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Picking Up Beautiful Girls In The Post-Apocalyptic World!

Chapter 192
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Yuuma chuckled nervously while the four girls headed out of the door. She wished she could have gone as well, but she was still wanted by the Celestials. It would be stupid of her to make it so easy for them by walking out in the open. She just hoped that Rina was okay. What was that girl thinking!??


It’s Han-Oppa’s birthday in two days! Rina was on top of the world right now! She had the most radiant smile on her face as she moved through the street on the first floor while trying to find a few ingredients so she could cook a good meal.

Han’s birthday was coming up in three days, and from the looks of things, Rina could tell that not even Han remembered his birthday. It was like he completely forgot about things like that once he became so strong. Silly brother! You celebrated my birthday, so nothing is going to stop me from celebrating yours!

Rina stopped at a stall that sold things that looked like jelly. She poked one of them and it grew a bulge in the spot she touched before popping. She grimaced. This was one of the biggest problems she had with this new world. The things here were so diverse and different. She didn’t know what half of them did and the other half were too disgusting for her to even test!

She has been relying on Han’s teachings to know what to cook in the restaurant all this while, but for once she didn’t want Han to know what she would be making for him. She wanted to surprise him!

But not with this. She was afraid that if she used ingredients she didn’t know anything about she would somehow end up poisoning her sweet brother and that would be bad. Rina stood up and walked away from the store before the seller could start trying to even make a pitch. She continued walking around until she came across a store that looked to be run by a human! Jackpot!

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Rina came out of the store after some time with all of the ingredients needed for her to make Han’s favorite food. She could already see the surprise on his face when he tastes the food! It will be amazing.


“Oi! Watch where you’re -!!!”

The person that bumped into Rina stopped in the middle of what he was about to shout once his eyes landed on her. Rina had fallen straight to the ground from the impact! Her basket of ingredients was on the floor and she was holding her head with her hand in pain. That man’s body was like a solid wall!

The man that hit her was absolutely stunned by her. Her blonde hair, her amazing body. Even that cute expression of pain on her face. She was so beautiful. He was in love!

“H-Hello, can I help you? Sorry, I wasn’t looking where I was going”

Rina looked up at him and saw him stretching his hand out to her. She took it and he helped he to her feet before he helped her to pack her things. Once he handed the basket to her, he gave her an amazing smile that has made many women swoon for him. His name was West and he was a silver Star that ended up coming to the first floor for some business. He didn’t expect to meet an angel on this floor, but it was his good luck!

He expected Rina to at least blush at him, but she simply thanked him with a bow and then started walking away. West blinked and then looked back at the other men who had come with him. He grabbed a random woman on the street and gave her a wonderful smile and the woman blushed in embarrassment immediately! His smile still works! It wasn’t broken! Then what the hell happened just now!?

West walked up to Rina again and stopped her. She turned around and he gave her another smile. Rina tilted her head to the side and wondered what was wrong. Did this man have a disease that constantly made him smile?

“Can I help you?”

West sobered quickly. Twice now! She completely ignored his smile twice now! This is a big problem! He has never seen a woman that he cannot have! This is the first woman that he wanted badly but is unable to woo like this!

“I was just wondering if you would be willing to go out with me as thanks for helping you pick up your bag. I think you owe me that much”

Rina held up the bag and blinked at it in surprise. Ah, he was right. He did help her. And she even bumped into him too! West smirked when he saw her thinking it over. She was going to fall for him no matter what!

“Here you go”

West blinked in surprise and then tried to understand what was happening. Rina was holding out her hand and trying to hand him money. Did she think he was a beggar!?

“You helped me so this much should be enough, thank you. I have somewhere to be now so please excuse me”

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Rina turned around and began walking away again and West suddenly grew enraged! She was making fun of him! He was one of the members of the Trinata guild! How dare she make fun of his proposal! He signaled to the men behind him and told them to capture Rina! She would go out with him whether she likes it or not!

As the men were about to go near her, there was a sudden fear that passed through all of them as a great amount of killing intent filled the area. Rin and Lily had appeared on the scene and they were so angry when they saw that some men were advancing on Rina! But it wasn’t them that brought the killing intent! It came from Rina’s direction! Rina’s shadow expanded and all the men could see the image of a great shadow Hunter glaring down at them from the shadow! It promised pain and death if they even dared to come near her!

Rin couldn’t believe that Han actually put one of those things inside his sister’s shadow! She suddenly wondered, did he also do the same thing to her? She turned around to look down at her shadow and she deadpanned as two red eyes blinked back at her before nervously scurrying away to hide again! I guess Han told them not to be seen unless it was important. Rin cursed, that man is a nuisance to privacy!

All the men that were disturbing Lily had already begun running away and Rin went over to ask her what she was doing out here alone. Rina didn’t even know what had happened with the shadow Hunter since her back had been turned at the time. She showed Rin the bag and told her that it was Han’s birthday in two days!

Rin grew flustered! She completely forgot about Han’s birthday! She quickly grabbed Rina and started dragging her back to the restaurant! They had to prepare as quickly as possible!

Wolf and the rest of his men would be mentioned one more time in the future, but for now, they received a call to come back for a war with the Alcatraz guild.

The war was becoming the biggest topic among the people in the Temple. People from all arounds were wondering if the two guilds would be able to take on the Alcatraz guild! They knew that the Alcatraz guild was bad news, everybody knew that. But nobody bothered trying to stop them because they also knew that the Alcatraz guild has a very strong leader!

It would be suicide for any guild that tries to go against them! But these two guilds were going to try and subdue them on the thirtieth floor!? This became the biggest news in the entire Temple! Everyone waited for the outcome of the fight so they could see what would happen next.

Who won and who lost was none of their business, they just wanted to know if it would now be easier to pass through the thirtieth floor without the fear of Alcatraz constantly looming over them! Most rookies were incapable of moving past the thirtieth floor because they heard rumors about how the Alcatraz guild killed anyone that tried to pass! It was one of the reasons why there were so many people on these lower floors!

So they were wishing for the Alcatraz guild to lose just so they could reap the benefits as well. No one even thought of going to help out! What if they lost and the Alcatraz guild starts killing the people that went against them!? I don’t want to lose my life! I’d rather watch as those other guilds fight for my freedom, and I will just sit here and wait! It’s safer that way!

The amount of fear that the beginners had for the Alcatraz guild made them hold back from going to help. They were just cowards that didn’t deserve to be mentioned at all.

No one would ever say that they were wrong to be afraid and no one would say that they were wrong to think that the Alcatraz guild had a higher chance to win! But no one knew that someone new had made an appearance in this little battle between the three guilds.