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Rise Online: Return of the Legendary Player

Chapter 610 Last Spot
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"Oh, it's you." Klaus said when he recognized Riley, pushing aside his cap and sunglasses to reveal his face. "Sorry, you caught me a little distracted. How did you know it was?"

"Even with that disguise, it would be hard to hide from me. So, you came to see Emma..." Riley, with a teasing smile, stated.

Klaus nodded, appreciating Riley's wit. "... What do you want?"

Riley crossed her arms and tilted her head slightly, scrutinizing Klaus. "I saw you watching the competition. Emma really stole the show, didn't she?"

Once again, Klaus nodded, but this time with a semblance of pride. "Yes, she's amazing. Her accuracy with the bow and arrow is second to none."

"So why are you leaving already? The third challenge hasn't started yet. Aren't you looking forward to seeing if your friends and Emma will take you on?

Klaus smiled modestly. "Isn't it obvious to you too who the next five qualifiers for the grand final will be? Emma is exceptionally good in all areas; Max is a born adaptor, he will get through the last challenge somehow; Andrew and Lara are talented and methodical, they will not lose to anyone. The real contest will be for the last spot and, honestly, I don't care."

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"Are you telling me that everything is already decided?"

"That's exactly what I'm saying. So instead of staying here, I'd rather go back to the hotel and train some more. It won't be easy to win this championship." Klaus said.

Riley listened to Klaus' words with a mixture of surprise and understanding. It seemed that Klaus had a very unique view of what was to come in the championship.

"You're right," Riley agreed. "But you know, I think underestimating unpredictability is a mistake. Sometimes even the best can be surprised." added Riley, his tone becoming more serious. "However, I admire your determination to keep preparing."

Klaus cast a corner glance at Riley, looking puzzled. "You're more observant than you really seem."

Cryptically, Riley smiled. "Let's just say that the Guild of the Bloody Lily teaches its members to look beyond the surface. We learn that true strength is not always what is in plain sight."

Klaus arched an eyebrow, curious. "So what's the real reason for being here?"

Riley looked for a moment toward the arena. "I'm here to observe, learn and evaluate. Sometimes the most unlikely situations can provide valuable information, and the stage of an event like this is the perfect place. That's why you came here, isn't it? You want to learn more about archery."

"You're sharp, observant and a good fencer, but can you be an idiot sometimes too? That's new." Klaus said, turning away and heading for the exit. "Of course I came to see my teammates who I train with every day, man. Don't overthink it."

Riley was a little thoughtful about what Klaus meant, but nodded casually at him, saying goodbye. As he watched Klaus walk away, Riley sighed and shook his head, still smiling. "I'm not an idiot, of course I know you came to see Emma..." Riley muttered and returned to his place in the arena.

For his part, Klaus continued walking towards the exit, his expression serious. The exchange of words with Riley left him thoughtful, although he chose to express himself somewhat sarcastically.

As he made his way down the corridor, he couldn't help but think about his own motivations for being there. Sure, he was genuinely interested in his friends' performance, but what Riley had said had a certain weight to it, not the comment itself, but about the intention of him wanting something more.

Anyway, when Klaus reached the entrance to the gym, he paused for a moment, looking back towards the arena. His friends were inside, competing, and yet all he could do was stare at Emma. What was wrong with him? He felt like he was over his feelings for Emma, but why was it that every time he thought of her he still felt something in his stomach?

Shaking his head to clear it, Klaus tried to focus on other thoughts. He had his own training to focus, and that was what really mattered at the moment. So, Klaus ordered an app car and headed back to the hotel.

At the same time, inside the gym, Andrew looked down the exit hallway near where Klaus had been sitting for a few minutes. Andrew was someone observant and since Klaus was his direct rival and friend, he was always watching him to see his expressions, but now he had disappeared. He was aware that Klaus was someone strange, but this was too unusual even for him.

Turning his attention back to the arena, Andrew was about to focus again on the performance of the other competitors over the turntable when Lara, his department colleague, nudged his arm.

"What do you think was going on over there?" Lara whispered, leaning towards him.

Andrew shrugged, his expression a little puzzled. "I'm not sure, but it looks like Klaus left."

"Eeh!? He's gone? But we haven't even sorted ourselves yet."

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Andrew nodded. "Maybe... Don't worry though, knowing Klaus, I know that's a sign of his trust in us."

Lara smiled, her resolve unwavering. "Your optimism is comforting..."

Emma was nearby, listening to the conversation between Lara and Andrew. Therefore, she glanced in the direction of where Klaus was standing and saw Riley taking a seat. His countenance was a little tense, because Riley was very intelligent, skillful and observant, but one of his worst traits was that he often intruded where he wasn't called, just to try to confirm the daydreams of his mind.

Max noticed the tension in Emma's countenance and asked:

"What is it? Did something happen?"

"N-no, it's nothing. I'm just noticing how crowded this place is." She said, laughing a little nervously.


Edited by: DrHitsuji

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