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The Adventures Of The Young Master

Chapter 729 - Physiques
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In her life, she never trusted others except Han Li. After all, she knew the nature of humans when faced with great necessities. How could she afford to trust one when there's nothing worthy of being trusted? Even families and sects fight each other inside to get the better status, what's more for a mere someone you're trusting alone?

It was only Han Li that she could trust. After all, the man was a well known person of the entire world and known for his miraculous accomplishments. No one would ever dare to question the credibility of Han Li thus it's easy to trust him.

"Your Majesty, I'm glad that you're still alive." Icefairy said with a serious tone, "Many have said that you already died during the Eighth Challenge and I didn't believe them. Indeed, you are never going to lose your life to the Heavens."

"I couldn't die yet." Jin Rou shook his head. In truth, Han Li had already died for good and Jin Rou was using his body to accomplish his goal.

"Then, do you plan on challenging the Heavens again? If you will, it'd create big waves in the world again. Those who are actively moving in the shadows will hide once again." Icefairy said. Currently, the happenings in the world were getting active because of Han Li's disappearance. However, if they found out that Primordial Emperor was still alive and well, they'd surely hide again afraid that he found them out.

"I will. And perhaps, this will be my last attempt." Jin Rou said solemnly, "Thus, I have to prepare well more than ever. I cannot afford to fail again and die eventually."

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The Heavens was a very challenging foe that until now, Han Li couldn't defeat no matter what schemes and grand treasures he used. However, Jin Rou would guarantee his win by planning his attempt well. After all, only by winning against the Heavens would he have the God Dao Source.

"How about I accompany you in this attempt?" Icefairy suggested, "I am alone and bored here anyways and I think I can give you a decent assistance during that fight."

Icefairy was one of the brilliant monarchs of the current era. There was only a very few that could actually match her in this generation. Furthermore, in terms of experience and dao knowledge, she had a deep dive into it. She would truly be a great help if she came with Jin Rou.

"Are you certain?" Jin Rou was surprised, "If I remembered in the past, you declined my invitation to participate in the challenge. However, you're willing now?"

During the schemes for the Sixth Challenge, Han Li met with Icefairy to recruit her in the attempt. However, the fairy declined and refrained from telling the reason behind it. Nevertheless, Han Li respected it and didn't ask more.

Hearing this, Icefairy smiled wryly, "That time, I wasn't confident yet in giving you assistance. After all, those who came with you that time were stronger existences than me. But right now, I am sure that I can give you the assistance you need."

Many Imperial Lords and Dao Monarchs had accompanied Han Li in his challenges in the past. And although only a few managed to come back alive, they never regretted anything. After all, they came by their will and Han Li never forced them to do it.

Challenging the Heavens was a heavy task to accomplish. Many had to sacrifice their lives in order for Han Li to reach the end. It was an arduous task and a thankless one. But Han Li never gave up. He was sure that one day, he'd attain the victory he deserved for all these years.

"Alright, I'm gonna think about it." Jin Rou nodded, "Let's change the topic. The challenge is too heavy to discuss."

"What might you want to discuss with me, Your Majesty?" Icefairy asked.

"I heard that you want your disciple to learn another defense physique while she already has one." Jin Rou said, "Why?"

Teacher Fairy became tense when she heard this.

Icefairy was stumped by this question. She looked at her disciple first before answering, "Your Majesty, she has learned my Ice Body Constitution which has a powerful offense. Thus, I told her to find another defense physique since it's very important and easy to find."

"Hmm, you have a point. However, adding up another defense physique while she already has one wouldn't do any good for your disciple." Jin Rou said.

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"Please enlighten me, Your Majesty." Icefairy was confused and asked for elaboration.

"The body doesn't work that way." Jin Rou explained, "It might be a good idea to add up another physique specialized in defense. However, the effects will just be minimal and couldn't be noticed as the two physiques will contradict each other. Just think about it, what if two persons unknown to each other suddenly put in one place?"

"They'd either cooperate or fight?" Teacher Fairy answered.

"Exactly. However, physiques have sentiences and know the difference in between. Knowing their prideful personalities, it wouldn't be exaggeration if they contradict each other despite being in the same category." Jin Rou smiled, "That is why I always tell my disciples to always have a defense and offense physiques at the same time. That way, they will not contradict as they confirm their roles."

"How about those who have a triple physiques then, Your Majesty?" Icefairy was getting a clearer picture of Jin Rou's explanation. However, she still had a confusion thus she asked.

"Then it's okay to choose another one of the same type." Jin Rou smiled, "Cultivators with triple body physiques are more blessed compared to duals. However, it doesn't mean they are relatively stronger than the duals. After all, it's still depending on the physiques."

"I see." Icefairy nodded. She was a triples herself and understood this notion.

"Yes, just like you." Jin Rou smiled, "My suggestion in the past for your third physique went well, no? After all, look what you are capable now."

"Indeed, it's because of Your Majesty's guidance that I am able to be who I am now.." Icefairy said, "And as for the matter which I taught wrong, I'm very sorry."