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A Farewell After Being Reborn

Chapter 269
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"Nothing's wrong. | just want to get smedicine."

"What kind of medication do you need? Let Terry get it and deliver it to the estate.”

Her cheeks burned as she cleared her throat. "It's fine. I'll go get it myself."

lan could roughly guess what she wanted from her reaction. His gaze darkened as he said lowly, "There were

condoms in the hotel room."

Sage realized he had taken precautions and was relieved. She couldn't risk another accident after what

happened the night before.

His irritation returned as he noticed Sage visibly relaxed. "Didn't you hint tobefore that you wanted to have

children with me?"

"People’s desires change over time. Let's not dwell on the past,” she responded coolly. lan was at a loss for


Then, the couple arrived at Solaris Estate. Sage wanted to open the door and get out, but lan insisted that she

stay put. He then opened her door anc

carried her out of the car.

"What do you think you're doing?" Sage was surprised.

"You're too slow," he responded.

Sage was rendered speechless. She thought she was pretty strong since she had been able to deal with so many

things after what she had been


Wanda was pleasantly surprised when she noticed lan carrying Sage inside. She hastily gave them sprivacy.

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Sage could only pretend not to

notice as lan carried her upstairs.

Sage used sfoundation to cover up the hickeys on her neck, put on smakeup, and changed into a high-

collared dress and a chic jacket.

Sage looked much better despite how minute the changes she had made were.

The couple arrived at Holcomb Manor in the middle of the afternoon. lan still wanted to carry Sage out of the car,

but she stopped him. "I can manage

on my own."

After all, she didn't want to be the center of attention. Plus, with their impending divorce, she wanted to maintain

a low profile. lan pursed his lips and

extended his arm, which Sage did not refuse.

The couple hoe several of lan's

relatives hag: Iready arrived and

were gathered together as they >

walked iftto the open-air banquet'on

the front lawn. Many of them tdrned

thejfattention toward lan when they

ies them entering. Content

belongs to Find©

After all, lan was the CEO of Holcomb Corporation. It was only natural for his relatives to cover and say


His aunt, who-had dinner with them

last time, Sh concern, "I hope

you've been“taking care of yourself

lately, lakUNo matter how busy youl

are witirwork, you need to make"

timezfor yourself and Sage. You

shouldn't neglect your beagtiful

Wife!" Content belongs te”


Even though lap's aunt had called

him out, SagE couldnt help but

laugh whenshe thought about the

last timeGhe had teased him. lan"

had alsp read between the lineg, so

he pinched Sage's waist. Sage; who

was already weak, felt her legs give

Way and almost lost her falance.

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He reached out and caught her. "Do you feel neglected?"

Sage shook his hand away angrily

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and responded, "Yes: Cant do Shilike


ths for bi6thér day! The content is

on novelenglish.net! Read the latest

chapter there!

"Sage Joyner!" lan wrapped his arms

around her and heespacioron

dont If, I'l make sure

you miss out on dinner altogether!"

Her cheeks burned in an instant. How

could this jerk say such suggestiye

things in freptatisrddive? Sure

eholigh. his aunt smiled

mischievously. The content is on

novelenglish.net! Read the latest

chapter there!

"I'm so glad you guys are so lovey-dovey!" x

"|—" Sage was cut off by a stern voice.

"What are you guys doing?"