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The Prince’s Unwilling mate

Chapter 277
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052 Ayla & Griffin

“Hey, Baby, do you like the surprise” David smirked.

But what the hell was he doing here? He was the one who rejected me. Now he was practically stalking me. Who travels to the other side of the country to visit the mate he rejected.

“What the fuck are you doing here?” I snarl crossing my arms.

I am much stronger now, and I am in a pack where I know other pack members will have my back. Sof them have already gathered around us. Keeping their distance, even though they could perfectly hear everything that was being said with their wolf hearing. But they give the impression of not watching us. Of giving us sprivacy but if David would make one wrong move they would be on his ass.

“You blocked me, and I know you have the Prince convincing you, that the two of you are second– chance mates. But you know you don’t get a second chance mate. Your mate did not die” David wasn’t done talking yet but I was done listening to him.

“It’s a shmy ex–mate didn’t die though because then he wouldn’t be bothering me” I scoffed turning my back to him.



052 Ayla & Griffin

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“No wait, baby listen I regret rejecting you. I want you to becmy chosen mate, it will recover the matebound. I mean Hannah is a beautiful, strong she–wolf sure, but she is not loyal. She is holding out. on becoming my mate to see if Prince Boy will end up single or not.” David continued talking.holding my wrist stoppingfrom walking away. Several pack members had started emitting low growls. The only thing stopping them right now is that attacking the Alpha’s son is an act

of war.

“Go tell Hannah, he won’t be alone so you can choose her and get the fuck out of my life” I shout, causing my pack members to close in on us.

They are growling and snapping louder now, from the corner of my eyes. I see sof them in a stance that allows them to shift easily. David seems unaware of the mess the scene he causing is making. He goes even further pulling the collar of my shirt down and observing that I don t have a matemark yet.



haven’t committed to him, because you were hoping forto cback. I could grovel like they do in your silly books. But I can do you one better, one kiss and you know who you belong to” David tries to pullcloser.

And then it all goes to shit fast, just as he tries to pullcloser I raise my hand to slap him. Every other wolf around us stops growling and snapping and David almost pullsto the ground and something jumps at him. Or someone because even in this blur I recognize him. Griffin. decided to show up here a day early without lettingknow. Probably



052 Ayla & Griffin

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as an early surprise, because I was supposed to travel to Kate with my family, Griffin would travel alone, as my parents and Daniel would.

“She told you no” Griffin roared before he started punching David.

One or two punches would have been able to be excused. After all, David was touching another Alpha’s mate knowingly. Most likely Griffin actually heard a part of the convo, since he knew I wanted David to letgo. But Griffin kept beating David, and while he deserved it. This was now an act of war, the Crown Prince now waged a war on the BloodMoon pack, here on White Oak pack ground involving us too. Even if multiple pack members tried to pull Griff off of David. He was. just too strong with his royal bloodline. David had stopped fighting back and I was scared Griffin was killing David. The only thing worse than beating another Alpha’s son was killing him, or letting him get killed on your packground.

***Griffin’s P.O.V. ***

We made up for our fight Sunday, but it was only at the end of the night when she showedshe had blocked David, we found our vibe back. It put a damper on the weekend we had and I knew it was my fault. Especially when Gerald and Dillion point out that I basically told Ayla I did not trust her. I knew I needed to make it up to her, and I knew how to do that. It meant I had to work even harder and with Mom training Ayla. We hardly had the tto talk to each other.

It worked in my favor a little though, hardly speaking meant it wasn’t as hard to spoil the surprise. I felt almost giddy when I boarded the plane


052 Ayla & Griffin

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Thursday afternoon. I pre–ordered the groceries I needed, and I had a rental car waiting forat the airport. I just hoped the Hemmings, would all love my surprise, and Ayla most of all.


Conan was on edge ever since I got the groceries for the store. I tried to tell myself that it was just the nerves for doing something like this. I tried to ignore Conan tellingthat there was more going on. That something was wrong with our mate. Until I parked the car and saw Ayla and David together. This tI no longer had any doubt if she wanted this or not. Even before I got close enough to notice her distress. and disgust. It was crystal clear that every pack member was ready to jump David. It made me feel a little calmer, so I tried to walk up to Ayla and David staying calm. Nobody would benefit from me raging a war on the BloodMoon pack.

But when I saw him pulling down her collar, stating she was his because she hadn’t letmark her yet. I saw red and all I wanted to do now was, to kill him. Letting Conan take over the moment I saw Ayla stumble as even when I jumped him, David didn’t let go of her. We felt others. trying to pull us off him. But Conan wouldn’t let up and I didn’t want him to. David deserved to die and I was too far gone. Locked in my anger to care about the consequences of my actions. Until I heard the only voice that could reachnow.

“Griffin stop it you will kill him you idiot” Ayla screamed at me.



052 Ayla & Griffin

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It causedto stop for a second, I let my guard slip but David didn’t retaliate. As a matter of fact, he didn’t even try to get out from underneath me. It madebreak eye contact with Ayla and look down at the man I was still straddling holding him to the floor. To find him unresponsive. Quinn had run up to us withouteven knowing as had Alpha Cedric they helpedscramble up. And then they tended to David, who luckily enough was still alive. Cedric ordered spack members to take David to the pack hospital. Ayla stood frozen to the ground she did not follow David to the hospital. Which selfishly pleases me, but she does not cup toeither. And when Alpha Cedric tells all of us to go into his office she seems to be dragging her feet. All I want is to be alone with her, to explain to her why I did what I did. That I trusted her, that I was sorry, and that I would fix it all. Take all the responsibilities that would cfrom this. Anything but her leaving me. And to tell her that I knew her not wanting to complete the mating process was because she still loved him. It madesick to the stomach that I had accused her of the exact sthing as David did minutes ago.

We made our way into Alpha Cedric’s office and I managed to sit down; But I didn’t hear a word of what he was saying. I was so focused on Ayla. On trying to get her to look at me. To make eye contact hoping I could see if she was mad at me. If there was a chance to get back from this. Hating how often I had felt like this during our relationship, I couldn’t believe I was such a shitty mate. Alpha Cedric’s low voice boomed into the room calling my name, finally getting my attention.

“There is no way we can talk like this you two need to settle this first, I will cback to my office in thirty minutes.” With that, they leftalone in a room with my mate.