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The Amazing Son in Law The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 5554
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In the early morning light, amidst the gritty backdrop of New York City, Wesley and his crew whisked Aman, Antonio,

and the Zano family’s gang bosses away from Chinatown, en route to the harbor.

All the interim second-in-commands had been reinstated to their regular positions.

Jordan still felt a sense of unreality gripping him. Witnessing Charlie dismantle the Zano family overnight left him

with a surreal feeling.

Charlie noticed Jordan’s bewilderment as the curtain fell and decided to inquire, “Jordan, how are you feeling now?”

Jordan snapped back to reality, scratching his head as he mumbled, “Mr. Wade… I feel… I can’t quite believe it…”

With a smile, Charlie responded, “Then you must adapt quickly because, starting today, you’ll need to restructure

the Chinese gang promptly. While the Zano family is the largest mafia in New York, it’s not the only one. You’ll

encounter numerous challenges ahead. Since you’ve chosen this path, you must find a way to forge ahead.”

Jordan nodded earnestly and replied, “Mr. Wade, from now on, the Chinese gang will work on self- sustainability,

and I’ll deliver the profits collected from these gangs to you monthly!”

Charlie waved his hand dismissively, saying, “Most of their money was earned by preying on ordinary folks. I’ll

acquire it from them the same way and pass it on to you. Once the money is in my hands, there’s essentially no

difference between me and them.”

Jagoan continued, smiling, “Uncle Hogan regards you as his own, and you and I are considered acquaintances. If

you’ve chosen this path, then safeguard this money wisely. If you have grand ambitions, use it to grow the Chinese

Gang and pave your path in advance. You could become a

renowned entrepreneur or even run for Congress when the time is right. If you’re not aiming that high, save it for a

comfortable life.”

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During that time, North America was like a sponge, soaking up immigrants and illegal entrants from all corners of

the globe. Gangs, formed by various ethnic groups, sprouted like mushrooms after a rainstorm. In New York City

alone, there were no less than a thousand gangs of varying sizes. Across the United States, there were tens of

thousands of them.

Jagoan stated, “You’re Chinese, a member of the Chinese gang, and you reside in Chinatown. Here, you represent

all the Chinese people trying to make a living. Hence, you can’t afford to be a coward in the future. Experience has

shown that in this line of work, cowardice won’t guarantee your safety. The more timid you are, the more people

will want to take advantage of you.”

Back in the day, his father had taken part in the Southwest Round, and his former superior had arrived in North

America first, amassing wealth and inviting him to join. It was during this period that they, middle- aged individuals

riddled with bullet scars, founded a Chinese gang in Chinatown, making their mark in the United States and Canada.

Jagoan nodded, his expression serious. “As a child, I heard tales of the overseas expansion of Chinese gangs. In

those days, Chinese gang members dared to confront adversity and achieved great success in Canada, the United

States, and even Europe. It was a modest beginning, but I never anticipated that in the 21st century, Chinese gangs

in various locations would experience a rapid decline. Many have disappeared, while others can barely survive in

their respective Chinese enclaves. Do you know why?”

Casey admitted hesitantly, “Over the years, Europe and the United States have indeed intensified their crackdown

on gangs, and the unity among overseas compatriots isn’t as strong as that among Koreans and Vietnamese. The

overall situation has become significantly more challenging.”

Jordan declared firmly, “Don’t worry, Mr. Jagoan. I’ve chosen this path, and I’ll give it my all.”

Jordan repeated solemnly, “Don’t worry, Mr. Jagoan. I understand.”

Casey trembled and respectfully asked, “Mr. Jagoan, what are your orders…”

Jagoan continued, “Many of the Chinese gang members from the last century hailed from battlefields. They left the

military, some yearning to explore the world, and thus ventured across the ocean to make a living. They had

narrowly escaped death on flimsy sampans, so they had no fear. They weren’t afraid of Americans, Italians,

Mexicans, or Algerians in the United States. To them, the Mafia meant nothing. What were Mexican drug lords to

them? When they had faced near-death experiences and set foot on this land, they lived by the words, treat life and

death lightly, and defy anything that challenges you!”

Jagoan waved his hands, emphasizing, “All those excuses are just that—excuses. In my opinion, the rapid decline of

overseas Chinese gangs stems from their loss of the fierce spirit that once defined them.”

He knew that Jagoan was speaking the truth.

The Chinese gangs of that era, fresh off the boat, had managed to rise above tens of thousands of rival gangs,

driven by the blood coursing through their veins.

Jagoan pointed at Casey, remarking, “Now look at you, the so-called second and third-generation Chinese. You’ve

long shed the blood of your forebears! Many of you were born in the United States and didn’t have to traverse the

ocean. You simply obtained a U.S. passport and grew up on milk, cola, hamburgers, and cereal. Even if you were

descended from wolves, you’ve been living like domesticated dogs. Forget about inheriting your fathers’ blood, if I

were to put you on the same sampan your fathers used to come here, you’d probably collapse before even


However, in Casey’s generation, that fiery spirit had nearly faded away, causing Chinese gangs to continuously lose

ground, withdraw, and contract. He had once naively believed that they still had the

sanctuary of Chinatown, but little did he know that their adversaries had grown too powerful, leading to several ill-

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fated attempts that left them defeated.

Recalling his father, who had never bowed to anyone, Casey felt immense shame.

Jagoan nodded and concluded, “But remember, Jordan, while the Zano family’s subordinates won’t dare to harm

you, it doesn’t mean there won’t be other adversaries in New York and the United States. I’ve only helped you this

once. If a more formidable foe arises in New York and seeks to end you, you’ll have to fend for yourself. Do you


Casey buried his head even deeper.

Jagoan turned to Casey, the former head of the Chinese Gang, and stated, “Mr. Vigo.”

Casey, full of remorse, hung his head low, saying, “Mr. Jagoan is telling me… from now on, I will fully cooperate with

Brother Jordan. I won’t bring shame to the Chinese anymore.”

With teary eyes, he promised Jagoan, “Mr. Jagoan, I, Casey, pledge to you that I’ll resurrect the spirit of the Chinese


Jagoan nodded slightly, rising to his feet. He stretched and said, “I’ve said all that needed to be said. I won’t delay

here any longer. From now on, you must take care of yourselves. If you encounter trouble in the future, you’ll have

to rely on your own strengths.” Both men nodded.

Jagoan added, “By the way, even though gangs are common in the United States, you should still adhere to the

world’s moral principles. Always compete with the strong to make a living, but don’t oppress the weak or

monopolize the market. Don’t go too far. If, one day, the two of you become as ruthless as those people, I’ll return

to the United States to deal with you myself!”

Update of The Charismatic Charlie Wade