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Breakthrough with the Forbidden Master-Novel

Chapter 301: Intermission (Fox Woman)
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Chapter 301 – Intermission (Fox Woman)

A certain day suddenly came back to me, when I was unloading to a friend over a drink.


I don’t know who he is under that mask, but for sure, he’s pretty skilled.

From the sound of his voice, he’s gotta be, like, in his early teens or so as humans age.

For me, that’s out of my strike zone, but it sounds fun to, like, maybe consider keeping them for the future.

I wanna keep him as, like, a pet along with that Hunter kid.

Will you fulfill my wish?

No idea.

So gotta check.

I’m gonna get him for sure ♡.

“Nihahaha, hey! You guys, like, stay back! I’m gonna go wild a bit. Don’t get caught up in it.”

“””You got it!!”””

“Now then~, let’s gooooooo!”

If I go wild in this form, my attacks go all wide range. It’s great for crushing enemies, but my people will get dragged in it too.

Especially when dealing with opponents who can’t be beat with, like, just a swish or two of my tail, like this guy.

“I’m coming…——”

But still, if I use my Fūrinkazan, it will, like, kill him in an instant.

Fuu(Wind)…… A secret move where nine tails are swung like whips at high speed to create wind blades(kamaitachi)

from the shockwaves, blowing everything around away.

Rin(Fire)…… A one-hit kill blow in which the nine tails are bound together and struck down like a giant hammer.

Ka(Forest)…… A defensive maneuver that uses nine tails to deflect all attacks.

Zan(Mountain)…… An ironclad barrier that covers the whole body with nine tails and is impervious to any attack.

That’s, like, my ultimate secret technique. There is no one that has broken it… except The Great Demon King, and Vasalar, and Kaguya, and Mikado, and um… okay, there may be quite a few who did… but, seriously, like, this guy’s got no chance in hell!

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“【Ragaan Goose Step】!”


I was totally gonna rip him to shreds with my wind… make him run around, mess with him slowly until he cried and peed himself… or so I thought, but before I could even activate my technique, this guy didn’t run away, and, like, instead jumped right at my feet…

“Hehe, you’re crazy to jump in like that.”

“Hehe, now, is that what you think?”

This guy…… isn’t it scary to jump at a huge opponent like me?

Or was that his plan?

Fighting with this huge body of mine is, like, so hard because I can’t maneuver against small enemies who are wandering around at my feet.

And worse, attacks with Fūrinkazan are great for a wide range hit, but sucks when it’s too close. If I mess up, my own tail attack might even hit me and, like, self-destruct.

“I’m gonna stomp him!”

Alright then, I’ll trample him with my hands and feet, rip him up with my claws… Oh! I wanna keep this guy, so I can’t kill him…

“【Great D… no not that, 【Ragaan Split Step】!”


Ah, stomping with my front foot on this guy… did he dodge like it was nothing?

He’s pretty fast, but… the movements are lean and, like, so sharp! And his reactions are quick too.

“Just running around… but how are you gonna beat me with that?”

Anyway, gotta stop him from moving, even if it hurts him a bit.

If he can move like this, then, like, I can probably hit him a bit harder without, you know, actually killing him.

Then again, even if he doesn’t die, he’ll be bedridden for life, then I’ll strip him down, shave him, and grab hold and play with it ♡.

“Lookie here, if even one hit lands, it’s gonna be a major catastrophe♡. With my claws―――”

“【Ragaan Sonic Phantom Punch】”



Just now, the moment I attacked, a shock hit my jaw… I pulled my chin back quick, so it was no biggie, but, like… what was that?

An attack from my blind spot?

“As I thought, a counter of this level is nothing against such a big guy…”


“But it depends on where you hit…”

This Ragaan-Man guy… countered?

A counter with a shockwave unleashed from his fist, matching my attack?

“Hmph, did you do something? That was no biggie. Even if you get a hundred shots, I’m still good.”

“Then I’ll put a thousand shots in!”

“Nu~, still running around, like… argh, so annoying! I’m gonna stomp you and rip you to shreds!”

This guy…… knows what he’s doing.

In this form, my attack power is, like, massive. I have a large stride, so my speed is good.

But, with this huge body, I’m a big target for opponents, so if I’m attacked, I get hit quite a bit.

“【Ragaan Sonic Flicker】!”

“Nihahaha, what’s up with that!”

This guy, just now, he aimed right at my eyeballs for sure!

Oh no. If I get attacked in the eyes or, like, my mouth, it’s gonna hurt, even for me.

This guy’s, like, fighting with that in mind.

“I’m gonna chop up every troublesome fly! Swift――――!”

“Don’t keep your distance!”


Right now, the moment I tried to step back a little and use my Fūrinkazan… no, even before that.

The moment I stepped in to get some space, this guy had already moved around to the other side… it’s as if he knew I was gonna do that.

“Nihahaha, you sure move a lot… are you really that scared of my Fūrinkazan?”

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Is this guy, like, trying to prevent me from using my Fūrinkazan?

“Kuhahahaha, as a peerless Six Supremacy, you’re not saying you can’t win without it, right?”

It’s only been, like, a few seconds since the battle started, but one thing’s crystal clear.

This guy is fighting, knowing exactly what I hate.

This should be the first time I’ve faced this guy.

But, he fights like he knows all about me, and worse, with no fear or hesitation.

It’s like he’s figured out strategies from the info he’s gathered about me and is acting on them, but he’s so sure that he can “totally trust” those strategies.

“Nihahahaha, as if I would lose anyway.”

No kidding, like, he’s got me there.

He’s way stronger and more troublesome than I first thought.

But, for me, this guy is just… a little tricky to deal with… that’s all.

This guy is not normal for sure.

An unknown being with powers kinda like the Great Demon King’s Breakthrough.

Those agile moves and those punches are no joke.

But, with this level of power and speed… gotta say, compared to the Seven Heroes and all that, this guy’s within range…

“Well, like, let’s tussle a little longer.”

Him being beneath the Seven Heroes… it’s still too soon to say that.

This guy hasn’t gone all out yet, not by a long shot.

And thing is, there’s, like, “something” about this guy.

He’s not like the Seven Heroes, I feel something like an extra layer.

“Nihahahaha, come on, I’m coming, I’m coming~, right there ♡”

For real, I’m getting even more into him.

Let’s play around a little bit more.

I’m gonna draw out everything this guy’s got and then consider keeping him as a pet.

So, like, don’t go giving up on me too soon, okay? Ragaan-Man!