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Femdom Island

Chapter 209 Broken Promise
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Nikol groggily opened his eyes, his body slowly awakening from the sensual session of exoticness. He knew something inside him broke, but now wasn't the time to worry about those things, as he had to find Leviathan and Tisha quickly and confirm they are safe.

But as he shifted in bed, something caught his attention—a sight that would forever alter his reality and his eyeballs dilated seeing it. His gaze fell upon the sheets, now adorned with what appeared to be patches of his own dried skin. Confusion swept over him, followed by a growing sense of dread.

He got ready for the rise and looked at his own hands, but his skin was already there so he had to guess that he had shed his skin like a serpent, but he didn't know why.

"What... what's happening?" Nikol stammered, his voice trembling with unease.

With trepidation, he turned his gaze towards his own body, desperate to confirm his fears. As his eyes roamed over his reflection in the mirror close to the bed, his heart skipped a beat. The familiar face he had known for years had gone. Instead, he was met with a startling transformation—a body completely altered.

Even though his looks and identification remained, it was nothing like the face or body he had earlier.

His once lustrous violet-black hair had been replaced by a rich, dark violet, cascading down his broadened shoulders. His nails, once neatly trimmed, were now elongated and gleamed with a mesmerizing violet hue. But it didn't end there. His entire physique had undergone a remarkable change. Nikol's frame now stood taller and more muscular than before, exuding an otherworldly strength. Intricate patterns of glowing violet lights danced across his transformed body, emanating a mystifying aura.

Staring wide-eyed at his new form, Nikol's mind whirled with a thousand questions. "What... what has become of me? Is this some kind of curse? what was sealed inside me?"

Nikol quickly tried to find Leviathan and Tisha avoiding the condition of his body for now, as he decided to come back for it later and research what kind of changes he went through.

It was then that Nikol's attention was drawn to the corner of the room, where his eyes met those of Leviathan and Tisha.

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"Tisha! Leviathan! Are you two okay? Did something happen to you?" Nikol questioned but then he noticed the face of Leviathan.

Leviathan, usually unshakable in her demeanour, gripped Tisha tightly, an expression of fear etched across her face. Tisha, her eyes wide with a mixture of astonishment and concern, regarded Nikol's transformed body with a blend of wonder and worry.

"What... what happened to me? Do you know what this is all about?" Nikol's voice trembled his words barely a whisper as he grappled with the reality before him.

Leviathan released her hold on Tisha, slowly stepping forward, her voice filled with a blend of trepidation and concern. "Nikol, something extraordinary has occurred. You've undergone a metamorphosis, a transformation beyond our understanding. Even though you have the same look, at the same time, you look completely different,"

Tisha, her voice filled with a mix of awe and apprehension, added, "Your appearance, Nikol, it's... astounding. But we don't know what caused it, or what it means for you. We didn't see what was happening because your whole body was shining while you were changing,"

Nikol's mind raced, grappling to make sense of his newfound form and the implications it held. "We must find answers. I need to understand what's happened to me, why I've changed so drastically," he declared, determination replacing the initial shock on his face.

Leviathan nodded solemnly, her voice tinged with concern, but inside her mind, she was fighting an extreme battle.

"Come. let's go and meet the other two, and Tisha, I'm sorry but I will have sex with you next time, it might be dangerous to do it like this," Nikol said and lead the way, telling Tisha and Leviathan to follow him.

Tisha, her voice filled with unwavering support, added, "You're not alone in this, Nikol. We'll stand by your side, no matter what challenges lie ahead."

They knew that seeking answers to Nikol's transformation would require them to reach out to Artemis and Phoenix, two individuals well-versed in the realm of mystical phenomena, just as they were. As they took their first step forward, a sudden burst of aggression shattered the calm with a loud noise which sounded like a bomb.


Leviathan, the steadfast and reliable sister of Nikol, unleashed a powerful torrent of high-pressure water, aimed directly at Nikol. But lucky for him, his instinct kicked in, and Nikol swiftly dodged the attack, his reflexes heightened by his newfound form. In his arms, he held Tisha protectively, shielding her from harm.

Confusion etched across Nikol's face as he glanced at Leviathan, his voice laced with concern. "Leviathan, what are you doing? Why did you attack me just now?"

Leviathan's expression mirrored her internal conflict, her eyes filled with turmoil. She shook her head, her voice trembling with uncertainty. "I... I don't know. Nikol, something's not right. I can't control myself. It's as if... as if an unseen force is manipulating my actions. I don't know what's happening!"

Tisha's eyes widened fear and worry evident in her voice. She knew she is the weakest person here, so she didn't know how to help anyone, but still she wanted to calm down Leviathan and help Nikol. "Leviathan!"

Leviathan's struggle became more evident as she clenched her fists, battling against the invisible chains binding her will. "I... It won't happen, it's stronger than anything I've ever faced."

She clenched her hands with blood coming out of them and looked at Nikol with hatred-filled eyes. "Nikol, go away, I feel bloodlust to kill you as soon as I look at you, quickly go away I can't control myself,"

She shouted causing him to quickly get up from the place, he was standing and dragging Tisha with her.

Artemis and Phoenix, drawn by the commotion, arrived at the scene, their expressions a mix of concern and confusion. Artemis, her voice laced with urgency, questioned, "What happened? I felt a sudden burst of magic power, did something happen?"

Artemis questioned but before, she could even say her next words a huge ball of fire released from Phoenix's hands causing Nikol to take it head on, but unexpectedly before it could even reach him, suddenly it extinguished like a match.

Nikol's heart pounded in his chest as he witnessed Phoenix, his other trusted sister, suddenly turn against him. Confusion and disbelief painted his features, his mind racing to comprehend the unfathomable. He tightened his grip on Tisha, a mix of fear and determination etched in his eyes.

And he again looked at Leviathan and Phoenix but the friendly looks they had in their eyes disappeared and they were instead replaced with pure hostility toward Nikol.

'I need to run away, these two girls will be in danger if I stay here'

Nikol thought and quickly ran in Artemis's direction to grab her, but unexpectedly he only took one step and he felt like he was running like a racing car, as he was already in front of Artemis with their faces dangerously close.

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"What's happening, Artemis? Why are they attacking me?" Nikol's voice trembled with a sense of urgency as he sought answers in the midst of chaos, but he didn't stop his hands. He suddenly grabbed her and started running in the opposite direction, so the other two won't be able to catch up with him.

Artemis, her voice strained with concern, replied, "I don't know, Nikol. Something is deeply amiss. We need to find a safe place, somewhere we can regroup and strategize."

With unwavering resolve, Nikol knew he had to protect his companions and escape the escalating danger. In an instant, he tapped into the newfound speed that his transformed body granted him. Darting forward with lightning agility, he raced through the labyrinthine corridors, his feet barely touching the ground.

As they dashed towards safety, Nikol glanced back, a mix of bewilderment and determination in his eyes. "What is happening to them? Why are they acting this way?" he questioned, his voice filled with a desperate longing for answers.

Artemis, her voice steady despite the urgency of their situation, replied, "There must be something influencing their actions, something beyond their control. But we can't afford to dwell on it now. We need to focus on finding shelter, a place where we can regroup and devise a plan. You are in danger,"

Their surroundings blurred as they continued their frenzied escape. Nikol's thoughts raced, trying to piece together the puzzle before him. As they neared the shattered castle in the middle of heaven, Nikol's eyes widened with a glimmer of hope.

"A shattered castle?" he said between laboured breaths. "Artemis, can we seek refuge there?"

Artemis nodded, her gaze fixed on the distant landmark which previously belonged to her beloved mother.

"Ohh! This is the perfect place, but Nikol, they are no ordinary beings, they will be able to quickly find us, you should do something," Artemis said and Nikol kept both girls on the floor and looked at his own body,

"Do I really have the power to do that? I'm also just another apocalypse," He asked himself but then he suddenly remembered about Nym's skill that might help him, if he had that power and at that moment, his thoughts became reality.


"This is!" Artemis exclaimed in surprise because she just told him to do something hoping he would at least run away leaving them here, but what happened was beyond any of her expectations.

"A barrier! Nikol, how do you have this power?" Artemis questioned but Nikol, himself didn't have an answer to give her.