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Facade of Love

Chapter 14
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Chapter 14 Carried Away

Sweetie shook her head, her face full of disbelief. “Yvette, I can’t believe you said those

things just now. Usually, you wouldn’t let Moore get away with things so easily, let alone

Idris. But you just left without doing anything and talked like you deserved it. This is so

unlike you.”

I knew what she was getting at. I did resent Moore. If this was any other time, I would not

let her off the hook so easily. I sighed softly, feeling a lump in my throat. “Sweety, I do

want to make life difficult for Moore, but she’s pregnant with Idris‘ child. Even if I wanted

to mess with them, the outcome would still be the same. Nothing would change.”

She looked at me, her eyes filled with compassion. “Yvette, you’ve fallen in love with


I paused, instinctively wanting to rebut. “Don’t talk nonsense…

“Don’t deny it!” She cut me off. “We’ve been friends for over twenty years. I know you

better than you

know yourself. If you didn’t love Idris, you wouldn’t care whether Moore was pregnant or

not. You would’ve already turned her life upside down.”

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I was at a loss for words. I couldn’t argue whether or not I loved Idris.

That night.

Sweety was extravagant. She booked a VIP room at a club and even invited a few

handsome young guys over, saying I could have my pick of the lot.

I was genuinely surprised by this. Seeing the shocked look on my face, she hugged my

shoulders and said, “What do you think? Aren’t these guys the cream of the crop here?

Choose one, let’s have some fun.”

I looked at her, unable to resist reminding her, “Darling, did you forget that you’re a


She raised an eyebrow. “I haven’t forgotten. What does being a journalist have to do with

having fun? Besides, you’re the star tonight. So, do you want all of these guys? Every

single one of them?”

I was speechless. “No…”

“Fine, they’re all yours.” She did not give me a chance to speak. Turning to the young

men, she said, All of you stay and make Ms. Scott happy tonight. Money is not an issue.”

That was how I was inexplicably surrounded by these young men. They toasted, sang, and

played games with me. The room was loud, and all I could hear was, “Drink, drink, drink…”

Soon enough, I was getting a bit tipsy. Alcohol had the power to alter the mind. Sweety

egged me on, and before I knew it, I was toasting with her, saying, “Freedom is the only

thing worth having in life!

Love is overrated.”

Seeing that I was drunk, she looked at me and said, “See? There are plenty of handsome

men in the world, not just Idris Young. You’re from a good family, beautiful, and could

easily find another man. Forget Idris! He’s not worth your love. Listen to your best friend,

and forget about him. There are


billions of men in the world waiting for us!”

I nodded, shouting, “Yeah! Idris Young is just a fickle–minded dog. I would never fall in love

with him. The man I love one day will be one–of–a–kind, will be…”

Bang! The door burst open. The sudden noise made us instinctively look toward the door.

Under the flashing lights, Idris‘ face appeared.

For a moment, I thought I was hallucinating due to the alcohol.

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I turned to Sweety. “Babes, I think I drank too much. I just saw Idris‘ poker face. It’s


Sweety looked at me with a very stiff expression on her face. She reached out to take the

microphone away from my hand and said, “I see it too.” She then retreated a few steps.

“Yvette, I’m going to the restroom. You’re… on your own.”

Watching her walk toward the back door of the private room, I furrowed my brows and

turned to look at Idris, who was standing at the entrance with a dark expression. I could

not help but slap my own face. Regardless of whether I was drunk or not, I really did not

want to see him at that moment.

Thus, I addressed the man at the door. “Don’t stand there blocking the entrance. You’re

ruining my fun! I want to keep drinking.” Saying this, I shook my head, trying to shake off

the hallucination at the door. I picked up my glass and was about to continue drinking with

the young guys around me.

However, before the glass reached my l*ps, it was suddenly snatched away. Then, the

world began to spin, and someone lifted me up, hoisting me over their shoulder. A wave of

nausea surged up in my


“Ugh!” I could not hold it back and threw up right then and there.