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Tsundere Wife And Kawaii Kid

Chapter 10
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Chapter 010 Apologize to My Mommy

“I am still in a meeting. You two go home and wait for me. I’ll be back right after the meeting, okay?”

“Mommy, we are worried that you will be bullied. We will stay to protect you” Javen put his hands in his


When Molly heard this, she could not help but smile. “You two are the best

But I am in a meeting now. If you stay here, I will be distracted.” “Get to your meeting then we will wait for

you here. I will take good care of Jared. I will definitely not mess things up.” Although Javen was only

three years old, his IQ was extraordinarily high. He was

mature at a very young age.

“Mommy, don’t worry. We won’t run around.” Jared was a clever person who was very good at reading

expressions. His personality was completely different from his brother’s,

When the two children were playing with their mobile phones, they saw many people attacking Molly on

the internet.

They were worried and deliberately came to protect Molly, Being here with her, they wanted to see who

was the one bullying her.

“No one can bully me. I am Superman.” Molly smiled and comforted the children, not wanting to leave

trauma in them.

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Women were gentle in nature, but after becoming a mother, they would become strong. For the sake of

her children, she must be strong. Chris smiled gently and patted Molly on the shoulder. “Don’t worry. I am

here to look after the two of


“Alright. Thank you.”

“You don’t have to be all polite with me. Just go and do what you need to do. If you need any help, just




With Chris cheering her on, Molly felt a bit more confident. Watching from the side, Ivan felt agitated and

embarrassed. Somehow, he felt as if he was being cheated

This bitch slept with him for two years, but she was not pregnant. Once they were divorced, she actually

gave birth to two little bastards.

People might think that he was not capable or infertile. “Ten minutes is up. Do you still want to have the

meeting?” “This is a company, not an amusement park. If you want to play with your children, go home’

Ivan threw

out a cold and sour sentence.

Then, he strode forward with his long legs and walked in between Chris and Molly in a very rude manner.

He was so wrathful that he went ballistic. “Cheater. Bitch. I will kill you!”

I’ll kill those two bastards together too.” Even if they had divorced a long time ago However, the strong

possessiveness made himn hare the busion that Moly was still ha Molly staggered after being hit by ivan,

and she almost fell in her high heels Chris hurriedly stretched out his arm to support her, and hugged her

in this arms

When Ivan saw this, he choked in anger

This pair of cheaters were showing off their affection in front of hur?

Well done

All of them would die

“Molly, are you alright?” “Mommy, are you alright?” Jared and Javen hurriedly ran up to her Jared

squatted down and carefully rubbed her ankle with his chubby hands

I’m fine.

“You didn’t sprain your ankle, did you?” Chris put his hand on Molly’s waist and bent over to check with


“I didn’t’ After Molly steadied herself, she glared angrily at Ivan

“What are you looking at? Hurry up and come in for the meeting My time is very precious. I dont have

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

time to waste.

When Javen saw this, he was instantly furious. He put his hands on his waist and shouted fiercely


Hearing that, Ivan raised his eyebrows and looked down at the little guy in front of him “I want you to

apologize to my mother?” Javen raised his head and pointed at Ivan’s nose angrily When Ivan heard

this, he couldn’t help but sneer. No one in Oscos had ever dared to ask him to apologize. However, he

was not going to argue with a child. “If you bully my mommy, I will not let you go.” Javen’s face turned red

as he chased after Ivan “Little bastard, scram to the side! “Who are you calling a bastard? You are the

big bastard.” “Molly, behave your son.” Ivan’s face darkened. “Kids will misbehave sometimes, but I didn’t

expect adults to misbehave too. “Listen to me, Javen. I will be fine. Go back and wait for me with Jared.

Molly hurriedly hugged Javen

Javen, stop causing trouble for Mommy. Let’s go back to the hotel now.Jared rolled his eyes, pulled his

brother, and whispered a few words in his ear.

Only then did the little face of the boy calm down, and he shouted at Ivan, ‘Big bad guy just you wait

“Mommy, we’ll leave now.”

“Okay, watch out for each other, okay? “Tu send them back now. Call me if you need anything.’

“Got it.” Molly nodded. “Javen, Jared, let’s go. Say goodbye to Mommy.” “Goodbye, Mommy.” “I’ll see the

two of you later, sweeties.” With that, Chris smiled and walked to the elevator while he held the boys’

hands with each of his. “Continue the meeting.” Ivan and Molly entered the conference room one after

the other. “Have you considered it? Are you going to sign this gamble agreement?”