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The 5-time Rejected Gamma & the Lycan King

Chapter 31
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Chapter 31

Lucianne took a deep breath before she began spilling the beans. “So you both already know the

number of rogue attacks last year was, by far, the worst. And applications for relief following those

attacks were undoubtedly a lot as well. But less than 10% of the submitted applications ever made it past

the phase of being reviewed. And out of our own 132 allies who were attacked last year, we found that

only twenty of them got their relief applications approved. But only four out of those had the funds

disbursed to their pack. The rest still have‘ funds disbursement pending’ on their status. Here comes the

part that really hurts.”

She took another deep breath, and said, “We call the relief a gamble, like a Wheel of Fortune. And

getting funds is like hitting the jackpot. So, packs who have successfully received funds are obliged to

throw a pack party, just among their own pack members, to celebrate their good luck. And they have to

send pictures as proof of the celebration. (This will be daily updtaed at www.jar.com)There

was this one party that even had their own Wheel of Fortune booth for pack members to play with and

claim all sorts of second-hand belongings as prizes. That was probably the most…creative pack party

thrown last year.”

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The two cousins had a mixture of hurt and anger. Lucianne then added sheepishly, “I’m sorry I laughed.

You both work really hard. I’m sure it was just a glitch in the system or something.”


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“Oh, it was a glitch alright.” Christian’s voice was never so menacing until now as he looked a ta table

further down the hall, where most of the ministers sat. Lucianne turned but she was not sure where his

sights were set on so she turned back to them and uttered, “Again, I’m sorry. I should’ve…”

“Sweetheart, don’t apologize.” Xandar’s face was still serious when he took her hand and kissed it before

placing it on his lap as he stroked it lovingly.

Very cautiously, Lucianne said, “If it makes either of you feel any better, you both have practically been

approving relief applications these past few days when you spoke to pack members, so the process has

sped up for many of them. It’s just the issue of disbursement now.”

After another moment of awkward silence, she asked, “So, is there anything else you would like to

know? I’ll be more considerate and empathetic when I break the news this time.”

Christian looked at Xandar in frustration and groaned. “Cuz, just tell her. She thinks she offended us. You

didn’t, by the way, my Queen.” Lucianne asked in confusion, “Then why do the both of you look like

you’re about to burn someone into ashes for wronging you?”

Xandar now held her hand in both of his to kiss it and began explaining, “Lucy, the Lycan warriors are

available free-of-charge.”

Lucianne’s eyes widened in surprise as she exclaimed, “Oh, it has changed already? That’s great!”

Xandar frowned and said, “No, Lucy. It has always been free. At least, it was supposed to be.”

Lucianne seemed taken aback. “No, that can’t be right. It says so right on the application form that

charges will be imposed. Here, let me show you.” She took out her phone and logged-in to the website

for the application, and opened up a P*F document. She swiped down until she saw the options, and

passed her phone to Xandar, (This will be daily updtaed at www.jar.com)“Here, in fine print,

next to the option for Lycan warriors. ‘Charges are within the full discretion of the Ministry, to be

confirmed after provision of aid’. It’s small but it’s in red so none of us missed it.”

Christian was leaning in to see the words on the enlarged screen and, like he was being possessed, took

the phone from Xandar’s hand without a word and started scrolling through the entire document with a

serious expression.

When she finally realized what was going on, Lucianne said softly and meekly, “You both didn’t know.

That’s why you asked.” She then nodded to herself as she processed this information and continued, “So

the pack relief was more than a glitch of the computer system.”

“We have corrupted ministers in our midst, absorbing funds that were supposed to be given to packs.”

Xandar explained, and sighed before he continued, “I’m going to get the financial details of all the

ministers by tomorrow night, and call for a meeting the day after. It’s time to find out who’s behind it.

Someone has been siphoning large sums of money. If they were confident that they weren’t going to get

caught because of how distant our species were, then I would say that tracing the money wouldn’t be too


Lucianne then suggested, “Then, you might want to speed up that process.”

“Wh–What do you mean by that, my Queen?” Christian came out from his daze but still held her phone in

his hand.

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Lucianne then shrugged and said, “Well, I blurted it at training today. Maybe Whitlaw and Cummings ran

away not because they were afraid of my lecture but because they didn’t want me to blurt more

inconsistencies with what they know and what they want you both to know.”

Xandar then turned to his cousin and said, “She’s right. We’re both going to the audit department now,


“Let’s go.” Christian said monotonously and stood up.

Lucianne stopped him abruptly. “Uh, Christian. I would like my phone back, please.”

He looked at his hand. “Oh, Goddess. I’m so sorry, my Queen. I didn’t notice.(This will be daily

updtaed at www.jar.com)” His voice was returning to normal at this point.

“It’s okay. You’ve had a lot to think about.” Lucianne said as she was taking it back from him.

She then asked Xandar, “If anyone asked where you both went, what do you want me to say?” Xandar

then smiled and said, “Tell you what, come with us.”

Lucianne seemed unsure. “Are you sure? Is that even okay? I mean, I’m not officially the Queen though.”

Xandar kissed her forehead because he found her demeanor absolutely adorable at that moment, “It’ll be

alright. It looks less suspicious if we leave together as mates than with only Christian and I walking out of

the hall. If we left you here, some of them would suspect we‘ll b e dealing with state affairs. I don’t want

them to do anything until we’ve gotten all the information we need.”

She took one glance at the werewolf community, and told Xandar, “Okay, then.” Xandar’s smile

broadened and he planted a second kiss on her forehead. They walked out hand-in hand. Christian left

first to stave off suspicions.