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In Love With My Evil Stepbrother

Chapter 26
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Chapter 26: A Wild Night When we get back out there, the waiter has already brought up our main

courses. Mom and Alex are chatting enthusiastically when we take our seats, “Nat darling. What took

you so long?” Mom turns around and asks. I take a sip of my ice water and murmur, “…nothing.”

Eason took away my soaked panty and I’m going commando down here. The rough fabric of my shorts

keeps rubbing harshly against my sensitive area as I sit here. I feel weird and uncomfortable, as if I’m

having a fever. The ice water didn’t have much effect on my heat either.

Alex notices the awkward expression on my face. He leans into me and whispers in a voice that only

the two of us can hear, “are you ok? He didn’t give you a hard time, did he?”

Before I can say anything, Eason suddenly clears his throat, a little too deliberate I must say. I look up

at him and find him glaring at me with a clear warning in his eyes.

Meeting my gaze, he raises his eyebrow at me and tilts his head. I know he’s reminding me of what I

should do next.

“Don’t worry, I’m fine,” I say and slightly move away from Alex. “In fact, I think…umm, Eason and I

should get going now.”

Mom and Alex are startled by that. “What?” Mom almost drops her knife and fork as she looks at us

with wide eyes. “But you haven’t even touched your food yet! What’s the hurry? You better give me a

good reason!”

A good reason is precisely what I don’t have right now.

I clench my teeth and shot an angry glare at Eason, hoping he would at least help me out here. But that

bastard just sits there with his arms folded in front of his chest, smiling calmly, as if it’s none of his


I hate him so much sometimes.

“Natalia?” Alex frowns. “Tell us. What’s the matter?”

I bite my bottom lips as my mind spinning fast. I could tell them that I don’t feel very well all of a

sudden, but it’s too risky. I know my mom too well. She’ll get all worked up by her worries.

So I go for option number two in a split second.

“We-we have homework to do. It’s urgent,” I say.

As soon as I said that, Eason makes a funny noise, but he quickly puts his fist to his mouth and turns it

into a fake cough. Yet his face is twitching, and I can tell he’s trying everything he can to stop himself

from bursting into laughers right now.

I mentally slap myself. That’s a lame excuse, even for me.

Mom is bewildered as she asks blankly, “urgent homework? What’s so urgent that you can’t


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26 ANANight

even finish dinner?”

I’m speechless. Fortunately, Eason comes to my rescue this time. “It’s our group project. And it’s due

tomorrow.” He seems so solemn. “We’ve completely forgotten it but it’s not too late to start. But you will

have to excuse us. Looks like we can’t stay for dinner.”

He stands up and walks to me, pulling out my chair and motions me to leave the table. This is all

happening too fast. When I pick up my backpack, Mom and Alex are still in a trance. I don’t have the

courage to take a second at them. So I simply mumble a quick “goodbye” and walk away with Eason.

We walk across the room hastily. Exit the front door and come down the stairs. Eason gives his ticket to

the valet. And as we are standing there silently waiting for the car to be pulled over, he suddenly bursts

into laughter.

“Fuck… Natalia, are you out of your fucking mind?”

His shoulders are shaking as he roars with laughter, “I get it…you are a nerd. But urgent homework?


My check is flaming red because of anger. Well, also because I feel so stupid of myself.

“Oh haha I’m a terrible liar, hilarious.” I said dryly. “But if you are such a master of deception, why didn’t

you say anything? Now it’s great. I bet mom and Alex are on to something…and keep your voice down!

You are laughing too loud!”

I keep turning around nervously, afraid that mom and Alex would follow us out and notice how intimate

we are.

Eason takes my hand and gently squeezes it in his palm. His eyes rest on me with a faint smile of


“Calm down. No one is looking.” He says in a soft tone. “And you only lied for a good cause, if it makes

you feel any better.” I roll my eyes and snort. “Do you not know what a good cause is?” He lowers his

head and plants a soft kiss on my ear as he whispers, “a good cause for me, at least.”

His voice is hoarse and sexy, suddenly reminding me of why we are standing here and what we are

doing next.

My body becomes stiff again as that internal heat returns.

The valet pulls over our car just in time and we get in the car in silence. No one speaks up. The entire

drive home we keep our mouth shut, no teasing words, no cursing, no fighting over with one another.

There’s a tension hanging in the air. It’s intense and sexual. I wait anxiously. My heart rate gradually

quickens as my palms become sweaty.

3 Wild to an

He drives us home to the penthouse.

As soon as we enter the private elevator and the door closes, he grabs my arm and pushes me to the

side roughly, capturing my lips hungrily. My back hits the wall, causing the elevator to sway

dangerously as it goes up. “The CCTV…” I remind him between my shaky breath. I don’t want to give

the security guard a free porn He mumbles a curse but keeps kissing me. His hand travels up from my

waist to my back, pressing my body firmly to his chest. I can teel how much he wants me and that turns

me on even more.

The elevator finally reaches the top floor as he basically drags me out and forces me on the wall again.

Now that we are finally alone, he pulls my shirt over my head, unhooks my bra in one move, and palms

my chest eagerly.

I groan out feeling his hand touches my nipple. It sends thrilling electricity down through my body till it

settles in my pussy.

My mind screams at me asking for more, more of him. So I raise my head to return his hot kiss, while

my hand moves down from his biceps, to his rock hard aps and finally settles on his jeans. His muscle

flexes along the way, and I’m so glad that I have this impact on his body.

I unbuckle his jeans with my shaky hands. He pants roughly and presses his lips on my forehead,

urging me, “…go on babe. Take it. Grab my dick.” I do as he asks, slipping my hand into his boxer and

take a handful of his cock. It’s so huge and hot. I can feel it’s slightly twitching in my hand.

I want to give him more. So I start moving my hand up and down.

“Oh fuck…” He grits out, throwing his head to the back and closes his eyes. A vein on his forehead

starts to pulse. The way he looks right now…it’s so unbelievably hot and sexy. I stare at him closely, not

wanting to miss a single second of it. I want it to be etched on the back of my mind if possible. I love

this so much…I love him…


I’m instantly startled by my fleeting thought. What was I thinking? No, that’s impossible. I must be out of

my mind right now. Suddenly I feel a sting on my lips, snapping me back to reality. He sucks my lips

harshly as if he’s punishing me for my moments of distraction. “Seriously? You have the time to think

something else?” he groans, clearly displeased.

Then the next second, he picks me up from the floor and throws me over on his shoulder. I squeal and

try to kick him with my legs. He laughs and walks through the living room, straight into his bedroom and

throws me on the bed.

My back hits the mattress hard. Before I manage to get up, he quickly removes all our clothes and

tosses them on the floor, then presses his body on to me again, overwhelming me with

more kisses.

My body is weak as water under him, as if I’m melting away. I run my hand through his muscular

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contour, feeling every inch of his smooth skin. We are so intimately close right now.

Suddenly, I cry out. He inserts a finger straight into me and starts thrusting. My pussy was already wet

when he fingered me in the lady’s room. Now as a stronger wave of pleasure hits me again, I almost

came right on the spot.

But he pulls out his finger right before that, leaving my body hangs in the middle of an orgasm. That’s

torture! I glare at him with glossy eyes, a silent condemnation.

He chuckles deeply. “I’ll make you come. Just not yet.” He reaches over to the nightstand and grabs a

foil packet from the drawer. He rips it open with his teeth and puts on the condom. I clamp my thighs

together, waiting anxiously. Then he spreads my legs again and guides his cock to the entrance of my

pussy. My heart almost stops from beating as I can feel my juice wetting the head of his cock. “Nat…”

he murmurs my name, his deep green eyes glazing with desire and some other emotions I can’t read.

Then he surges all the way into me, filling every inch of me. I groan out in a mixture of pain and

pleasure. He’s too big for me. I feel I’m being stretched by him. He stays still for a minute, eyes hungrily

casting down on my face, gauging my reaction. Then he slightly pulls away and slides back into me

again. His throbbing cock fills every inch of me, making me shiver in pleasure. Unconsciously, I want to

run away from this mind blowing sensation, but he stops me with an iron grip on my legs. “Fuck…you

are so fucking tight.” He groans in a strained voice.

His hand moves up to grab my hair forcing my head up to kiss me, as he gradually picks up the speed

fucking me. My pussy clenches onto his huge cock eagerly. He mons out and buries his head to the

hollow of my neck. “Oh fuck Natalia.”

He keeps thrusting into me relentlessly, moving his hips faster and faster. My back bucks off the bed,

giving him more access into my core. My toes and fingers all curled up, grabbing the sheet beneath


“Fuck babe you are so wet and warm,” he pants roughly, rocking his hips against mine. “Oh fuck…yeah

don’t stop.” I moan grabbing his arms, nails digging into his flesh. The watery sound of him banging me

fills the silence. He keeps fucking me so hard and wild, throwing me over one edge after another.

I scream out when I come for the first time. But while I am riding my orgasm, he pounds into me again

and brings me directly to the second wave of orgasm. It’s so overwhelming and mind


It feels like eternity being filled by him over and over again. And eventually, he suddenly pulls me up

from bed slightly and pressed my upper body to his chest. Then with one hard thrust into my core, he

pants my name and I feel his cock twitch inside of me. He cums in me as well. We both collapse to

bed, feeling the aftershock. His cock is still inside of me. I close my eyes

and pant roughly with my chest rising and falling fast.

Then I feel his fingertip touching my temple, gently tugging a lock of sweaty hairs to my back. A soft

kiss lands on my forehead. My heart flutters. Suddenly a wave of strong emotions surges up in me. I

clamp my eyes shut, too afraid to find out what those feelings are.