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Love at the Next Stop

Chapter 26
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Chapter 26 Let Me Introduce a Boyfriend to You

“Mr. Grant, our company’s products are the best, so aren’t you going to consider them?” One of the

women held a glass of wine in her hand. Although she was acting coyly, she didn’t seem as lowly.

Instead, she appeared rather alluring when coupled with her coquettish voice.

With a smile on his face, Miles replied, “I’ll consider buying from you if I need anything.”

What’s the point in the supplier buying you a meal if that’s all that you’re going to say? Their aim is to

make sure that you strike a deal with them! Stella mused.

Although the women lingered around Miles, he never relented. However, Stella couldn’t bear to watch

when the women began getting all handsy with him. Things started to get out of hand when they began

rubbing their breasts on him. Therefore, Stella opted to direct her attention to the food in front of her, as

she dared not look at the scene.

On the other hand, Miles was totally unfazed by it. Stella couldn’t help but wonder how many similar

occasions did he have to go through in order to be immune to their advances. At the same time, Stella

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was finally able to feel relieved about the kiss he gave her that day, as she figured it was probably

nothing but a casual kiss.

After dinner, Stella left for the exit to hail a cab. After Kevin and the rest had left, she was the only one

waiting there. At that moment, Miles drove his car in front of her. It wasn’t until then that she noticed he

had yet to leave.

“Let me drive you. You won’t get a cab anytime soon around here.” His face was devoid of expression as

per usual. Upon hearing that, Stella checked her surroundings to see that there were no other vehicles

around, so she got into his car.

They spent their journey in silence. Although Stella had a lot that she would like to say, she wasn’t sure

where to start. Later, they arrived at home, only to find out that Yulia Johansson dropped by to visit.

Yulia and Stella were cousins. Their fathers started their own businesses back in the days. While Yulia’s

father’s business grew, which eventually established them as a well-known upstart, Stella’s father

maintained a small business, so it was annoying to be compared to Yulia.

At that moment, Yulia was speaking to Zane, and she was perhaps there to visit Stella. Upon Stella’s

arrival, she greeted her. “You’re finally here, Stella.”

Yulia was only a day younger than Stella, as Stella’s mother gave birth to her prematurely. Therefore,

Yulia seemed a little older than Stella. Due to the fact that she didn’t intend to inherit her family’s

business, Yulia had been working under a foreign company ever since she had graduated university. She

was an independent and capable woman who kept a low profile. Meanwhile, Zane had his eyes glued to


Yulia didn’t have an agenda in mind as she merely dropped by to check on Stella. After catching wind of

Stella and Zane’s fight, Yulia wanted to know if they had settled things between them. However, Stella

only ever reported the good news when it came to familial issues, so she told Yulia everything was great.

Seeing that Yulia was about to leave after that, Zane asked, “Yulia, do you have a boyfriend?”

Startled by the question, Yulia responded half jokingly. “Nope. I’m too good for ordinary men.”

Zane treated Yulia rather nicely, which stood in stark contrast with his attitude toward Stella. With his

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eyes still on Yulia, he proposed, “Why don’t I introduce someone to you?”

“That’d be great.” Unlike a lot of girls who would try to act coy in such situations, Yulia was direct in her


“Sure! I’ll give you a call after I set up an appointment with him!”

In the meantime, Stella assumed that Zane was just joking, but he requested her to dress up on the next

day, as they would be introducing a potential boyfriend to Yulia. His request came off as being odd, for

she had no reason to dress up since it was Yulia’s blind date. She figured she would only take the

limelight from Yulia if she dressed up.

On the other hand, Zane gave Stella a once over before explaining, “My wife shouldn’t look shoddy

compared to that guy’s potential girlfriend.”

Refusing to dwell any further on the subject to avoid a confrontation with Zane, she did as told. Hence,

she curled her hair, put on some light makeup and a pair of heels that added to her charm.

In contrast, Yulia looked the same as before. She wore a simple jacket and let her long hair down.

Compared to Stella, she looked all but plain. Although she was beautiful in her own right, her beauty was

just incomparable to Stella’s. While waiting for the guy, Stella touched up her makeup using her hand

mirror. As soon as she picked it up, she saw in it none other than the reflection of Miles Grant.