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Three Fated Hearts by LNC

Chapter 78
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I feel wretched! I swear my body is sluggish, and my mind is hazy. I’ve felt this way since Jenna left the territory. I’ve been
struggling with training and my duties as the future Beta of the pack. I’ve tried to keep the twins out of it as much as possible,
relying on Tia to talk it out with me.
She has been off as well. I guess finding out that your sisters wanted to, possibly, kill you is enough to have anyone acting off.
We have relied on each other to get gain some sort of semblance. Lynn has also been helping us, and I couldn’t be more
Our parents are in front of the packhouse now, welcoming the guests for tomorrow’s ceremony. I had planned to join them, but I
just couldn’t put the fake smile on my face and pretend. I’d have to pretend that my heart and soul aren’t hurting. That angers
me! Why should I be hurting? Why should I want someone that is clearly no good for me? It isn’t just Cato who yearns for her; I
hate myself for that. Out of all of the she-wolves I could have been fated to, it just had to be her, Jenna.
A knock on my door brings me out of my thoughts. “Yeah?” My door is pushed open, and Lynn stands in the doorway, arms
crossed in front of her. “What’s up? Did mom and dad need me?”
“No, they are still performing their last duties as Beta male and female. Look,” Lynn shifts from foot to foot. She looks a bit
“What?” Lynn sighs and walks into my room, sitting on my bed next to me.
“I know that Jenna isn’t the best example of a loving mate that there is, but there is something about her. I don’t think she’s as
bad as she seems.” I scoff. My sister, always so sentimental.
“Are you kidding me right now? She came here to break up a union, to get the twins to ditch Tia and pick her. How is that not

“I didn’t say that what she did wasn’t bad. I said she isn’t as bad as she seems.” I roll my eyes, causing Lynn to hit my arm. “I
think you should at least talk to her; let her show you who she is.”
“Yeah let me open myself up and let her use me to get to the twins.”
“URGH! Seriously?!” Lynn stands up and starts to pace. “You act like she kept going after the twins once she found you. You act
as if she didn’t leave the territory abruptly, I mean how can she get the twins if she isn’t here? You can’t really be so dense that

you don’t see the change in her all since you made yourself known to her.”
“She should have just accepted the rejection. It would be easier that way.” Lynn stops pacing and looks at me.
“Easier for who exactly? You may have rejected her, but you sure don’t act like a wolf that wants nothing to do with their mate.
You can at least talk to her.”
“Yeah, let me call her so we can talk.” I used the air quotes for ‘talk’ because I’m pretty sure that isn’t how things would go.
“I mean, you could call her, or you can go downstairs....” My head snaps up, and I look at Lynn who’s sporting a slight smirk on
her face. I can feel my heartbeat get fast, and my palms are getting sweaty.
“Do....downstairs?” Lynn nods and tries to hide her smile. I jump out of bed and run to my closet. I start to shuffle through the
clothes before I stop. What the hell am I doing?! She doesn’t deserve my best. I slowly make my way out of the closet, and the
minute Lynn’s eyes meet mine, she falls on the bed laughing.
“Oh yeah! There’s a wolf who wants to reject his mate.” Lynn is laughing hysterically, and I slap her a*s as I walk past her. “Ow
you a*****e. You’re going to pay for that one.” I can hear the rustling of the blankets, so I start to run down the hall and down the
stairs. I slide into the hallway, stopping in front of the living room where that scent hits me like a truck; apples and cinnamon.
I clear my throat and walk into the room. Jenna is standing in front of the fireplace. She was looking at the family photos we have
up until I got to the hallway. I sit on the couch and watch her. I missed her beauty and her body, to be honest. She looks nervous,

and I’m not sure if that’s sweet or should be expected. “He....hey.”
“What are you doing here, Jenna?” She sighs but doesn’t move from her spot.
“I mean, I came with my father to watch the ceremony.” I nod, not expecting her to say anything else. “Also....” I look at Jenna,
waiting for her to finish her sentence. The nervousness and anxiousness are heavy in the air, and it’s getting a bit hard to
“I, also, came to see you. I came to.....” I cross my arms across my body.
“You came to accept my rejection, finally.” Jenna’s face falls, and I can feel a pang in my heart. I swallow, trying not to show that
I’m affected.

“I...just let me say what I came to say and if you want me to accept your rejection after, I will. I won’t fight you anymore.” I look at
her, trying to find any untruth in her words, but I detect none. I nod, indicating that she should continue. Jenna sighs and turns
back to the mantle. “I lived my life acting. You know people have a certain view when it comes to Alpha children. Many see us as
spoiled and arrogant. Many want to be friends with us because of our status, not really caring about who we really are. I
pretended that all of those views that others had of me were the real me and conducted myself in that way. I was the prissy,
spoiled, arrogant b***h that ran to daddy to get whatever she wanted. That was never the real me though.” Jenna turns to face
me. “The problem is that I pretended for so long that I forgot I was pretending.” Jenna sits in an armchair adjacent to the couch.
“I know I came here for the wrong reasons the first time. I.....I thought I was coming here to get what I wanted, what I deserved. I
was so wrong. I had no right to try to break up a couple just because of what I wanted. I should have never made a deal with the
Luna or came here to cause any trouble. I’m....I’m glad I did though.” My back straightens, and I look at Jenna like she’s crazy.
She chuckles and closes her eyes. “If I hadn’t have showed up, no matter the f**ked up reason, I wouldn’t have found you. I’m
grateful for that. I’m so sorry that you are fated to someone who doesn’t deserve you. You are way too good for me and I know
you’ll want to have all that you deserve.” Jenna gets up and walks toward me, placing a hand on my shoulder. The sparks under
her hand make butterflies appear in my stomach, and I inhale sharply.
“I’m so sorry. I want you to know that I apologized to the twins and Tia. If you want me to accept your rejection, I will. Just....just
don’t make me do it right now. I don’t think I can take it right now. I know I don’t deserve to ask anything of you, but just.....just
give me some time.” I see a tear fall from Jenna’s eyes while she runs to the door and disappears through it.