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We Will Collide Someday by Scarlett Sanchez

Chapter 35
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Chapter 35 Terrence Doesn’t Care 

“Have you recovered?” 


“Then follow me to the company later.” 


In front of him, Alexa didn’t have the right to refuse. 

Knowing that she was going to work in the company with Terrence, Terrence’s parents

looked very 


Rebekah deliberately held Terrence’s hand and reminded him, “Terrence, teach Alexa

patiently, and don’t ask her to work too hard.” 

“I got it.’ 

Terrence agreed, and Alexa felt that they still did not know that she was going to be



Today, Terrence drove to the company on his own, and Alexa was forced to sit in the front

passenger seat by him, feeling uneasy. 

“Didn’t you say that we couldn’t let others know about our relationship? Wouldn’t it be too

remarkable?” she whispered. 

Terrence kept a poker face. He did not even look at her. 

“Is it something I should worry about? Aren’t you my secretary?” Terrence asked. 

Alexa didn’t reply. 


Alexa was at a loss for words, simply not knowing what to say. 

“Then I’ll get off at the bus stop in front.” 

Terrence’s face suddenly darkened a bit, but he did not refuse her. 

Terrence turned the steering wheel all of a sudden with his delicate hand and stepped on

the brake. The luxury and expensive car was stopped in front of the bus stop in a

remarkable manner. 

“Get out of the car,” he squeezed out the words unhappily. 

“Okay, thank you.” 

Alexa did not notice that Terrence was angry at all. After getting out of the car, she stood

by the window and waved at him. “Goodbye.” 

Terrence ignored her and turned his eyes away. He quickly closed the car window and

drove the car passed by her at a high speed with anger. 

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Alexa took a bite of her toast and felt that Terrence’s driving skills were not good! 

As soon as Edwin arrived at the president’s office today, he saw Mr. Ramsey sitting in his

seat silently, staring at the clock on the wall seriously. 

“Good morning, Mr. Ramsey.” 

Edwin greeted Terrence warmly, but Terrence, who put on a poker face, instantly sneered

at Edwin. 

“It’s getting late.” 

Terrence said meaningfully. When it was nine o’clock, he immediately got up and walked



Edwin hurriedly adjusted his glasses and immediately followed Terrence. 

Alexa arrived at the HR department on time, but everyone was busy with their work, and

no one paid any attention to her. 

Alexa thought, should I call Terrence? 


Alexa held the phone and hesitated for a long time, not daring to dial the number. 

She could already imagine how Terrence would scold her. 

At that moment, someone tall walked over from behind her. 

“Mr. Ramsey!” 

Nathan immediately called for all the staff to come forward and stand respectfully in front



“Mr. Ramsey, do you have any arrangements for our department?” 

Edwin saw Alexa behind Terrence, and his eyes under the glasses lit up. He immediately

understood everything. 

Nathan was not smart at all, even daring to ignore Alexa, Terrence’s wife. 

“Everyone in the HR department will have your wages deducted as a penalty.” 

Terrence indifferently ordered. He gave them great pressure and no one dared to argue


“Yes, sir.” 

Nathan was immediately frustrated, but he could only smile politely in front of Terrence. 

“But Mr. Ramsey, it seems that our HR department has not done anything wrong


Terrence was extremely unhappy after hearing what Nathan said. 

“Are you questioning me?” 

“No, I am not!” 

It was the first time Alexa had seen Terrence in the company. Although he was also as

indifferent as at home, he was now more cold-hearted and ruthless. 

It was no wonder that Terrence was able to create a business legend that others could not

reach in 

just a few months after he took over the Hudson Group. 

“Come here.” 

Terrence seemed to case a little, and Alexa subconsciously went over. 

Only then did Nathan notice that someone was standing there. 

So was it because of her that Terrence suddenly got so angry? 

What was her background? 

All the employees of Hudson Group knew Terrence well. He had always picked up his staff

relying on talent, and he would never care about personal affairs. 

So, despite Brynlee having a close relationship with Terrence, she was still unable to join

the Hudson Group. 

“Edwin, you’ll be her teacher.” 


After making the arrangements, Terrence left without hesitation. Only then the staff in the

HR department relaxed a little. 

Nathan took the opportunity to size Alexa up, but he failed to find anything extraordinary

about her. 

She was skinny and did not look particularly beautiful. She was not of the same style as

Brynlee, and far less attractive than Brynlee. 

“Mrs. Ramsey… ” just as Edwin was about to call Alexa, he immediately changed his

words, “Ms. Duran, come with me.” 


Alexa politely nodded at Nathan and immediately followed Edwin to leave… 

“Mr. Bradshaw, sorry to trouble you.” 

“No, Madam, it’s my job.” 

Edwin did not dare to ignore Alexa and patiently explained to her how the company


In the end, he brought Alexa to an office. 

“This is the Secretariat Office. Your job is to handle some daily affairs. If you have any

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problems, feel free to ask me or Ms. Duffy.”! 

After that, Edwin called over a capable and elegant middle-aged lady. 

“This is Alexa. And this is Ms. Duffy. You can continue your conversation later,” Edwin

introduced them to each other briefly. 

“No problem.” 

Tiana kindly held Alexa’s hand as she agreed. 

After working for a whole morning, Alexa was completely used to her job at the Secretariat


She thought that Terrence would come to find her, but he had not appeared at all. So

Alexa was 

much relieved. 

She was experienced in working in the Duran Group before, so the job was completely a

piece of cake for her, and even Tiana, who was always strict, was in favor of her. 

When it was close to noon, Tiana specially invited all staff in the office to dinner. 

Alexa agreed happily, completely leaving Terrence behind. 

At that moment in the president’s office, Terrence finished reading Edwin’s work report

and was off work at an unprecedented early time. 

He was a little impatient. 

It was Alexa’s first day at Hudson Group, and he had specially booked seats in the foreign

restaurant she liked, looking forward to seeing Alexa sharing what she had seen and heard

in her 


But Terrence covered his feelings perfectly. When he walked to the door, Edwin suddenly


from behind him. 

“Mr. Ramsey, Mrs. Ramsey has already left.” 

“What?” Terrence failed to keep the same expression, “where did she go?” 

“I heard it was a department gathering dinner. Mr. Ramsey, do you need to call her back?”



“Of course not,” Terrence’s face turned dark, and he instantly became indifferent about it. 

“Sorry, Mr. Ramsey.” 

Edwin was very upset. He had mistaken Terrence’s thoughts. It never happened before. 

When Terrence passed by the Secretariat Office, he specially glanced at Alexa’s seat, and

it was indeed empty. 

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