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Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 153 - 151: Gracier’s Goals
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The next day, the sun had just risen, and the skies were clear, giving off a pleasant vibe.

On a paved road, a beautiful carriage could be seen moving toward the capital.

Naturally, it was the Magic carriage boarded by Alex and Gracier, as usual, it was Conrad who was driving. 

Inside the carriage, three individuals could be seen discussing. 

''So, master what role do I need to play? Your sister? Your aunt or your l-" 

''Enough,'' Alex said stopping Silveria from talking any further as he could see the playful smile on her face. 

Gracier on the other hand was giggling watching the two. She learned about Alex's plan, she was happy about it. Even if she trusted Leena that she would not do anything harmful to Alex or her, she knew that Leena could not protect them all the time, so better have some kind of assurance that could make those who would try to target them think twice. 

Gracier may be a child, not an adult yet however she was quite smart for her age, she was aware that there were some things her brother was hiding from her, nevertheless, she was not angry about it, she believes in the saying 'There are many things that would only bring you more harm than good knowing too early.' 

The current her do not have the qualifications to know some things, she was not reliable, at least not yet. She was aware of the big gap between them. 

'He is still too far away.' Gracier thought so and let out a small chuckle. The idea of catching up to him was so far-fetched she couldn't even feel jealous about it. On the contrary, she was proud, 'This is my brother' she thought. 

'I need to catch up somehow or at least be strong enough for him to share some of his burdens with me. What kind of sister would I be if I can't do this much? I must accomplish this goal and I mustn't fail. Big brother wants to be the strongest, then my goal is to become the strongest little sister in the universe.' Gracier affirmed with determination. 

Within the flame dimension, Ignia was happy seeing her host so determined. 'Don't worry, I'll help you at the best of my capabilities.' she mumbled. 

Suddenly Gracier smiled, her smile was that of scheming fox, Alex who was about to speak stopped, he felt afraid seeing his sister current smile, meanwhile, Silveria was amused. 

''What's going on Alexandra? Why are you smiling like that all of sudden?" Alex asked confused. 

Finally aware that she had unconsciously smiled, Gracier quickly shakes her head while saying, 

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''There is nothing. I was thinking about something.'' 

''It's that so?" Alex said not quite believing, nevertheless, there was nothing he could do. 

''Belief me, Big brother, there is nothing.'' 

Gracier said while inwardly thinking, 'There is no way I'll tell you that I'm thinking on how to make our family bigger can I? For starters let try to see if there are some good candidates in the capital. It's something I must do, the Touch family must increase. Umu! Let's make this one of my goals, I need a helper, though. Silveria will do, fufufu.' 

She then looked at Silveria, the two exchanged glances before smiling as if in that brief exchange, they both understood each other thoughts. 

Alex watched the two perplexed, not knowing what the two were planning. 

'Let them be. However, I hope Silveria will not corrupt my pure Alexandra.' Alex glared at Silveria, the latter became confused as to why her master suddenly glared at her as if she had done something bad. If only Alex knew what his sister was currently planning he would have spurted blood and fainted on the spot.

''Speaking about the role. I think I will say you are my Master. Let go with that.'' Alex announced bringing the topic back to what they were previously talking about.

''I see. Your master I shall be then. Let's start training, call me master.'' Silveria said while crossing her legs. 

Alex's lips twitched, while Gracier covered her lips trying her best to not laugh. 

''Say, is your butt itching again?" Alex asked with a smile, however, this smile was evil, the smile of someone who was about to bully, Silveria unconsciously shivered. 

Finally unable to hold back any longer Gracier burst into laughter and pointed her finger at the two. 

''You two look like a bickering couple. Too cute.'' 

''Who wants to be in a couple with her?" 

''Same here.'' 

Both Alex and Silveria shouted in unison. 

''See, even your reactions are perfectly synchronized. What an interesting couple.'' Gracier said pointing at them. 

Silveria harrumphed while Alex decided to not say anything, he was happy to see Gracier tease them, happy to see her smile. 

Meanwhile, Gracier was thinking, 'Should I start with Gracier?' 

As if she knew what was going on in Gracier's little mind, Silveria glared at her, Gracier shivered and put on a frightening expression. 

''Big brother, Silveria, s-she'' Gracier said while pointing her trembling finger at Silveria. 

Alex's expression changed, shielding Gracier behind his back, he chided Silveria. 

''What are you doing? Trying to scare her to death? As I thought you need some spanking.'' 

Silveria was dumbfounded, she watched Gracier from the corner of Alex's back winking at her. 

'This little lass. Ah! She's not innocent as you think master. Indeed, she is a devil, a little devil. If only you knew what she was up to. Forget it.' Silveria thought before looking outside to observe the scenery.

Alex turned around to caress Gracier's hair with a smile. Smart as he is, he knew that Gracier was exaggerating, even so, he decided to play along because he found the scared Gracier cute.

The journey towards the capital continued until night came. Booking rooms in the city they just entered, everyone went to sleep, tomorrow they will arrive in the capital. 


In a room in a gigantic tower in the capital of the Holy crux empire, Crux, a meeting was currently taking place. 

A young man whose age was around 18 year s old could be seen kneeling in front of the Pope, this young man had long white hair and beautiful golden eyes, he was extremely handsome as well. 

''Holy Father, I heard you called me. I'm here.'' the white-haired young man said. 

The current Pope of the Holy crux empire, an old man around sixty in appearance however he was more than 150 years old, he had white hair and golden eyes. He was dressed in a white robe with a golden crown on top of his head, he held a long golden staff in his hand, he was emitting a holy light that could calm anyone's heart. 

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''Indeed, I have a mission for you.'' said the Pope. 

''Holy Father, I'm listening.'' 

''Good, now that you are going to the Imperial Magic Academy, I want to make everything possible to bring the Otherworlder, Luna Heart here.'' 

''The Saintess?" The white-haired young man asked. 

''Indeed, it's her. We need her power. Do not fail, this is a Holy mission and as the Holy Son you mustn't fail, understood?" 

''Certainly, Holy Father. I will accomplish this holy mission, leave it to me.'' the white-haired young man said eyes filled with conviction.

He had heard about Luna, her beauty was said to be almost at the level of a Goddess, only someone like her had the right to become his woman, she was the perfect wife for him as if the Goddess herself had created her just for him. He was planning to court her, to make her his once at the academy, and now that he had the blessing of the Holy Father he was sure that the Goddess favored him, that he will not fail. 

''Good, you may leave. May the Goddess of Light bless you.'' the Pope said, the white-haired young man bowed before leaving the meeting room. 

Just after he left someone else appeared, it was one of the Six Cardinal, a middle-aged man with golden hair, blue eyes, bowing to the Pope he said. The Cardinal Cross.

''I hope he will accomplish this mission.'' 

''Don't worry, he will, I have faith in him. We must at least snatch one of the remaining Otherworlders before the others make a move. It's vital to have that girl, she is perfect, she is what we need. We must acquire her.'' 

Hearing the Pope's words, Cardinal Cross nodded his head, indeed they need that girl for their plans, she was necessary if they-, Cardinal Cross shook his head and decided to ask something that was bothering him.

''Holy Father, what about the eighth?" 

Naturally the eighth refers to Alex. 

For the first time, the Pope's brow creased, he felt troubled. 

''That one is irregular. Even though it's hard to use divination on the other seven it's not impossible. However, when it comes to the eighth it doesn't work. All I see it's a darkness that threatens to devour me, I dared not to mess with him. Somehow, I have the feeling that I'll die if I look beyond that darkness.'' the Pope said, he seemed afraid. 

Cardinal Cross was dumbfounded seeing the Pope's expression, one should know that the Pope's strength was not a joking matter, he is one of the strongest and yet he was afraid a young man, no, to be more accurate afraid of what was behind the young man.

''We shall wait and see. If Damien manages to befriend the eighth it will be a good thing. In the case it doesn't work, well.'' the Pope stopped talking until there, however, Cardinal Cross knows what the Pope's silence meant.