "Our mark this time is a woman named Laura."

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"Laura...?" The Goddess echoed, her voice imbued with contemplation. She had a nagging feeling of familiarity with the name, as though it had grazed her consciousness before.

"Yes, Laura," the succubus affirmed. "She's a competitor in the forthcoming competition that will determine the successor of the Deep Sea Palace. She's among the strongest contenders, expected by many to clinch the victory." The Succubus's voice lilted as she relayed the tale. It had been a mere five months since the former ruler, Lewis, was slain by Aditya. When Lewis led his army of mermen to the surface, Aditya had not only killed him but obliterated his half-million-strong force with a single devastating attack. The tale was a popular one in the Dying Isle Continent, and they, as the world's leading assassination organization, had all such vital information at their fingertips.

"Proceed with the contract," the Goddess instructed, her tone calm and authoritative. She dismissed the succubus with a casual wave of her hand.

"But my lady, there is a condition," the succubus interjected, causing the Goddess to raise an eyebrow in curiosity.


"The client has expressly requested for you to handle this mission." At this revelation, the Goddess finally turned her gaze away from the night sky to meet the succubus's eyes. The cold, impassive stare sent chills down the succubus's spine.

"Then they should be well aware that my expertise comes at a premium." The Goddess replied, her lips curling into a frigid smile. Her reputation was unrivaled, with a flawless record and a 100% kill rate. She had never faltered or failed in her missions. As long as the client could afford the price on the target's head and her professional fee, she would personally ensure the mark's demise.

"Everything has a price," she murmured, a statement reflecting her firm belief. In this world, every desire, be it power, fame, glory, strength, or anything else, could be acquired with enough money. To her, everything had a quantifiable value. If a client couldn't offer an equal exchange, then the organization wouldn't accept the contract.

"My Lady, I've relayed the price to the client, and they have agreed to the terms." The succubus gulped, her eyes wide with anxiety. Hiring the Goddess was a luxury only the most affluent could afford. A staggering 100 million royal gold coins was the price for her services.

"The client wishes for Laura's demise to occur before the commencement of the tournament if feasible. However, if the assassination occurs during the competition, that would also be acceptable."

"Take 300 million royal gold coins upfront," the Goddess instructed, her voice adopting a menacing tone. "And convey to the client that the remaining sum must reach our organization within three days of the target's elimination. Failure to do so will result in the client becoming the next target."

"Yes, Ma'am." The succubus quickly took her leave, her heart pounding the entire time. The Goddess's mere presence was suffocating, and her penetrating gaze was a palpable pressure. It was a reminder of the might and prowess the Goddess of Lust held, and the merciless efficiency with which she carried out her tasks.



Scene change_______I think you should take a look at

"So this is Atlantisia," the Goddess mused as she surveyed the captivating underwater city before her. Sasha, as she was known in disguise, had utilized the city's teleportation array to journey to the capital of the Deep Sea Palace Empire. She had always found her missions on land, but now she found herself drawn to the underwater realm, visiting for the first time. She decided to spend some time meandering through the city's enchanting streets, absorbing the ty of the underwater architecture and culture.

As Sasha navigated through the city, she expertly concealed her true cultivation level, suppressing her aura to that of a 5th-order cultivator. This ensured that unless she encountered a cultivator of 3rd-order or above in close proximity, her actual power would remain hidden. As an assassin, blending into the environment was paramount, and revealing her true cultivation level would cause unnecessary attention, potentially jeopardizing her access to the city.

But while immersing herself in the city's charm, she was cautious to avoid any physical contact with males. Ever since her birth, Sasha had been tormented by a baffling affliction. Any contact with males led to intense internal burning, making her cough up blood. Prolonged exposure would flood her body with toxins that could potentially cause her death. This forced her into a mostly solitary existence, her only solace being the world of literature she often immersed herself in.

The gravity of her situation was further compounded by her status as the Succubus Empress. As the apex of her race, her inability to have intimate relationships was a significant problem. Just as vampires thrived on blood, Succubi depended on sexual contact for survival. The deprivation was so severe that Sasha had resigned herself to a life of isolation, confining herself mostly to her room.

Unlike typical girls who dreamed of romantic proposals, weddings, family, and children, Sasha knew such dreams were far removed from her reality. Her destiny seemed to be a life of solitude. However, she took solace in the presence of her mother, her sole pillar of emotional support in this challenging world. This strong maternal bond gave her a glimmer of warmth and comfort amidst the cold solitude of her existence.

As Sasha meandered through the bustling marketplace of the city, a sudden force collided with her. By reflex, she instinctively tried to extricate herself from the man who had tumbled onto her. However, as their bodies came into contact, she found herself undisturbed, an anomaly given her unique affliction.

'Could it be...? Is he actually a woman?' She mused inwardly, scrutinizing the visage of the handsome young man with an unruly mop of short, blue hair that lay entangled with her. The idea seemed plausible at first, a theory that offered a plausible explanation for the lack of reaction in her body.

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"I'm so sorry, miss," the man stammered, his eyes wide with a sort of nervous apprehension. He hastened to voice his apology before attempting to disappear into the throng of people.

In the midst of the crowd, a sudden realization dawned upon Sasha. 'He is indeed a man,' she confirmed internally. As a Succubus, she was blessed with an innate ability to discern the gender of an individual. And owing to her condition that had forced her into involuntary celibacy, her senses had become keener than ever. When the man had spoken, his voice had resonated deep within her, affirming his masculinity. It wasn't a mere presumption any longer - he was definitely a man.

The realization gripped Sasha fiercely. 'I simply cannot afford to let him slip away.' This man, inexplicably immune to her ailment, was no less than a cherished treasure to her. He was, in her eyes, a divine gift bestowed by the heavens. Despite her inability to comprehend why his touch didn't induce the expected malady, she was certain that she could not lose him.

"Wait a moment," she asserted, her fingers coiling tightly around the man's arm in a firm grip. As their skins melded once again, a wave of euphoria washed over her. There was no agony, no hacking up of blood, no internal combustion of her cells. Her body, to her sheer delight, remained unperturbed, perfectly harmonious.

In contrast, the man seized up, his body rigid and tense as he found his hand ensnared in her grasp. He cast an awkward, sidelong glance at her, attempting futilely to wrench his hand free. But Sasha was a formidable adversary - a potent peak 5th-order cultivator - while he was merely a peak 3rd-order one. The disparity in their strength was stark and unequivocal. Sasha held an indisputable advantage in terms of physical strength, one she was not about to relinquish.

"Excuse me, miss. Might I request you to release my hand?" The man's voice broke the silence. But Sasha, entranced, paid no heed to his words. Instead, she scrutinized his features meticulously. His countenance was undeniably attractive. He may not have been the epitome of male beauty she had encountered, yet there was an undeniable charm about him that Sasha found increasingly appealing with each passing moment.

Noticing that Sasha was making no move to relinquish her hold, the man, with a slight bow of his head, ventured to apologize again. "Miss, if I have in any way offended you by my previous actions, I sincerely apologize. I assure you, it was unintentional."

All the while, as the man spoke, Sasha's attention remained focused on his face, committing each detail to memory. A faint, almost unconscious, smile began to play on her lips as she watched him. 'I simply cannot let him go.' She resolved internally. The first sign of a solution to her lifelong problem had appeared, and she had no intention of letting it dissipate.

"Follow me," Sasha commanded, offering no room for discussion. Firmly gripping Aditya's hand, she maneuvered through the throngs of the marketplace, pulling him along with her. Like a force of nature, she guided him away from the hustle and bustle, away from the prying eyes and the nosy whispers. They traversed through a myriad of winding alleys and hidden pathways, leading them to a seemingly forsaken part of the city.

The place she had brought him was eerily silent, a stark contrast to the vibrant marketplace they had just left behind. It was a desolate part of the city, abandoned and seemingly untouched. No signs of life were evident, and the area was devoid of the usual city humdrum. A solitude permeated the place, giving it an uncanny feeling of stillness.

The disguised Aditya, slightly disoriented by the sudden turn of events, looked around before finally turning his gaze toward Sasha. "What is it that you desire?" He asked, a hint of curiosity seeping into his tone. The question hung in the air between them, waiting for Sasha to divulge her intentions.


Really Thank you very much to all those who sends support with valuable golden tickets. I hope we can keep it up!!!

Hello guys! Now I know recently I hadn't been that much activate. I did not upload for four days. And the chapter release rate also has decreased. Rest assured that I will upload make up chapters in the upcoming days. Please give me a few more days. I have been super busy.

On this note, I have released a new - The Demon Empress's Husband is a Part-time Hero - Please check it out. I am sure you guys will love it. It was everything. Character development, world building, system, romance, harem, adventure, action. Please do check it out.