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Mine – The Alpha's Possession by Kylie

Chapter 27
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When I walked out of Taylor’s bedroom I

saw Ethan leaning against the wall on the other side of the hallway. So I turned around to close Taylor’s

door and I saw.

that she noticed him as well. How the hell

could I have been so stupid to not recognise that scent. I knew that it was familiar and I had a weird

feeling in my gut but I didn’t follow it. Why didn’t I follow it? How could I be so stupid? Now I put someone

in the packhouse who I know has had sex with my mate. The thought of it all made me sick to my

stomach. It made me want to kill Ethan

where he stood, but I had to fight that


“You should just rip his head off and dump his body in the woods.” Growled

my wolf Knox in my head. He had been stirring ever since Ethan showed up here too. But I didn’t know

why. That should have been my first clue.

“What are you doing out here?” I asked


“I wanted to talk to Taylor. But I heard you in there so I figured that I would wait. “Ethan says.

“I know that I offered you a room in the packhouse. I now have one condition to that rule, you never

come to this

bedroom. Taylor is off limits to you. Do you understand?” I demanded while trying to be as calm as


“I understand.” He says. So I took Ethan to the bottom floor of the packhouse and

showed him to one of the much smaller

rooms that new warriors usually stayed

in and I let him get settled.

I then went to my office and I walked over

to the alcohol tray and poured a glass of whiskey and sat in my chair facing away from the table looking

out the window.

What the hell was I going to do now? Taylor was barely speaking to me. She

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thinks I still want to reject her. If only she

knew what it was like for me, the very

first time I saw her. I knew right then and

there that I wouldn’t be able to reject her.

And I had this whole elaborate dinner

planned on her 18th birthday but she figured it all out before I could show her that I wasn’t going to reject

her. It was

the opposite. I was going to accept her, I was going to show her off to the whole pack. But now she

wants nothing to do

with me.

‘Still prove to her that you aren’t going to reject her. Show her how you feel.’ Knox

said in his husky voice.

‘I know that you really want her and her

wolf Knox. But it’s not that simple. Not

for humans.’ I say.

‘Human’s have too many emotions.’ Knox huffed at me. I chuckled at that because I knew that he was

right. If we were just simple wolves then none of this would be an issue. If our animal sides

were more in charge then none of this would be an issue. I would be with my mate right now and not

sitting here alone wondering how I just let my mate’s ex- lover into the pack.

That dinner was going to be perfect to. Out in the garden by the side of the packhouse. The only garden

that we have here because I know that she loves it

there. A table with fairy lights all around. Really romantic and just us two. I was

going to declare my feelings for her. Tell

her how much I needed her and that I

wasn’t going to reject her.

I should have known that something was going on when she asked me the other

night if I was still going to reject my mate. But I didn’t pick up on the signs. I

guess I was a clueless and pathetic man. I

was an idiot and now I was paying for it. I should have told her that I had changed

my mind.

Well, there’s no point in playing the ‘ should have’ game. What’s done is done and now I have to try and

fix the damage that I created. While making sure that Ethan and Taylor stay the hell away from each


I was pulled from my thoughts when the phone started ringing.

“Hello.” I answered picking it up.

“Alpha Jackson. This is Alpha Richmond. I believe that there are a few things that we need to talk about.”

Richmond said.

“Yeah. I believe there is. I understand that you got a phone call earlier.” I say.

“Yes. Taylor did call me. She claims that she is not being held against her will.” Richmond says.

“If you know that girl, like I know that girl. Not even I can keep her locked up as a prisoner. She would

have either escaped by now or given me so much grief that I would have given her back.” I snickered.

And he chuckled as well.

“Yeah. That sounds like our Taylor.” He


“What are you going to do about Thomas and Victoria?” I asked curiously. Since

they almost started a war between two

packs, based on a bunch of lies.

“They’re in the dungeon for now. A suitable punishment for this is still being worked out. But don’t worry,

they won’t get away with it. And I don’t think Taylor will be coming here any time soon to defend them.”

Richmond says.

“No. She’d probably tell you to hang

them.” I chuckled.

“Yeah. I guess you have gotten to know

Taylor. Those two didn’t make it easy for her here.” Richmond says.

“I know. Did you see the locks on the

kitchen cabinets?” I asked.

“I did. And I had no idea that they were doing that. But it makes sense now. Why Taylor was always

working so hard to

earn money. She always said that she needed the money and no one knew why. But I guess it was to

feed herself.”

Richmond says.

“So, this whole matter is behind us? There’s no war coming?” I asked.

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“No. There’s no war coming. And I would like to invite you and whoever else you want to come to my

pack for dinner one night. And stay the night. Out of good

faith.” Richmond says.

“I appreciate the offer. But that won’t be

necessary. This phone call was all I needed. Thank you.” I say.

“Thank you for not holding it against me. because of those two liars.” Richmond


“Well, if you ever need anything then your know where to find me.” I say.

” Yeah. Same here. Thank you very much.

Richmond says. And I hung up the


Well, that was one problem out of the way. Not there was just the other problem to deal with. Not to

mention my whole pack. 1

I started looking at all the book work in front of me and I was starting to drown in it. So, I needed to hurry

up and get started with it. I grabbed a stack of papers and

started reading through them but I was having trouble concentrating. I looked up at the couch where

Taylor was always sit and the laptop she used was still sitting on the coffee table. But I knew that I

couldn’t ask her for help with these. It

was way too much.

She wasn’t even talking to me right now. Not civilly anyway. I didn’t realize how much she actually did

around the office. while she was working here. I know that I was handling everything before she came

here, but I was never out doing anything with the pack.

After she came here, I actually had spare time. I hadn’t noticed until now. I know that I needed to smooth

things over with her before she left. She has to stay here. I can’t let her leave. So, I grabbed the

phone again and I started dialling a phone number.

“Hello.” Principal Sawyer answered.

“Hello Harrison. Alpha Jackson.” I say.

“Oh, hi Alpha. How may I help you today?

He asked getting a little nervous. I could

hear it in his voice.

We need to talk about Taylor Stevenson. “I say firmly.