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Invicinble Colorless Butler

Chapter 64 - 27
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The new student admissions ceremony has ended. Some of the students had already left the place. Some returned to their dormitories, and some remained in the hall. Tomorrow is the first day they start studying at the academy. Currently, Ziel, Clara, Princess Iris, and Princess Freya (in camouflage mode) are still in the hall. Clara is questioning Ziel's whereabouts before. But their conversation was interrupted by a voice behind them.

"Sorry to interrupt your conversation." Princess Aishia approached them along with Prince Fritz. Princess Rinne and Hugo who they met yesterday are seen following behind him. And there was one more person with them. She is Princess Reina Rubelia.

The students who were still in the hall became excited to see the Prince and Princess of the kingdom gathered together.. On the one hand, the students are also envious of the unknown boy in their midst.

"Is there anything I can help, Princess Aishia?" Clara was confused at Princess Aishia who suddenly came and interrupted their conversation. Moreover, behind her, there was also a group of Princesses from other kingdoms. Clara felt awkward dealing with such a situation.

"Ah, I have business with her." Princess Aishia pointed at Ziel, precisely the person hiding behind him.

"Hehe... As expected of Aishia. You can even see my camouflage." The light behind Ziel distorted and revealed the form of Princess Freya.

Princess Aishia can see the camouflage because during the past year she studied magic, there was a change in her eyes. Besides being more sensitive to mana, she can also see directly into illusions.

"What!?" Everyone who was there was shocked except for Ziel and Princess Aishia.

"Princess Freya, since when have you been behind me?" Ziel pretended to have just realized it. Blue veins appeared on Princess Aishia and Princess Freya's foreheads after hearing those words. But before they could reply to his words, someone spoke first.

"Freya! Where have you been? Don't you know that Aishia and I are all worried about you!?" Prince Fritz who was the first to wake up from his shock spoke to Princess Freya in a slightly angry voice.

"I'm sorry brother, I was just getting some fresh air. And you don't have to worry, because I'll be fine as long as he protects me." Princess Freya chuckled as she patted Ziel's shoulder.

"My lady, if we have nothing else to do, we better get out of here. Because we will be the spectacle of many people." Ziel ignored what Princess Freya said. He wanted to leave that place as soon as possible because the longer he was there the more troublesome it would be. He saw a girl who was crossed her arms staring intently at him. That girl is Princess Reina. He felt that if she interfered then things would get more complicated and they would stay there longer.

"Hmm... Alright. Princess Aishia if there's nothing else, we'll go first." Clara bowed slightly to Princess Aishia and walked away from the crowd of Princes and Princesses. She wanted to immediately ask Ziel for an explanation of what happened. Princess Iris who had been silent since earlier was following them from behind.

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"Wait!!" Prince Fritz stopped Ziel who was about to leave the place.

"Lady, you go first. I'll follow you later." Ziel stopped in his footsteps. He didn't want to involve Clara in such a troublesome matter.

"Okay, I'll be waiting for you at the restaurant where we ate yesterday. Let's get out of here, Iris." Clara left the hall. Princess Iris nodded slightly and came out of there. She also did not want to linger in the crowd for long.

"Is there anything I can help, Your Highness Prince Fritz?" After confirming that Clara and Princess Iris have left the hall. He turned around and asked Prince Fritz.

"What did you do to my sister? Where have you been with her before?" Prince Fritz asked coldly. He let out his pressure and spoke in an absolute tone like a king questioning his subordinates.

"I don't know what you're saying, Prince Fritz. If you ask me, where I'm going. I'll answer that I'm from the lake behind the black tower. But when it comes to Princess Freya then I don't know." Ziel said with a poker face unaffected by the pressure of a Sword Master belonging to Prince Fritz.

Prince Fritz was surprised that the boy in front of him who was from Class D could withstand the pressure. He was embarrassed because currently, the remaining students in the hall were looking at him in whispers. Then he gathered his aura in his right hand.

"You dare to answer my words!" Prince Fritz who was angry with embarrassment immediately punched Ziel in the face.

"Brother stop!" Princess Freya who saw her older brother lose control tried to stop him but she was too late.

"Haaa...So unreasonable." Ziel sighed when hit by Prince Fritz's punch. He bounced until he hit the wall of the hall.

(This is your payback for hitting me)

The moment Prince Fritz's fist touched his face. Ziel infused magic on him that would activate at the appointed time.

[Magic seeds]

[Power Lock]


The wall shattered when it collided with Ziel who was bounced off by Prince Fritz's punch. At least Prince Fritz used half his strength to punch him.

"What's going on here!?" A shoulder-length silver-haired young woman shouted from behind them. She wears the same uniform as beatrix and Kalya. She is also one of the teachers at the academy, her name is Ashley Arianel. In the back, there are several people that he knows, namely Beatrix, Kalya, and Christof. The remaining 3 men, Ziel have never met them. The young man with short red hair who looks a bit rough is Reid Brandon, next to him a quiet-looking man with shoulder-length dark gold hair is Flavio Hendrique, and the last one is a young man with black hair who looks like a gentleman, Alvis Donell. They were all teachers at the academy.

"look at that! They are academy teachers! They are all at least a Magic King!" When the teachers appeared together, the academy students started to make noise. Because their chances of meeting a Magic King or above were slim out there. While at the academy, they could see 7 Magic King level people appearing together.

"Prince Fritz, shouldn't you know that fighting without permission in the academy is forbidden? Moreover, you blatantly hurt a student in public." Christof who briefly saw the incident spoke to Prince Fritz.

"I'm just teaching an insect where they should be." Prince Fritz just shrugged his shoulders hearing Christof's scolding.

"You..." Christof was about to reply but someone tapped him on the shoulder which made him stop his words.

"Prince Fritz, you should know that while you're here you have to follow the academy's rules? Even if you're a Prince, you can be expelled if you're found to be in violation." The one who spoke was Flavio Hendrique. Even though he is from the same country as Prince Fritz, he is currently acting as an academy teacher. That's why he can't be picky.

"I..." Prince Fritz was about to reply to Flavio's words. But his words were cut short by his sister's screams and slaps.


"Stop it, brother! This has nothing to do with him! Then why do you keep hitting him even though he already explained it to you!!" Princess Freya is very angry at what her sister did to Ziel. It happened so fast that she didn't have time to stop her brother's actions.

The people in the hall who saw that opened their eyes wide. The graceful and gentle Princess Freya currently looks full of anger. Not only the students, even Princess Aishia who was her childhood friend was shocked that Princess Freya had slapped her brother, Prince Fritz in public. She had never seen Princess Freya so angry.

Princess Freya then ran towards Ziel who was buried under the rubble of the wall, but she was stopped by Kalya.

"Princess Freya, you should go back to your dormitory." Kalya walked towards Ziel without looking at Princess Freya.

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"But..." Princess Freya was still reluctant to leave Ziel like that. Even though she knew Ziel wouldn't be hurt but still Ziel got into such trouble because of her. So she should at least apologize to him in person.

"What he said is true Princess, you better go back to your dormitory." Beatrix cut her off before she could continue her word.

"You can all disperse! The admission ceremony is over!" Reid's voice echoed throughout the hall waking the students from their stupefied state of shock from what they saw. One by one, they rushed out of the hall.

Princess Freya saw Ziel in the rubble, she still felt reluctant to leave him like that. Then finally she decided to leave the hall followed by Princess Aishia with a complicated face and her brother and the other Princesses. Princess Reina only glanced briefly as if to lose interest. Meanwhile, Lilith and Berith also rushed away while whispering something.

"Haaa... just who was arguing with a Prince on his first day at the academy?" Ashley sighed heavily and snapped her fingers. The debris that piled up Ziel was lifted and showed him in a state that looked 'fainted'.

"What!?" Beatrix shouted after seeing the person lying there.

"What's wrong, Beatrix? do you know him?" The normally silent Alvis asked Beatrix. It seems he is close friends with her.

"Ah...yes he is my nephew's butler. Until here, let me take care of it." When Beatrix was about to take him, someone preceded her.

"Let me take care of it, I'm the homeroom teacher." Kalya uses wind magic to make Ziel float and immediately takes him away from there without asking for their consent.

Beatrix and the other teachers couldn't help but stare at the figures of Ziel and Kalya disappearing from the SkyDome hall.


Piqmentia Grand Academy has a majestic high tower and looks fantastic. Not only the structure, but the size of the academy itself was also even like a small town. Around the academy, there are forests, gardens, lakes, and hills. That's because the location where the academy was previously founded was in the hills directly bordering Vittoria City.

With an area that is like a small town, teachers can have their residence in the academy area. Likewise, Kalya who is a teacher there built her residence in the forest in the academy area.

At this time, the 'fainted' Ziel was brought by Kalya to her small mansion in the middle of the forest. She placed Ziel on the floor and then sat on the chair. Then she poured the tea from the teapot into the cup on the table.

"How long are you going to pretend you're unconscious?" Kalya asked while sipping her tea.