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My Fated Human Luna by TheNich29

Chapter 2
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My Fated Human Luna Chapter 5

5 It’s Done

Greg POV

I pull up to Tracey’s house and all the lights are off. I see Sabrina and Tracey’s car on the street. I take

my phone out of my pocket and say a prayer that she answers. The phone rings five times and I’m

about to hang up when I hear her voice. “Stop calling me Greg I’m done talking to you.” “Sabrina, I’m

here and I’m coming to the door so you better answer.” “Greg I don’t know where you think I am but f**k

you.” I can feel my anger grow at her words. “Sabrina I am at Tracey’s house and you better be here.”

“You are going to be very disappointed because I am no where near Tracey’s house.” The phone

disconnects and I am ready to break it in my hand. I take a chance she’ll answer and I dial Tracey’s

phone. She picks up and I don’t even get a chance to say hello.

“You have a lot of nerve calling my phone you piece of sh*t.” “I don’t know what you thought but you

hurt my best friend and you are dead to me.” “Tracey, please I just want to know that she is safe.”

There is silence for a minute and I say a prayer she will have pity on me. “I will always make sure she

is safe and if there is any justice she is getting really good d**k right now.” The call drops and this time I

lose it smashing the phone. I can’t believe what has happened to my life in twenty-four hours.

Sabrina POV

I wake up and I feel like sh*t. I’m never drinking like that again. My mouth feels like a desert. I finally

manage to open my eyes and when I look at the clock to see the time, I see a glass of water and

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ibuprofen. God bless my friends. I manage to sit up without the room spinning and take the ibuprofen

with the whole glass of water. I’m off today but I need to get back to Gabby. I manage to look around

the room now that I’m sober and it’s beautiful. I wonder if Willow is rich because this room sure looks

like it. When I’m able to get to my feet, I see a pair of jeans, panties, bra, and a black t-shirt with a note

on it. “Take a shower and get dressed, no walk of shame today.” I laugh to myself and head to the


Once I get out, I feel somewhat human. I start to think about all the things that happened last night and

the biggest thing that stands out is that b**ch approaching me. I can’t believe that any of this is real

right now. My husband f**ked her for god knows how long and she rubbed it in my face. I need to put

this out of my head right now. I take a couple of deep breaths and head out to meet the girls. They are

sitting at the table having coffee and breakfast. I walk over and pour myself coffee in the mug that they

left by the coffee machine. “How are you feeling?” “Like I was hit by a freight train.” They both laugh

“after seven tequila sunrises I can’t imagine why” Tracey says. “I’m never doing that again.”

“Do you remember anything from last night Sabrina?” “I wish I didn’t.” “Greg called me last night.” I

whip my head in Tracey’s direction. “He called me before I finally passed out.” “What did he want?” “He

tried to act like he wanted to know you were safe but I could tell he really wanted to know if you were

with someone.” “What did you say to him Tracey?” “I told him I hoped you were getting really good

d**k.” I laugh “thank you.” She nods and after I finish my coffee we get ready for the car to pick us up

that Willow arranged.

We are quiet on the way back to Tracey’s house. When we pull into the driveway, the driver gets out to

open my door. He smiles and then all hell breaks loose. “Is this the guy you f**ked last night?” I turn to

see a very angry Greg heading in our direction. I can’t believe he really thinks he has any right to come

here. I step in front of the man. “Get the hell out of here Greg.” “What I do is no longer your f**king

business.” “You are my wife so it is most certainly my business.” I turn to the driver who probably thinks

we are a bunch of crazy people. “Thank you for the ride you can go.” “Are you sure Ms. Piper that you

will be ok?” I smile “I will be fine thank you.” “You better get in your f**king car before I forget that I’m a

cop and beat the sh*t out of you.” I swear I hear a growl but I turn back to Greg “go find your girlfriend

Greg I don’t have time for you.” I start to walk toward Tracey’s house.

Greg POV

I’ve been sitting here for two hours waiting for Sabrina to come back. When the car pulls in and a man

gets out, I’m ready to lose my sh*t. This is my wife and she let some other man touch her. S*x is

different for men. We can do it without emotions, but women are emotional creatures. When she steps

in front of this a**hole I want to punch him in the face. Once he gets in the car, she walks away from

me. As she starts to walk to the house, I need her to stop and listen to me. I grab her arm and turn her

toward me. “Alright, Sabrina, you have proved your point, you hurt me.” “Do you really think that is

what, this was a payback?” “Of course, I cheated and now you did, so we are even.” She laughs and

looks to Tracey.

When she turns back, I feel her hand connect with my cheek. Holy sh*t she slapped me. “Leave Greg

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and only contact me if it is about Gabby.” “You and I are done.” “You made your choice when you

picked Megan over me and your daughter.” “I didn’t pick her, I made a mistake.” “Mistakes have

consequences and your is no more wife.” “Now you can leave or I can call your buddies to pick you up

for trespassing.” She turns heading in the house leaving me standing in the driveway.

Archer POV

My desk phone rings and I answer on the second ring. “Archer Lyons, may I help you?” “So proper my

brother is.” “Good morning Willow what’s up?” “I may need your help for one of my friends.” “Help with

what exactly?” “I think she is going to need a lawyer to handle a divorce.” “Willow you know I do not do

divorce it’s to messy.” “I know you normally don’t but if your little sister asks nicely I thought you would

make an exception.” I laugh “if the woman is interested in divorce I will review her case and then make

my decision.” “Thank you Archer, your the best big brother.” “I’m only the best brother when your

getting your way.” “That’s not true I think your pretty great all the time.” “Alright now your just buttering

me up.” “Love you, talk to you soon” she says before she hangs up.

“Mr. Lyons you have a visitor” my secretary says through the intercom. “Who is it Misty?” “It’s your

father sir and a young lady.” I run my hands through my hair like I do everytime I’m annoyed. “Ok Misty,

show them to my office.” A few minutes later the door opens and my father walks in followed by a girl

I’ve never seen before. “To what do I owe this visit dad” I say sarcastically. “Archer don’t be rude I

wanted to introduce you to Mckenzie, she is Alpha Jordan’s daughter.” Now I understand what the visit

is about. “Very nice to meet you Mckenzie but unfortunately I’m very busy today and I don’t really have

time to socialize.” “Archer enough you will make time to get to know her.” I stand from my desk. “I

apologize Mckenzie for whatever my father may have told you but I’m not interested in a chosen mate.”

“Dad get the hell out of my office now.”