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Realizer of Death : The Reaper

Chapter 211 211
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Kirika was shocked when she heard Setsuka's words. But then she smiled broadly, and the five Ogres under her control moved in and slaughtered the Mutant Rats around them.

"Is that so? Then we will prove who is more deserving of standing by his side. You, someone who has known him for a few months, or me, someone who just met him." Kirika looked straight into Setsuka's eyes and said fearlessly.

"That should be my line. But we don't have to wait too long because we can prove it now and here. Let's see which of us can kill more monsters. Do you dare to accept my challenge?" Setsuka replied.

"Why don't I dare? Then let's do it. I will kill more monsters than you." Kirika answered confidently. After that, the two girls moved simultaneously and charged toward the monsters around them. Kirika and Setsuka started killing the Mutant rats near them and quickly reduced their numbers.

On the other hand, Kaede fell silent after she saw the exchange between the two. She was surprised when she learned Kirika had fallen in love with Tenku. At first, Kaede only suspected that the girl had certain feelings for Tenku. But she didn't think it was real.

Besides that, Kaede was dumbfounded by Setsuka's reaction. She responded to Kirika's declaration of war and boldly spoke about her feelings. This made Kaede both happy and sad.

Kaede was happy because her best friend had dared to fight for the man she loved. It shows how deep Setsuka's feelings are for Tenku. But Kaede was also sad that the two girls had left her alone in that place, and she felt they had alienated her.

"I will also be participating in your little competition! We'll see which one kills more monsters." Kaede tapped her staff on the ground, and large trees grew, turning the area into a dense forest.

At the same time, Tenku frowned after battling the Rock Golem for a while. He showed such a reaction not because the monster he was facing was powerful but because it had a troublesome ability.

Every time Tenku cuts the monster's body, they will absorb the soil and rock around the place and use it to regenerate. It makes them look like immortals. Tenku can kill Rock Golems without a trace, but he won't get monster cores from them.

There are a lot of Rock Golems, and he needs monster cores from them for Golden Revolver ammo and his daily needs. It would be a shame if Tenku only got Genesis power after killing those monsters.

"Hmm... This is troublesome. If I used the Devourer Scythe to attack those monsters, I might accidentally destroy their cores. It's the same as me annihilating them without a trace because there's nothing of value in that monster's body. All parts of them are just stones." Tenku sighed when he saw that the monsters had returned to their normal state after absorbing the soil and rocks in the area.

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Although not as hard as the scale of a Wyvern or Drake, the Rock Golem's body is tough. So he needed quite a bit of effort to split the monsters apart. Tenku had to chop them into pieces to kill the Rock Golems. But he might accidentally cut the Rock Golem's core since its position constantly changes inside the monster's body.

"In that case, I have no choice but to use my bare hands to fight against the Rock Golems. That way, I can precisely control the power when attacking those monsters.

If I used a Phantasmal Object, I couldn't completely control the sharpness or destructive power of the two weapons." Tenku muttered and canceled his Phantasmal Object's manifestation.

After that, he disappeared from where he was standing and reappeared right above the horde of Rock Golems. Tenku used Qi to gain his foothold in the air and kept a reasonable distance from the monsters. He compressed a large amount of Qi in his hand and threw his palm toward them.

Goliath Palm!

A gigantic palm of Qi manifestation appeared in the sky, fell rapidly, and smashed against dozens of Rock Golems.


Tenku's attack clashed with the ground and made the surrounding area shake. Half of the Rock Golem horde was crushed under that palm, leaving only their monster cores. Tenku didn't allow the monsters to use the soil and rocks in that place to regenerate their bodies. Afterward, he used the Devourer Scythe to absorb all of the Genesis power from the Rock Golems he had killed.

"Okay, next." Tenku said casually and looked at the other horde of Rock Golems. He condensed the Qi in his hands again and swung his fist at them.

Domination Fist!

A gigantic fist of Qi fell and crushed the horde of Rock Golems.


The impact of his strike created a large crater, and all the Rock Golems were reduced to chunks of rock without a single one remaining.

"Alright, time to move on to the next monster." Tenku looked at the horde of Cactus Golems and shot off at terrifying speed.

When Tenku canceled the manifestation of his Phantasmal Object and intended to fight the Rock Golem with his bare hands, the three girls were confused after seeing what he was doing.

"What's Tenku doing? Why did he cancel his Phantasmal Object?" Kaede looked at Setsuka and asked. She fights with her best friend and Kirika as the number of monsters approaching them increases. So the three girls decide to work together.

Setsuka was OK fighting with Kaede but felt reluctant to team up with Kirika. If it weren't for Tenku's words, she wouldn't have wanted to fight the monsters together with him.

"I don't know." Setsuka shook her head in response to Kaede's question. This was the first time she saw Tenku fight that fiercely. So Setsuka didn't have a clue as to what he was going to do.

"Huh? You don't know? Of course, he would be fighting the Rock Golems." Kirika suddenly got into their conversation.

"What do you mean? Did he want to fight those monsters without using Phantasmal Objects? Impossible! How could he fight Rock Golem with his bare hands? You don't have to say nonsense if you don't know anything." Kaede didn't believe Kirika's words and ignored her.

No matter how strong a human was, they couldn't kill monsters from other worlds without Phantasmal Objects. Researchers and soldiers from various countries have proved this. So Kaede thought that Kirika's words were just nonsense. If Tenku had fought those monsters barehanded, he would have gone mad.

"It's up to you whether you want to believe my words. But I've seen him fight two members of Ghost Nebula with his bare hands. Your disbelief shows that you two are the ones who know nothing about him." Kirika looked at Setsuka and snorted coldly.

Kaede wanted to reply to her words. But then she was stunned when she saw Tenku floating in the air.

"He can fly!? Is that an ability of his Phantasmal Objects?" Kaede looked at her best friend and asked another question.

"I don't know about that either." Setsuka replied with a clouded face. She felt a little depressed hearing Kirika's words about her not knowing anything about Tenku.

After hearing Setsuka's reply, Kaede turned her eyes to Kirka. She thought that the girl knew something.

"I also do not know. This is the first time I saw him floating like that." Kirika shook her head.

Kaede didn't ask any further after not getting an answer to her question. Her eyes remained focused on Tenku despite facing attacks from the Mutant Rats. Kaede wanted to know what Tenku wanted to do next. Not long after, she opened her eyes wide and saw a gigantic palm appear in the sky and smash into the Rock Golems.

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The area shook, and the monsters' bodies shattered into small chunks. Tenku's attacks have tremendous damage, leaving giant palm marks on the ground.

"What's that? I believe it is not an ability of a Phantasmal Object." Kaede looked at Setsuka and Kirika. But she discovered that the sight also dumbfounded the two girls. Kaede turned her eyes to the palm marks on the ground and found the attack familiar.

"I don't know what power it is either. But it certainly wasn't from his Phantasmal Object. I've seen it before but from quite a distance. I didn't expect that attack to be so terrifying when seen up close. You should also have seen him use it at Suisei High School. He unleashed that attack to defeat a terrorist in the planetary phase." Kirika said in a low voice.

"Yes. After you said it, I remember now. That attack was seen during the invasion of monsters at Suisei High School." Kaede nodded in response. Then he was surprised again when he saw another attack from Tenku, this time in the form of a giant fist.


Kaede was stunned when she saw the attack's impact created a large crater in the area and destroyed all the Rock Golems.

"He is so strong. Tenku really can kill monsters with his bare hands. He managed to defeat hundreds of fourth-level monsters alone. Moreover, his opponent is a Rock Golem with extraordinary regeneration abilities by utilizing the environment around them." Kaede said in a trembling voice. If she hadn't seen it in person, Kaede wouldn't have believed what had happened before her.

"It seems there are still many things I don't know about him." Setsuka muttered sadly, and she swung her sword at the nearby Ogre.


Setsuka split the monster in half and then looked at Tenku with eyes full of tenderness.

"But I don't care about that. What I do know is I love him. That's enough, even though I don't know all about him." Setsuka smiled sweetly, and she slashed her sword in circles. Then hundreds of Orcs froze from her attacks.

"Did she get enlightened?" Kaede was slightly surprised when she saw the battle between Setsuka and the monsters. She noticed the change in her best friend's mood.

"Yes, you're right. She seems to have realized something in her heart, which caused her power to increase drastically." Kirika said in a dignified voice.

"But I won't lose to her!" Kirika said seriously. Afterward, she increased the number of monsters she controlled to seven.

"This is..." Kaede was amazed when she saw the two girls. She felt envious and lonely at being left behind in their rivalry.

"I won't lose to you either!" Kaede said with determination, and her fighting spirit grew like a giant tree. But before she launched her attack on the monsters, she heard a massive explosion accompanied by a shockwave that sent her flying.
