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Bride of Mr.Billion

Chapter 94
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Chapter 94

Bella’s POV:

Hearing that my phone was in Klein’s car, Joey’s face was instantly filled with evil smiles. “Isn’t this an

opportunity for you?” “What are you talking about? Hurry up and pass me your phone.” I reached out to


Joey took out her phone from her bag, but she shook her wrist and did not give it to me. Instead, she

asked, “Are you calling your boss?” “Of course I’m calling him. My cell phone is with him. He can’t get in

touch with me!” I replied. “Then you need to be careful when you call him.” Joey stuffed the phone into

my hand. “What do you mean?” I asked in confusion. “It’s almost 10 o’clock now. If you call him now, his

wife or girlfriend might misunderstand you. At that time, you will be the third party!” Joey said with a


Hearing this, I really hesitated. I could be sure that Klein didn’t have a wife, but I really didn’t know if he

had a girlfriend.

But I was worried about whether or not my cell phone was with Klein. After all, the cell phone was too

important to me. Without a cell phone, many jobs would be delayed. I thought about it for a moment and

decided to call my own number. I was calling my own mobile phone. It might not cause any


Ring… Ring… The ringtone rang for a long time, but no one answered. I was beginning to panic. Could it

be that I didn’t leave my phone in Klein’s car? If dropped my phone outside, it would be terrible. I

definitely wouldn’t be able to find it. I dialed several times, and when I was about to give up, the phone

was finally connected! “Hello?” The voice from the other end was hoarse and weak. Hearing this voice, I

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could tell that it was Klein. “Boss, what’s wrong?”

“I… have a fever…” Klein’s voice was very unpleasant to hear.

“Didn’t you take medicine for fever?” I asked anxiously. I could tell that he must be very uncomfortable.

“There’s none… at home,” he replied with difficulty. “Are you the only one at home?” I asked, still a little

taken aback. “Hmm.” He gave a long ‘hmm’ and said no more. Klein’s voice sounded very terrible. Most

likely, he was in a very bad state.

I happened to have a medicine for fever.

I was worried that something unexpected might happen to him, so I said, “Send me your house location.

I’ll send you the medicine right away!”

“No…no need…” Klein, at the other end of the line, refused. “You’ll suffer from a fever like this. Hurry up

and send me your address!” Klein couldn’t even speak clearly. He had to take some medicine.

“Alright…” Perhaps because Klein was very uncomfortable, and he was also very eager for medicine. he

quickly sent the location over. “About half an hour later, I will knock on the door. You must remember to

open the door!” I said loudly and hung up the phone.

Then, I changed my clothes and shoes. “Are you really going to Klein’s home?” Joey asked frantically.

“He has a high fever now. There is no one at home and no medicine. I’m worried that something bad will

happen to him.” I said with a frown.

“But it’s so late now, and it’s raining heavily outside. You don’t have a car!” Joey looked at outside


“Jennie who works at the supermarket downstairs has a husband who is a taxi driver. I’ll ask him to drive

me there.” I took the fever, cold, and stomach medicine stored at home and was about to go


“I’ll go with you.” Joey stopped me as she reached for the clothes. “Okay, thank you, Joey.”

Joey went out with me and we waited for the car downstairs.

Joey received a phone call that there was a set of data error. She needed to check the important set of

data now.

“Dear, I can’t accompany you. This job is very important. I worked overtime before because of this

document. If something goes wrong, our department will be in big trouble tomorrow.” “I can understand.

Don’t worry, Joey. Go and deal with your work. If I need help, I’ll call you.” “Okay! Call me if there’s


Half an hour later.

By the time I reached the front gate of Klein’s house, I was already a soaked. Because the wind and rain

were too heavy, the umbrella wasn’t of much use at all.

Dingdong… I kept ringing the doorbell. Finally, Klein helped me open the door. His entire person was in a

terrible state. “You…are here?” After the door was opened, Klein leaned against the wall, his eyes

closed. I quickly helped him to the bed and touched his head. As expected, it was very hot. I measured it

with a thermometer, and it turned out to be 39.6 degrees.

He had to take some medicine for fever.

I brought him a glass of water and gave him a medicine for fever. After his body temperature dropped a

little, I covered him with a quilt. If the temperature hasn’t dropped in half an hour after taking the

medicine, I’ll probably make an emergency call.


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Fortunately, his body temperature dropped. After making sure that there was no accident, I sent a text

message to Joey to tell her that I was safe. Joey said, “It’s good that you’re fine. But you can’t come back

now. There’s no taxi outside. And it’s a storm.”

“This is really troublesome. If I sleep in the boss’s house, won’t it be bad?”

Joey, who usually liked to tease me, became much more serious at the moment. She said, “You didn’t do

it on purpose, and your boss has already fallen asleep. It doesn’t matter. If your clothes are wet, you

have to find a way to dry them. Don’t catch a cold.” “Okay.” After I replied to the text message, I began to

look for a hair dryer. My clothes were so wet that I couldn’t dry them with the hair dryer. Klein didn’t have

any women’s clothes at home, and he was now completely asleep. Thus, I had no choice but to borrow

his shirt for now. But of course, prior to this, I had specially inspected the items in Klein’s room. If he had

a girlfriend, I would definitely have thought of ways to get in touch with her. Otherwise, it would be bad to

cause a misunderstanding. But when I looked around, I didn’t see any female products at all, so I

borrowed Klein’s shirt. When he wakes up, I would tell him everything. After I changed my clothes, I put

them in a dryer. When I returned to his room, I noticed that Klein’s body temperature was continuing to

decrease. I instantly felt much more at ease. In Klein’s home, there was actually another bedroom and

one room for the study. ‘ But without the permission of the owner, it was not appropriate to sleep in the

bedroom and the study. So I planned to sleep on the sofa in the living room for a night. I had to sleep on

the sofa for one night. At three o’clock in the morning, I got up from the sofa and went into the room to

touch Klein’s forehead. After confirming that his fever had subsided, I went back to the sofa to sleep. The

next day, when I woke up, I suddenly felt something moving by my side. Immediately, I opened my

drowsy eyes, only to see a pair of familiar eyes staring at me, a man dressed in pajamas, squatting in

front of the sofa.