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The Secret Heir Return To Wealth And Love pdf

Chapter 2037
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Chapter 2037

The contents of Ayden’s file made Rosalynn feel a sudden wave of dizziness, “Jaime, pull up the surveillance tapes

from an hour ago… “Rosalynn knew where Wayne had lost his phone. She scanned the area and then pointed at

two cameras, “The footage from these two!”

Jaime quickly nodded and pulled out his modified smartphone. He easily hacked into the traffic surveillance system,

locating the two cameras Rosalynn had mentioned and set the time to what she had specified.

Despite his speed, they.only caught sight of Wayne ten minutes later.

In the footage, Wayne was briskly walking from the direction of the Fuller Mansion. Whether he was in a hurry or

just not paying attention, he didn’t manage to avoid a bike that was coming from the other side of the road. Wayne

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was knocked to the ground.

Rosalynn covered her mouth, almost letting out a scream.

The man on the bike quickly got off. Wayne stood up, waved him away impatiently and the man hastily got back on

his bike and sped away.

In the surveillance footage, Wayne’s hand was clearly grazed, and he seemed to limp a bit. His phone fell under a

tree, which he didn’t notice. He picked up his cane and quickly continued In the direction of the park.e2

At that moment, Felix arrived, “Madam!” He quickly approached.

“Jaime, continue tracing his steps. Felix, come with me to the park!”

She remembered that Wayne had met that “kid” in the park before. Therefore, it was highly likely that he was

headed there.

Jaime was worried about Rosalynn. He continued to track Wayne’s movement while trying to keep up with her,

almost running into a tree.

Instead of going camera by camera, Jaime estimated a time and located the camera at the park’s entrance. When

they were almost there, Jaime saw Wayne climbing over the gate into the park.

The Central Park was old, and security was lax, manned by elderly guards. Wayne had slipped in unnoticed, but

Rosalynn’s group was harder to miss.

“The park’s closed, come back at half past seven in the morning!” The security guard called.

“Sir, our kid got lost in the park. His friends last saw him here. Can we take a quick look?” Jaime quickly said.

Hearing that a child was lost, the guard quickly opened the gate. “Let’s go to the park’s control room to check the


“Thank you so much!” Jaime quickly thanked him.

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“But our equipment is old and there are blind spots…” the guard warned.

“I thought someone donated money for upgrades?” Jaime asked, surprised.

“I wouldn’t know about that…”

“You go with the guard to check the surveillance. I’ll look around.” Rosalynn told Jaime.

The path into the park was a straight shot. They hurried forward. Just as they were about to split up outside the

control room, they heard someone shouting.

“Help! Someone’s fallen into the water!!”

Rosalynn’s nerves were immediately on edge. Without hesitation, she ran towards the direction of the voice.

The artificial lake in Central Park. The same place where Wayne had almost drowned, and where she had rescued
