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Bride of Mr.Billion

Chapter 52
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Chapter 52

Bella’s POV: After talking to Miranda, I planned to go back to my room to rest. But I suddenly thought of

something very important, so I stopped.

I must go out now.

When I changed to my coat and came to the door, Miranda stopped me. ‘Madam, Mr. Wharton said that

you can’t go out. If I let you go out, Mr. Wharton will blame me when he comes back.” I said as I changed

my shoes, “I’ll make it clear to him that I insisted on going out. It has nothing to do with you. Miranda, I

don’t have suitable clothes to go to see his parents. Do you know how important a person’s first

impression is? I want to leave a good impression on them. I think you can understand me!”

Miranda compromised, “I’ll go with you. I can take care of you.” “Miranda, you’re so nice!” Then I took her

to the mall. In the afternoon, I bought several sets of clothes, shoes, and bags. When I came back with

Miranda, it was already night. Herbert was also sitting on the sofa in the living room, and his face was

very ugly. “Mr. Wharton, you…you’re back?” Miranda was terrified of Herbert. “What have you two been

doing?” Herbert asked. “… went shopping with Madam.” Miranda answered quickly “I told you, not to let

her go out!” Herbert’s tone was very severe. Miranda lowered her head and did not dare to speak. I was

very dissatisfied with Herbert’s tone of speaking as if he was interrogating a prisoner. I immediately

stepped forward and said, “Don’t blame Miranda. I forced her to go shopping with me.” The look on

Herbert’s face grew darker, “L… I’ll go prepare dinner first.” Miranda was so scared that she put the bag

on the sofa and left the living room.

“Are you deliberately going against me?’ Herbert’s voice was very stiff, and his expression was

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particularly serious. I rolled my eyes and sat down on the sofa. As I rubbed my sore legs, I said, ‘I don’t

dare to go against you! You‘re the boss, and you make the decisions. I did not do as you instructed

today. How do you want to punish me? Are you going to beat me? Or are you going to lock me up like a

prisoner?” Herbert was even angrier. He said, “You are a pregnant woman now. I won’t hit you, but I can

make sure you can’t get out of this door!”

After that, he went upstairs angrily

I looked at Herbert’s back as he left and rolled my eyes again. This person is too overbearing. I just went

shopping? Why was he so angry?

Moreover, wasn’t the person who should be angry supposed to be me? I was roared at! And he was

going to be imprison me! The more I thought about it, the angrier I became. So I stretched out my foot

and kicked a back off the sofa. At this time, Miranda hurriedly ran out of the kitchen and whispered to me,

“Herbert’s character is like this. If your attitude is tough, he will only be tougher. If your attitude is gentle,

he will also become gentle. Maybe you can comfort him?”

“I was the one who was wronged. Why should I comfort him?” I said deliberately, “I will never comfort


Miranda continued to persuade her, “Madam, sometimes you need some tactics to deal with men. If his

attitude is tough, you can be a little softer. If his attitude is soft, you can be a little tougher. You have to

learn some skills so that you can hold the man’s heart tightly in your hands!”

I looked at Miranda and said with a smile. “Miranda, you look Üke a love expert. How many times have

you been in love?”

Miranda refused to mention her relationship history. She said, “Hurry up and explain to Mr. Wharton. Tell

him that you went out to buy things because you’re going to meet his parents tomorrow.” Miranda stuffed

the bag on the sofa into my hand and pushed me upstairs.

I have to make it clear that I didn’t take the initiative to appease that man. It was Miranda who persuaded

me. So strictly speaking, I was forced.

Yes, that was it. With a lot of things in my hand, I came to the door of his room.

I said I would never comfort him, and now I took the initiative to look for him!

This made me feel a little uncomfortable.

I turned around and wanted to go to another room.

At this moment, the bedroom door suddenly opened!

I turned around and saw Herbert standing at the door like an ice sculpture. My hand shook, and the bag

in my hands fell to the ground in an instant.

I couldn’t stand still. Just when I thought I would fall, he put his arms around my waist. “Are you okay?”

Herbert’s tone was full of care and worry. I caressed my forehead and said, “I’m fine. But suddenly… I

feel a little dizzy.” The next second, I was carried into the bedroom by Herbert His arms were very strong,

and I felt very safe in his arms. For a moment, the unhappiness just now dissipated in my heart. He

gently put me on the big bed, turned around, poured me a glass of water, and whispered, “You must be

too tired this afternoon. You are now a pregnant woman, you can have a miscarriage if you’re too tired.

Even if you don’t think about yourself, you should think more about the baby in your belly!”

At this moment, I felt very warm in my heart.

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It turned out that he was angry all of a sudden because he was worried about the baby and I,

I know I was wrong. I lowered my eyes guiltily It wasn’t that I didn’t want to listen to him, but the moment

he opened the door, I deliberately played a little trick, threw away the bag in my hand, and pretended to

faint. I just wanted him not to be so fierce to me. I didn’t expect him to be so worried about me.

I felt that I was wasting his concern. I felt a little guilty towards him.

Afterwards, Herbert’s face was no longer serious. It seemed that he was no longer angry

He took out his mobile phone and browsed the information while saying, “I received more than a dozen

messages this afternoon. They are all notifications of transaction. Do you like shopping?” With my eyes

wide open. I snatched the phone from his hand and looked down. It was true. The notification of all my

transaction this afternoon were sent to his mobile phone. He knew where and when I spent money. I

returned the phone to him and laid on the bed, feeling a little disappointed. I feel like I was being

watched! Herbert seemed to have seen through my emotions. He said, “What’s wrong? I won’t care how

much money you spent!”

“I feel that I have no privacy.” i frowned and felt a little distressed.

I’m your husband now. Do you still need privacy?” Herbert said. I couldn’t help frowning. He was my

husband, so I didn’t need privacy? What kind of gangster logic was this?

My reason made me refute him, but what remained in my mind was the first half of his sentence.”

am now your husband… When I raised my head, I saw Herbert looking at me, I immediately sat up, held

a pillow in my arms, and asked, “What are you thinking about?” “I’m wondering if I still don’t fully

understand you.’ Herbert reached out to grab the bolster in my arms, threw it on the floor, and continued

to approach me.

slowly laid on the bed with his hands on both sides of my head. The atmosphere suddenly became a

little ambiguous…