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The Millionaire And His Billionaire Ex-Wife

Chapter 228
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CChapter 228

“You even prepared a whip in advance. Do you think that just because of your current elevated. status,

I would hesitate to touch you?”

Eder raised his face and looked at her, his red eyes showing traces of being aggravated. “When it

comes to you, my status doesn’t matter. If you are angry, you should just beat me up.”

Grace could admit that his acting skills improved since last night.

“Fine, then! I’ll fulfill your request!”

She raised the whip with a fierce look.

There was a strong urge to want to beat him to the point that he couldn’t even get up, or until he was

crying and begging for mercy!

But when she really attacked, she still instinctively held back some strength. She only used one fifth of

her strength when she flung the whip, and all of which landed only on his left arm.

“Does it hurt?” She asked while glaring down at him coldly.

Eder’s brows knitted together. He controlled the trembling of his entire arm as much as he could.

He took a silent deep breath and smiled, “It doesn’t hurt.”

‘It doesn’t hurt?!’

Her strike was not particularly heavy, and at most, it would only swell. However, when she struck for the

second time, his shirt caught on to the barbs on the whip, revealing his flesh underneath. which began

to bleed down his whole arm. The red color was a striking contrast against his white


Grace realized that something was wrong and looked down at the whip in her hand to study it.

The material was rough, and there were quite a few harbs that were raised up. No wonder his skin was

ripped apart with minimal effort. She noticed that some of the barbs of were now stained red

Her eyes hurt from all the blood.

But it was only for a moment. It was very soon when her mind was once again overcome with too much

anger that she felt like she was about to go crazy.

In order to keep up this act, he was really willing to go this far!

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

She raised his chin with the handle of the whip and sneered.

“You’re still playing with me. Is it entertaining to watch me like this?!”

Eder was even more aggrieved. “I was never playing with you. I know it’s wrong for me to lie to you and

betray your feelings so I accept the punishment, but when you’re done, will you finally listen to me?

Grace narrowed her eyes and spat, “Tine, then. Let’s see if you still have the strength to talk after I’m

done with you!”

Eder closed his eyes, gritted his teeth, and waited obediently.

Grace raised the whip again but her hand was already shaking.

After waiting for a long time, the sound of the whip never came.

Because she already knew the extent of the damage that the whip could make, her hand wouldn’t

mave no matter what. She couldn’t strike for the third tline.


Chapter 278

She lost.

Finding out about Eder’s betrayal which had destroyed her life for the past six months really made her

want to kill him! At one point, she even considered turning him into a jar of ashes!

But even though she was so angry, she still couldn’t go on any longer. The whip was barbed and it

would tear into his flesh. She didn’t want to hurt him like that.

She really fell into this scheme of his!

It was so frustrating,

In her frustration, she attacked the ground a few times instead, venting all of her anger on it.

The loud bangs her actions caused echoed outside and startled both Eric and Fifteen who were

standing far away from the villa,

After she finished venting, Grace threw the whip aside and did not look at Eder who was still kneeling

on the ground. She turned around, opened the door, and then walked out very fast as if she was

running from something.

When she had just come out of the villa, she unexpectedly bumped into Eric along the way. He also did

not expect her to be so fast that he wasn’t able to hide the ointment and bandage in his hands.

By the time he remembered to hide them, it was already too late. Grace had already seen them.

And in her eyes, his sheepish actions were too telling

Grace sneered. “You really prepared well for this. But you might have underestimated me too much.”

Eric’s face turned pale with fright. “No! No. This is for me. It has nothing to do with Mr. Grant.”

He had been listening to the sounds of whipping in the room and estimated it to be serious enough so

he came with some first aid. He couldn’t let his h oss go on a mission while still heavily injured, after all!

Grace’s eyes dropped even colder.

Eric realized that what he said sounded too suspicious. Anxiously, his mouth began to twitch, trying to

reorganize his words to explain better. “Ah, Ms. Grace, it’s really for me since…..”

Grace did not want to listen to it at all. She left the Grant family’s house without looking back.

When she left, Eric helplessly clamped a hand to his mouth. He scolded himself men tally as he quickly

entered the villa to check on his boss.

Eder had already stood up from the ground and was sitting on the sofa dazedly.

Eric hurriedly got to work and began to examine his wounds. He found that only the left arm had been

hit twice. Relieved, he then began to clean the wound.

But although it was only two strikes, the whip was still too rough. Some of the barbed sawdust

embedded in Eder’s arm. Eric carefully picked them out with tweezers and disinfected the wound.

Reminded of his stu pidity earlier at the entrance, Eric did not hide it and told his boss everything.

I’m sorry, Boss. I was just afraid that you were hurt too badly again. It would be dangerous to go the

mission with injuries. I just didn’t expect that Miss Grace would catch me. I’ll apologize to her

when we come back from the mission.”

Eder’s eyes dimmed. “Don’t bother. Your explanation is going to be useless. She won’t believe anything

from me anymore.”

Seeing him this downcast, Eric also felt uncomfortable and slapped himself hard.

“I’m sorry! It’s all my fault! Da mn me!”


The Millionaire

He didn’t hold back his strength so after two consecutive slaps, his face became swollen and a string of

blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

Eder stopped him from continuing to abuse himself. “It’s fine. I screwed up first. I will find a way to

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

explain to her myself. You don’t have to blame yourself.”

It would be a lie to say that he did not blame herself. To Eric, Eder was a benefactor, a boss, a brother,

and his most important relative.

Although he would occasionally say a few words that would contradict Eder, in the end, he would still

side with his boss.

Later, a group of people left the Grant family’s villa and the city overnight.

Grace couldn’t fall asleep again.

Eder took on every injury just

to save her. She was grateful for that, but no amount of gratitude could help the betrayal she felt when

he faked his death and made her look like a fool. As a result, it made her feel like everything about him

and everything he had shown her was fake. That night, she cried again and again.

She remembered that she even promised the supposedly dead Edgar that she would remain single

and guard his tombstone for the rest of her life

It was too ridiculous to think about it now!

She really could not forgive him.

But if even then, she couldn’t get herself to hurt him.

Perhaps the best thing she could only do was to cut off their contact. Perhaps they should just remain

good acquaintances, and she could slowly forget about this in time.

She stayed up all night thinking about it.

Finally, she made a decision.

The next morning, she washed up, put on makeup, and went out. She went to the Grant family’s land

again but instead of going to Eder’s villa, she went straight to Mr. Grant

When Mr. Grant saw her, he was able to translate her solemn expression as her having something

serious to say so he took her to the living room after breakfast.

However, after listening to her seriously, Mr. Grant was in disbelief and looked at Uncle Alfred who was

just as dumbfounded.

“My girl, Grace, did I hear you right? It’s only been two days since your engagement with Ed was

officially announced, and you want to call it off?!”

(Author’s note: Tomorrow at three, all misunderstandings will be cleared up. Hugs and kisses!)