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Meeting The One For Me

Chapter 248
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Chapter 248

“I'm not made out of glass. Nothing will happen even if | were to be splashed.” Audrey pulled Peter's arm and

made him turn around. She checked his back. “You don’t need to be

SO nervous.

Through the window, Nathan saw Audrey pull Peter's arm and check his back. He held onto the cigarette tightly.

When he reached out to open the door, he stopped himself.

He had done so many evil things to Audrey in the past. So how could he face her?

She was a kind person, but she didn’t even contact him after he took a hit for her. It meant that she hated him!

Besides, Peter had promised Amelia not to meet Audrey for two months.

Even though he wanted to chop off Peter's arms, he couldn't bring himself to get out of the car to face Audrey.

He had done too many bad things. If he wanted to pursue her again, he needed to break off the engagement

first. Only then, could he stand before her properly.

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If he didn’t end things with Amelia properly before pursuing Audrey, other people would claim that Audrey was a


Nathan couldn't let Audrey suffer from such rumors.

Peter took off his coat and explained apologetically, “I'm sorry, Ms. Yeomans. | shouldn't have brought you here.

The potholes have existed for a long time, but no one repaired them.

“Overtime, they becbigger and deeper, so the rainwater couldn't subside... My girlfriend has been splashed


Looking at the water stain on her legs, Audrey smiled. “Let’s go back! If | finish work early, we can go to the gym.

| want to check out your skills.

“If you're good, you can teach me. Then, you can have an additional salary.”

She could tell that Peter loved his girlfriend. Just at the mention of his girlfriend, his eyes would light up.

If he could receive another salary, he could end his career as a bodyguard earlier. Then, he could give his

girlfriend a peaceful life.

Nathan watched as the car Audrey got into left. He followed after it.

Chapter 248


On the way back home, Peter noticed that a car was following them. He stayed calm and didn’t alarm anyone.

After three streets, he got rid of Nathan. He then sent Audrey hsafely without her noticing anything.

He watched her enter her home. “Ms. Yeomans, rest up. Before | cto work in the morning tomorrow, don’t

open the door for strangers.”

“Got it.”

After Audrey took a shower and changed her clothes upon arriving home, it was already 11:

00 pm.

There were still no calls nor messages from Ryan. There was only a missed video call and a few voice messages

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from Lily because Audrey was in the shower.

“Mom, Dad... | mean, Mr. Lambert cover today. He lost his temper again!”

“Before he left, he kissed and hugged me. He gavea beautiful dress and toldto wear it during Mr.

Lambert Senior's birthday banquet! He gave Dallas a suit too. Although he said he didn’t like it, he kept looking

at it.”

“Mom, | saw Wandflower’s old picture. She looks just like me! She also looked like she was young, too!”

you when

“Good night, Mom. I'm going to bed! Otherwise, Dallas will get angry atfor playing with my smart watch!”

“By the way, Dallas hacked the website of Franklin Group today. Don’t tell him that | told you this! Good night!”

As Audrey listened to Lily’s cute voice and her mood improved.

Ryan went back to Lambert Residence that day. Did he have an argument with George again?

When George cover that day, Audrey could tell that he had permitted Ryan to leave the Lambert family and

Lambert Corporation.