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Reincarnated as an Energy with a System

Chapter 362: Hybrids
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"Hehehe, don't run away okay? We are just going to have a little bit of fun," the girl said with a maniacal smile on her face.

"Come on, you don't have to do this, you know? You're just going to get hurt," Ning said.

"No. No backing out now," the girl said and immediately launched forward. She suddenly changed the way she held her dagger to reverse grip and slashed at Ning's right biceps.

Ning put a single finger forward and stopped the blade before it touched him. He was so strong that the dagger slipped away from the girl's hands and fell on the floor.

The girl had wide eyes when he looked down at the dagger that had a finger wide dent on the blade.

"How did you do that?" she asked.

"I told you, you won't win against me," Ning said.

"We'll see about that," the girl as she opened her robes and pulled out two more daggers. This time, instead of coming up to Ning, she stayed away and resorted to throwing away the daggers instead.

Still, that was no problem for Ning. All he did was move a little and the daggers flew past him without touching him.

Ning smiled and started walking in closer. "Don't be so smug yet," the girl said and opened her robes fully, showing the hundreds of daggers that were tucked away all over the insides of her robes.

"Oh my god, you really do love dagger don't you," Ning said when he saw that.

A flurry of blades flew towards Ning with no way to dodge at all. So, he did what anyone that wouldn't take any damage would do and stayed still.

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"Tsk," the girl clicked her tongue when she saw that. "You are pretty strong for a human. I have no choice but to do this then," she said.

"Why do you keep saying that you're not a human? You clearly are one," Ning said.

"Heh, can a human do this?" the girl said opened her mouth again to lick the blade in her hands. Only now, her tongue was different from the normal tongue she was using beforehand. Now, it was purple in color and was forked at the front, as if it were a snake's tongue.

As she licked the blade, a green liquid dripped down from her mouth and was smeared all over the dagger with her tongue.

"What the hell?" Ning thought. The girl then looked up to him and he could see her eyes had changed as well. There were slits in her eyes, instead of normal pupils, resembling those of a snake as well.

'What's going on? She's not in Spirit Transformation realm, so she isn't a beast for sure, but those eyes… and that tongue,' Ning thought.

"What are you? You said you were human, but have since transcended humanity, right? What did you d—"

Ning stopped speaking as a realization hit him. "Fuck, it's you guys," he said with slight annoyance.

He moved incredibly quickly and grabbed the dagger from the girl's hand. The girl couldn't do anything to stop him. She couldn't even see him, so she was very surprised when he was next to her, with her blade in her hand.

"Don't mind what I'm about to do," he said and grabbed the girl's hand and slashed at the wrist. Blood started spilling onto the ground uncontrollably and the girl cried in pain.

It seemed that whatever poison or venom she had put on her dagger hurt her as well. Ning put his arm forward and caught a bit of the falling blood.

He looked at the blood closely and sighed. "I knew it. It's you copycats, again. Who exactly are you?" Ning asked.

"Let go of me," she shouted.

"Answer me," Ning said.

"Help me, you idiots. Don't just stan—"

The words stopped in the girl's mouth when she saw them all incapacitated on the floor. "How…?"

"I shouldn't be wasting time like this," Ning thought and put his hand on the girl's head.

Supreme Domination.

He activated the skill and within seconds dominated the girl to do whatever he said.

"Master," the girl said, her usual maniac-like face nowhere to be seen.

"Alright, now tell me. Who are you?" Ning asked.

"I am Ursna, master," she said.

"No, I mean— whatever. Who are you, people? Who do you work for?" Ning asked.

"We call ourselves the Hybrids. We are groups of humans that have injected ourselves with the blood of the beasts and have gained their bloodline. As for who we work for, we work for our boss," the girl said.

"What is the objective of your group?" Ning asked.

"To become stronger," the girl said.

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"I see," Ning said as he looked at the blood in his other hand. The girl's hands had already healed on their own, showing the effectiveness of her new body.

"System, how many different bloods are here?" Ning asked.

<There are 2 primary sources of blood that make 45% and 47% respectively. The remaining 7% consists of 98 different types of blood>

"And the 2 primary sources are?" Ning asked.

<Human and Tri-Headed Hydra>

"I see," he thought. He then looked at the girl and said, "Wait here, I have some more questions for you later."

"Yes, master," the girl said obediently.

Ning walked towards the mole where Night and Blue were in their full size. The mole was looking at them with fear and amazement in his eyes.

"Senior, Who… who are you?" the beast asked Night and Blue instead of Ning.

"We are here to take you back to your home," Ning said.

"My… home?" the mole asked with confusion before his eyes widened with pure happiness. "You can take me back to my home?"

"Yes," Ning said. "You must've suffered quite a bit, not being able to return back to your home."

"Yes," the mole said. "Are we going back now?"

"Anytime you want," Ning said.

"Wait a minute then.. Let me do something about this girl," the mole said.