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The Indifferent Ex-Husband Heartstrings in the Mall of Fate

Chapter 274
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Ivan was sitting diagonally across from Sophia, eyeing Brandon as he nonchalantly served her sveggies. His gaze was a bit

tangled, to say the least.

Don, the close friend to both Brandon and Ivan, was feeling just as twisted up inside.

Seeing Brandon and Sophia finally not at each other's throats was a relief to him as a friend.

But every the thought of Ivan, especially after he had spilled the beans about his crush on Sophia, his relief was tinged with a

sense of guilt.

Of all people, it was Marian who boldly eyeballed Brandon, a touch of bewilderment in her gaze.

"Hey, didn't you go on a blind date last night?" She blurted out her puzzlement, all smiles, "What's the deal today? You aren't trying

to have your cake and eat it too, are you?"

As soon as she dropped that bomb, Don wished he could shove the bread into Marian's mouth to shut her up. She really knew how

to put her foot in it, blurting out stuff without reading the room. He couldn't tell if she was just being clueless or still had a chip on

her shoulder about Brandon turning down the arranged date with her but going on one with someone else.

Everyone else just looked at Marian with a mix of admiration and more convinced than ever about her royal lineage.

After her zinger, Marian chuckled and said to Sophia, "Sorry, Sophia, no offense meant. Just messin’ around."

Sophia just gave a polite smile, no hard feelings, no finger-wagging, just smiled and said, "It's only a joke if the person involved

finds it funny."

Marian's smile froze for a sec before she brushed it off and said, "You guys are too uptight, you'll wear yourselves out that way."

Augus, who had been pretty quiet, couldn't tell if he was sticking up for Sophia or just kidding around when he said to Marian with

a laugh, "Marian, are you bummed out because nobody's got you on their mind?"

He was totally just ribbing her.

Marian rolled her eyes at him on the spot. "If you've got nothing nice to say, zip it, will ya? Who needs you guys to fuss over me?

Don't flatter yourselves."

While talking, her fork viciously stabbed a piece of steak in front of her.

She looked up, perhaps accidentally on purpose, giving Brandon a challenging glance.

Brandon just gave her a cold look.

Marian puffed up her cheeks, all huffy and pouty like a spoiled princess, a far cry from the Yolanda Don remembered.

Young Yolanda was also pampered from birth but was never bratty, instead, she was considerate and sweet, with the innocence of

a little girl and empathy beyond her years.

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Don couldn't fathom how someone could change so much.

Even if she had changed environments, she was still coddled growing up, so how cshe was less worldly-wise and more

sensible when she was young?

He couldn't help but glance at Marian, trying to find traces of the young Yolanda on her face, but the memory was too hazy,

nothing cto mind.

He couldn't help but look at Brandon.

Brandon was just calmly eating, occasionally serving Sophia sdishes or chatting with her off and on. He didn't engage with


Thinking of the change in Brandon's demeanor before and after finding Yolanda, Don was even more puzzled.

In the afternoon, taking advantage of Brandon's meeting on the 17th floor, while waiting for everyone to enter the meeting room,

Don took the chance to discuss work with him and couldn't help but ask, "Did you identify Marian as Yolanda by the bracelet on her

wrist, or did you confirm it with a DNA test?"

Sophia just reached the office door and paused slightly when she heard that.

Brandon saw her, looked up at her.

Sophia awkwardly smiled and walked into the meeting room with her notebook, looking composed.

The others also arrived one by one.

Don's confusion remained unanswered.

The meeting went on for two hours.

At the end, Brandon glanced towards the office area, then said to Don, "Set up an office fortoo."

Don didn't say anything.

He looked at him skeptically. "What do you need an office for?"

Brandon said, "The company is just getting started, | should get somewhat involved in the operations."

"Sbuilding, an elevator ride sorts it out."

"The elevator is a hassle," Brandon said, "No place to even grab a drink of water after meetings."

He turned to Don. "Is setting up an office really that big of a deal for you?"

"Alright, alright, I'll get someone on it."

Don caved, wanted to keep grilling him about the question before the meeting, but seeing Sophia there, he swallowed his words.

Sophia was tidying up the meeting documents and stood up when done, saying to them, "I'll head back to work first," and walked


Brandon also casually picked up the notebook from the conference table and followed her out.

They left the meeting room almost at the stime, looked up together, and then both paused when they saw who was coming

out of the elevator.

Don noticed their halt and curiously looked towards the elevator.

Through the gap over Sophia's shoulder, Don saw Martin, first stunned, then smiling and stepping forward. "Martin? What a

surprise, what brings you over here today?"

Just reaching the office area, Marian heard "Martin," paused while sliding the door, then turned back, and when she recognized the

newcomer, she dashed over joyfully.

"Martin?" she said, already rushing to Martin and looking up at him, "What are you doing here? You didn't cjust to see me, did


With that, she affectionately grabbed his arm and started swaying it back and forth.

Martin gave her a smile. "I had a bit of business."

Then he looked at Brandon and Sophia, his smile faltering slightly when he saw Brandon.

Brandon had already turned away, looking at Sophia. "I'm heading back to the office."

His soft, low voice made Martin glance at Sophia.

He remembered her.

Almost ran into her by the elevator at the Starlight Hotel in Wye City two years ago, seems like she's Brandon's ex.

He hadn't figured they'd still be in touch, let alone at the scompany.

His gaze drifted to Sophia, probing.

Maybe because she'd once edged out Yolanda in Brandon's heart, Martin always had this subtle vibe with Sophia.

He didn't hate her, it was just this subconscious resistance to getting any closer or knowing her better.

Sophia didn't miss the aversion in Martin's eyes.

She flashed a polite smile, then nodded at Brandon, "I should get back to it too."

And with that, she spun on her heel and headed to her office.

Brandon made his way to the elevator.

Don called out with a chuckle, "Brandon, it's about tto knock off, Martin's here for a rare visit, let's hang out."

"I've still got stuff to do."

"I've still got stuff to do."

Brandon and Martin replied in unison, their voices equally chilly.

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Even Don, slow on the uptake, could sense the tension between them.

The three had grown up together, always been tight.

Even when Yolanda was out of the picture, it hadn't really put a dent in Brandon and Martin's friendship. But now that she's back,

things have gotten, well, awkward.

Don had no clue what went down between them, but he sure didn't like this vibe, so he tried to lighten the mood.

"How big can your problems be? Chow time's sacred, work can wait."

"You guys go ahead."

No sooner had Brandon spoken than he stepped into the elevator and hit the close button.

Don watched the doors shut, his puzzled gaze swinging back to Martin, "What's up with you and Brandon?"

Marian looked baffled too.

Martin just grinned, "It's nothing."

"I cto you today mainly for work," Martin said, "Got a design job | want to hand over to you."

As he spoke, he shook the document bag in his hand.

"Let's talk in the meeting room."

Don quickly ushered him into the conference room; Marian tried to follow but Martin waved her off.

Once seated, Martin pulled out a design proposal from the bag and handed it over to Don.

Don took it, glanced at it, then looked up at Martin, surprised.

What he'd handed him was Sophia's Zenithan-style resort project proposal.

Don was puzzled why Martin would give him this project.

"My grandpa wants to build a Romanesque pleasure garden as a tribute to his and Grandma's love story. Mrs. Crawley

recommended your designer to me," Martin said, glancing at the Zenithan-style resort proposal he was holding, "She handed me

this proposal, and | liked it. Liked your designer's style a lot, so | want to assign her to take the lead on this project.”





