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El enigmatico regreso

Capítulo 141-150
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Capítulo 141 La sobrecarga de ternura de Sammy

Capítulo 141

Lan rápidamente recuperó sus sentidos y se acercó a Neera con ansiosa

anticipación, sus ojos prácticamente brillaban de emoción.


“Sra. García, ¿tomaste algún tipo de poción mágica o elixir divino durante tu

embarazo? ¿Por qué la inteligencia de su hijo es tan increíblemente excepcional? Si

alguna vez me caso, por favor, por el bien de nuestra relación, ¡concédeme un hijo

como él! ¡Estaría eternamente agradecido!”

Neera no pudo evitar quedarse sin palabras ante sus entusiastas elogios.

Ella se cubrió la cara, encontrándolo un poco abrumador con sus exagerados

halagos. Ella dio un paso atrás y lo miró desconcertada.

“¿Qué poción mágica? ¿De qué estás hablando? ¿Por qué estás siendo tan


Al ver su expresión de perplejidad, Lan contó los acontecimientos que acababan

de suceder.


El Banca Nacional de Mévien


Capítulo 147 La sobrecarga de ternura de Sammy

Al comprender la situación, Neera la encontró divertida y difícil de

creer. Ella miró a los trillizos y luego a él.


No es tan milagroso como crees. Harvey tiene algunos conocimientos en esta

área, pero son superficiales. La mayoría de sus inversiones anteriores fueron una

combinación de suerte y el apoyo del equipo de la empresa de mi tía”.

Lan no estaba convencida y pensó que sólo estaba siendo humilde.

“¿Como puede ser? Señora García, está siendo demasiado modesta. No se trata sólo de un par

de inversiones exitosas. Su hijo sabía exactamente de qué estaba hablando

e incluso sus respuestas a las consultas sobre acciones de Sire fueron acertadas. Esto no es mera

suerte; ¡Tu hijo es un genio en inversiones! ¡Escuché que él maneja todas

las finanzas de tu familia, por eso puedes comprar autos de lujo con facilidad!

A Neera le divirtió y exasperó su persistencia. Ella explicó:

“Estás exagerando. Él sabe algunas cosas en este campo, pero no es tan

extraordinario como usted hace parecer. Y por cierto, las finanzas de nuestra familia.

Estuvimos en problemas no hace mucho debido a su imprudencia. No podíamos permitirnos

ni siquiera unos pocos millones de


, así que no lo elogies demasiado”.

Al estar expuesto, Harvey parpadeó y reveló una sonrisa adorable.

Sin embargo, la opinión de Jean se mantuvo sin cambios, evidentemente no creía


la explicación de Neera. En su opinión, ella estaba ocultando algo intencionalmente

o realmente no tenía ni idea sobre las inversiones, como había sugerido el pequeño

, lo que la llevó a subestimar las habilidades de Harvey.

Entrecerrando ligeramente los ojos, Jean no pudo evitar escudriñar a Neera, tratando de

descifrarla. Sin embargo, Neera permaneció tranquila y serena, luciendo una

sonrisa natural que no revelaba ningún signo de engaño.


Jean la encontró bastante enigmática, pero eso no le impidió sus

impresiones sobre esta familia. Cada miembro parecía poseer

cualidades notables: el dominio de la medicina de Neera, la herencia de Penny de los

talentos médicos de su madre y la sensibilidad de Harvey hacia las inversiones financieras, destinadas


convertirse en una élite empresarial.

¿Pero qué pasa con Sammy?

11-29 Jueves, 24 de agosto 4

Capítulo 141 La sobrecarga de ternura de Sammy

Curioso, miró en dirección a Sammy y no pudo evitar estallar en

carcajadas al verlo.


Estaba Sammy, intentando montar a Cece, su mascota regordeta y redonda, como

si intentara que Cece lo cargara.

Neera siguió la mirada de Jean y no pudo evitar reírse también. Se apresuró a

recoger al pequeño alborotador y no pudo contener su diversión. “Dale

un respiro a Cece, ¿no ves que casi lo estás aplastando?”

Pero Sammy no se inmutó y agitó sus bracitos hacia Cece, defendiéndose

: “¡De ninguna manera! Cece es muy gordita; ¡Su carne no es sólo pelusa!

El despreocupado Sammy divirtió a todos con sus travesuras.

Al observar a esta familia de vez en cuando, Jean sintió que su mirada podía

atravesarlos. Neera intuyó que aquel lugar ya no era adecuado

para una estancia prolongada.

Se aclaró la garganta, sintiéndose un poco arrepentida, y dijo: “Lamento que

te hayan


. Puedes continuar con tu trabajo; Los llevaré de regreso a nuestra


Jean negó con la cabeza, indicando que no le importaba, pero Neera rápidamente

llevó a los niños a la habitación de al lado.

Chapter 142

Once back home, Neera put on a stern face and called the triplets over.

“Come here, all of you.”

The triplets glanced at each other and obediently walked over, lining up in a


Harvey looked puzzled and blinked his big eyes at her, “Mommy, what’s



Neera gently tapped his forehead and said, “How could you easily reveal your

abilities in front of an outsider? Didn’t Mommy tell you before? Be more


Neera knew her son better than anyone else. She didn’t want others to know

how extraordinary her triplets were, nor did she boast about their remarkable

talents. Revealing such abilities could attract unwanted attention and pose a

potential threat to their safety.

1129 Thu 7 AU

Chapter 142 Uncle Jean is No Longer an Outsider

She recalled a past incident when a client found out about Harvey’s

extraordinary talents and plotted a kidnapping attempt. Though they foiled

the plan, it left Neera terrified of what could have happened.


She often reminded her children to keep a low profile and not draw attention

to themselves in public.

But today, Harvey had openly displayed his abilities to Jean without any


Even though Jean had proven to be reliable so far, Neera couldn’t help but be


Harvey understood her concerns but confidently replied, “Mommy, haven’t

forgotten. But since you and Uncle Jean are ‘married,’ even if it’s a contract

marriage, he’s no longer an outsider. You can trust him; he won’t take

advantage of me.”

Neera furrowed her brows, still uncertain. “You trust him so easily after

knowing him for such a short time?”

1120 Thu, 24 AU T

Chapter 142 Uncle Jean is No Longer an Outsider

Harvey nodded docisively, “Yes! Knowing someone doesn’t depend on how


long you’ve known them. As you always say, Mommy, Uncle Jean has helped us several times without

any ulterior motives. I can feel that he may seem

cold on the outside, but deep down, he’s a good person. Besides, he’s so

capable and excels at everything. He’s much better than me! You can rest

assured and stop worrying.”

Neera was left speechless by his unwavering faith.

How could she forget? Harvey was right; the duration of knowing someone

didn’t necessarily determine the level of trust. Jean had been helping them

sincerely, and they owed him their gratitude.

Despite Neera’s initial concerns, she couldn’t deny that Jean was genuinely

interested in their family. He cared for them, especially the triplets, which was

evident from his actions.

Nonetheless, to be on the safe side, she reminded her children again, “Jean

may know, but from now on, you must not show off your abilities in front of

anyone else. Learn to hide your talents and act naive, understand?”

Chapter 142 Uncle Jean is No Longer an Outsider

The triplets immediately agreed, saying, “Okay, Mommy!”


Sammy, in particular, raised a little hand and vowed, “Mommy, don’t worry, I’ll

keep my talents a secret even from Uncle Jean. I’ll be a happy little fool!”

Neera couldn’t help but feel satisfied with Sammy’s response.

Little did she know that Sammy said that because he feared that Jean might

guess it was him who attacked the Beauvort’s Network before.

He worried that if his abilities were exposed, his Daddy’s intelligence would

inevitably lead him to the truth. And then, who knows, maybe he would end

up getting a spa nking from Daddy…

After delivering these instructions, Neera decided not to dwell on the matter.

She hoped Jean wouldn’t take the triplets’ words to heart.

However, her plan seemed to have backfired.

Jean not only took the words to heart but also instructed lan, “Find out more

vivo Pa k istan


1129 Thu, 24 Aug

Chapter 142 Uncle Jean is No Longer an Outsider

about Adriana’s business ventures abroad.”


Considering the current state of the Garcia family’s development in

Kingsview, it was already impressive for Adriana to make ends meet abroad.

But according to what the triplets had said, it seemed that she was doing

very well overseas.

Just the fact that she had Harvey invest in several companies required a

considerable amount of funds.

For Adriana to use this money to let a child practice with it meant that it

wasn’t a significant amount to her.

lan was curious too, so he immediately went to investigate…

Chapter 143

lan’s efficiency was undeniable, and by the afternoon, the investigation

results were in.

“Sire, if you hadn’t ordered the investigation, we wouldn’t have known. Ms.

Garcia’s aunt is far more formidable than we imagined! Her business empire

overseas is massive lan exclaimed

Jean was surprised but didn’t say anything, raising an eyebrow to signal him

to continue.

1 can tell you that Adriana has established a commercial empire abroad,

with businesses spanning various fields such as pharmaceuticals, clothing,

jewelry, real estate, cosmetics, financial investments, and more,” lan

continued, catching his breath before carrying on.

“And what’s more, the ANXIN Group, the foundation of this empire, is

something the Garcia family in Kingsview is unaware of.”


vivo Y36-Y So Cool

Chapter 143 Me

Late Wide

Jean’s surprise grew at the extent of Adriana’s influence abroad. He

pondered for a moment and then asked, “Did you investigate the company

the triplets mentioned today?”


lan was prepared and nodded, “I already looked into it. The triplets didn’t lie.

The ANXIN Group is indeed highly successful in investments. Moreover, their

internal investment department is exceptionally proficient, ranking among

the top overseas, not far behind our Beauvort Group!”

This revelation left Jean even more astonished. He had never expected that

Neera’s background would be so extraordinary. All these years, she had kept

quiet, and after returning to the country, she hadn’t made any waves. Jean

didn’t delve further into the matter since he was just curious and had no

ulterior motives or intentions to harm the triplets.

After gaining a rough understanding, he refocused on handling the


Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

In the early evening, he received an unexpected call from his father, Frederic.


Chapter 143 His Uncommon Little Wite

Jean’s surprise grew at the extent of Adriana’s influence abroad, He

pondered for a moment and then asked, “Did you investigate the company

the triplets mentioned today?”

lan was prepared and nodded, “I already looked into it. The triplets didn’t lie.

The ANXIN Group is indeed highly successful in investments. Moreover, their

internal investment department is exceptionally proficient, ranking among

the top overseas, not far behind our Beauvort Group!”


This revelation left Jean even more astonished. He had never expected that

Neera’s background would be so extraordinary. All these years, she had kept

quiet, and after returning to the country, she hadn’t made any waves. Jean

didn’t delve further into the matter since he was just curious and had no

ulterior motives or intentions to harm the triplets.

After gaining a rough understanding, he refocused on handling the


In the early evening, he received an unexpected call from his father, Frederic.

vivo Pa kistan

1129 Thu, 24 Aug P

Chapter 143 His Uncommon Little Wife

“Dad, is there something wrong?” Jean asked.

Frederic grunted disapprovingly over the phone, clearly unhappy. “What’s

this? Can’t I call you if there’s nothing wrong? You ungrateful kid, you got

married and don’t even come back home! If I didn’t call you, you’d probably

forget your old father completely!”


Jean leaned back in his chair, playing with a pen, and casually replied, “Come


it’s just that I’ve been busy lately.”

“Don’t give me that excuse!” Frederic snapped, then changed the subject,

“Enough of this nonsense, I have something important to tell you. You’re

married now, so bring your new wife back this week for dinner. Your uncles,

aunts, and your siblings will all be there.”

Upon hearing this, Jean stopped twirling the pen, his brow furrowing.

Family gatherings of the Beauvort family were always full of scheming and

hidden agendas. There was little warmth and affection among them. Since

taking power, Jean’s cousins and siblings had been wary and dissatisfied

vivo Pa kistan


with him, secretly making moves against him. Some even wished he were



Bringing Neera into such an environment was the last thing Jean wanted, but

he couldn’t defy his father’s orders.

Frederic anticipated Jean’s reluctance and continued firmly, “I don’t care

what you have going on, put it aside for now. You must bring your wife back.

She’s already a part of the Beauvort family, regardless of the reason or any

mistakes she may have made. Sooner or later, she’ll have to meet them.

Besides, both of you didn’t attend the wedding banquet, which was already

impolite. It’s unacceptable to be absent from this family dinner!”

112 Thu, 24 AUT

Chapter 144 With Him by Her Side Chapter 144 After Frederic hung up without giving Jean a chance to

reply, he felt a bit cornered. Clenching his phone, he furrowed his brow with a deep gaze. 1/5 Having

heard most of the conversation, lan came forward and tried to console him. “Sire, I don’t think you need

to worry about Ms. Garcia. Just think about it, has she ever suffered any losses? Even when Zachary

tried to mess with her, she fearlessly put him in his place. Your relatives won’t even dare to touch her,

let alone take advantage of her.” He chuckled slyly and continued, “Instead of worrying about them,

maybe you should be concerned about whether Ms. Garcia will get fed up and take the entire Beauvort

family to task during the dinner!” lan’s words struck a chord with Jean, and he realized that might

indeed be the case. Although they hadn’t known each other for long, the feisty woman had a track

record of handling herself well. With this in mind, Jean’s worries eased, and he decided to follow his

father’s vivo Pa kistan Chapter 144 With Fm By Her Side ultimatum and bring Neera to the family

dinner. After all, if anything happened, he would be there to protect her. He instructed lan, “Tell Richard

to prepare a few more dishes for tonight. Ask Ms. Garcia to bring the triplets and join us for dinner.”

With that settled, Jean’s brow relaxed, and he calmly continued with his business. As the evening

approached, Neera was about to ask Zuniga what they could have for dinner when lan arrived. Seeing

him, she couldn’t help but feel a bit uneasy, as he usually brought some news. “Is something wrong

with him again?” she asked, concerned about Jean’s health. lan waved his hand, smiling politely. “Sire

is perfectly fine at the moment, no health issues. Ms. Garcia, I am here on behalf of Mr. Beauvort to

invite you to vivo Pa kistan LEARN MORE > vivo Y36 – Y So Cool 2/5 Chapter 144 With Him by Her

Side 3/5 have dinner next door. Mr. Beauvort has prepared a table full of delicious food to entertain you

and the triplets.” Neera felt puzzled. “Why would Mr. Beauvort suddenly want to invite us over for

dinner?” lan maintained his courteous smile and explained, “Oh, it’s nothing special. Perhaps Sire just

thinks that since you are neighbors, it’s nice to get together more often. Besides, he is aware of the

effort you put into taking care of him, and he is grateful for your kindness. Having a dinner is just a

small gesture of appreciation.” His words were flawless, leaving no room for objections. While Neera

was still contemplating, the triplets, who had eavesdropped on the conversation from the corner of the

hallway, happily burst out, “That sounds great! Mommy, Uncle Jean is being kind. Let’s go!” Before she

could respond, the triplets eagerly headed to the next door. Neera couldn’t help but sigh. vivo Pa kistan

LEARN MORE > vivo Y36 – Y So Cool 11,9 Thu, 24 AM T Chapter 144 With Him by Her Side ¥92%毫

As the triplets added excitement to the dinner, the atmosphere became lively. Jean, who usually

preferred a quiet environment, surprisingly found their presence enjoyable. 4/5 After a satisfying meal,

the triplets took their pets to the yard to play, while Jean invited Neera to the gazebo to play chess.

During the game, Neera couldn’t help but ask, “Is there a reason behind your invitation tonight?” Jean

didn’t hide anything and put down a chess piece, looking straight at her with his raised eyelids. “Yes,

there is something. I hope you can accompany me to the Beauvort family this week and attend a family

dinner.” He was straightforward, and Neera didn’t object. After all, they had already agreed to

cooperate with this act. She just didn’t expect it to happen so soon. “Well, I don’t know much about the

Beauvort family. Should I do some 1130 Thu, 24 Aug 4 T Chapter 144 With Him by Her Side research

in advance?” she inquired.

Chestar 145 A for You Chapter 145 24完.92%會 1/5 Seeing Neera’s quick acceptance, Jean’s lips

curled into a subtle smile. “Inviting you all for dinner tonight was all for this reason. Let me briefly

explain the relationships within the Beauvort family.” “Sure,” Neera nodded, listening attentively. In the

ranks of the Beauvort family elders, besides my father, there are two uncles and an aunt, each with

their offspring. The family is quite extensive, but I won’t delve into the details for now; we can discuss

that another time. Let me focus on our immediate family instead. I have two elder brothers and a

biological younger sister. My sister is currently studying abroad. We share the same father, but different

mothers. My relationship with my eldest brother is quite good, but it’s the complete opposite with the

second one. We’ve never really seen eye to eye. As for the others… As he paused, there was an

implied meaning in his words, “In recent years, there have been some significant power struggles and

conflicts.” 92%1 Chapter 145 All for You Listening to this, Neera felt increasingly overwhelmed. It

seemed like the dinner with the Beauvort family wouldn’t be a pleasant affair. 2/5 Clearing her throat,

she asked, “So, overall, I’ll have to deal with your relatives, right? Jean didn’t deny it, “My father made

the request, and I couldn’t decline it. Besides, since we missed the wedding banquet, it wouldn’t look

good to refuse this invitation as well. However, the final decision is still up to you.” “Up to me?” Neera

pointed to herself, “You’ve already agreed, so can I say no?” Jean calmly replied, “I could go back

alone if necessary. Are you confident in handling this situation? If you think you can’t manage it, then

you don’t have to go. I won’t force you.” Given the option, Neera would rather not attend the dinner.

vivo Pa kistan 11 30 Thu, 24 Aug Chapter 145 All for You Just the thought of the entire Beauvort family

gathering together, full of pretense and internal conflicts, gave her a headache. However, she had

promised to cooperate and play her part when they signed the contract. It wouldn’t be appropriate to

back out now. With a shrug, she said, “I’ve already taken your money, so I must follow through. Don’t

worry; I can handle this small matter.” Seeing that she didn’t refuse, Jean’s eyes brightened slightly,

satisfied with her response. 3/5 “Alright, then you’ll handle it yourself. I trust your abilities; you should

be fine.” Though his words seemed like praise on the surface, Neera couldn’t help but find them a bit

strange. She looked at him suspiciously and muttered, “Are you sure you’re complimenting me?” vivo

Pa kistan LEARN MORE > vivo Y36 – Y So Cool 92% Chapter 145 All for You 4/5 Jean watched her

with a faint smile, feeling an inexplicable urge to laugh, but he held it back and said, “If you find it

challenging to handle, just try to speak as little as possible. If there are any problems, I’ll help you.”

“Okay,” Neera nodded, showing no objections. The matter was settled. Upon hearing that Mommy

would be attending the dinner with Uncle Jean to meet the Beauvort family elders, the triplets were

quite excited. In their eyes, meeting the elders would further solidify the relationship between the two,

leaving no reason for them to be apart in the future. They gathered around Neera, enthusiastically

encouraging her. “Mommy, you must perform well! Leave a good impression on Uncle Jean’s family

elders and show them your best side!” “Yes, Mommy, you should dress elegantly and show your

grace!” vivo Pa kistan vive v LEARN MORE 11 30 Thu, 24 AU Chapter 145 All for You 5/5

Penny took the opportunity to suggest, “We just returned to the country, and

Mommy’s formal clothes are insufficient. They’re all still abroad. Tomorrow,

we don’t have school, so let’s go shopping together! It’s like going to war, but

this time, it’s for Uncle Jean! If you join us in selecting the outfits, it will be even


Jean couldn’t help but find it amusing.

Where did these kids learn such terms? They were always full of expressions.

Nevertheless, he didn’t refuse and agreed with a nod.

After all, Neera accompanied him to play his part, so it was only fair for him to

cover the cost of the outfits.

Chapter 146 After having lunch the next day, they set off with lan at the wheel, Neera originally thought

they were heading to some upscale mall, but to her surprise, Jean took her directly to a private

residence, Once they arrived, Noora found the place to be charming and elegant, with a spa cious

garden adorned with lush greenery, creating a delightful ambiance, lan rang the doorbell, and a butler

opened the door. Upon seeing the guests, the butler immediately greeted them with a respectful and

warm smile, “Mr. Beauvort, you’re here!” Jean nodded and asked, “Is Fabio around?” The butler

nodded repeatedly, “Yes, he is. We just received a new batch of premium fabrics, and Mr. Fabio has

been eager to work with them. He was just saying that he wants to tailor a perfectly fitted suit for you.

Please, come Colgate OX Chapter 146 Perfectly Matched with You in!” a .93% 2/6 Jean smiled and

said, “He’s quite diligent. Last time, he made a suit for me, but I haven’t had a chance to wear it yet…”

As they entered the mansion, Neera was surprised to find that it housed a large fashion studio. The

studio was filled with completed garments, including suits, formal dresses, and cheongsams, all

meticulously crafted and of exceptional quality. Each piece, from the fabric material to the design and

workmanship, was the work of skilled artisans. Neera was captivated by the wide array of exquisite

designs, a testament to her sensitivity and appreciation for various fields of design. Jean noticed her

reaction and explained, “The Lopez family made their fortune through the fashion business, which has

a history spanning over a hundred years. They have generations of experience in the industry and hold

an unshakable position. Our families have a longstanding relationship, and OX 11:30 Fri, 25 Aug

Chapter 146 Perfectly Matched with You 3/6 the Beauvort family often customizes our clothes here.” “I

see…” Neera nodded, now understanding the profound background of this family business. As they

chatted, footsteps sounded from the upper floor. Soon, a handsome man with long hair appeared from

the corner of the stairs. He was dressed in a somewhat ethereal white robe, exuding an air of

refinement. As he descended the stairs, he walked straight toward Jean, greeting him warmly, “What

wind blew you here today? You didn’t even tell me in advance. Did you come to get a suit tailored? A

phone call would have sufficed, and I could have come to your place. No need to tire yourself by

coming all the way here.” His words were sincere, displaying a genuine concern for Jean’s well-being.

OX 40 Fn, 25 Aug Her 146 Perfectly Matched with You was evident that they had a close relationship.

an smiled and replied, “It was a last-minute decision, but it’s okay, I’ve been eling better lately,” then

gestured toward Neera and said, “She’ll be attending a family anquet with me soon, so help her pick

out some ready-to-wear clothes” ne man, named Fabio Lopez, turned to Neera and took a good look at

her om head to toe, leera stood her ground, offering a polite greeting, “Hello,” and meeting his jaze

confidently, Upon closer inspection, she noticed Fabio’s attractive features and gentle demeanor. Fabio

reciprocated the greeting, briefly introducing himself, “Hello, I’m Fabio Lopez.” He then raised an

eyebrow, looking back at Jean, and asked, “Is she the one Mr. Frederic ordered for you?” Jean nodded

graciously, not denying it. 6/8 Confirming this, Fabio couldn’t help but scrutinize Neera once again, his

eyes carrying a hint of appraisal. Maintaining her poised smile, Neera showed no sign of nervousness,

Her grace and composure earned Fabio’s admiration, and he smiled again. 7must say, your dad has

great taste. With your figure, looks, and charisma, you’re a perfect match for Jean.” After praising her,

he shifted the conversation. “As our family’s sister-in-law, I’ll pick out a perfect outfit for you. Let’s go to

the second floor.” 0X REFRESH Colgate 11:30 Fri, 25 Aug Chapter 146 Perfectly Matched with You

With that, he gestured to Neera, “Sister-in-law, please follow me.”

Chapter 147 Neera felt a bit em bara ssed when she heard the term “sister-in-law.” She and Jean were

only in a contractual marriage, not a real couple. Being cacressed as such fet a bit codward. With a

smile she said Mr. Lopez, my name is Neera Garcia. You can just call me by my name.” Fabio

hesitated for a moment, subconsciously looking at Jean to see if there was any objection. Seeing

Jean’s nonchalant expression, he changed his address. “Alright, Ms. Garcia, please come this way.”

Neera nodded and followed Fabio upstairs. On the second floor, Fabio called for an assistant, a sweet-

looking girl in a white dress with a great figure. “Nettie, this is Ms. Garcia. Take her measurements and

find a few ready-to-wear outfits for the family banquet.” /5 Nettie nodded and greeted Neera with a

gentle dressing room. Since they entered the private residence, the triplets had been quiet and well-

behaved, sticking close to Jean in a row. Fabio had noticed them but didn’t have time to ask until now.

“Jean, these three kids are quite good-looking. Whose family are they from and why are they with

you?” Jean glanced at the triplets, and before he could respond, Sammy spoke up. “Hello, Uncle. We

are from Uncle Jean’s family!” As he spoke, Sammy affectionately tugged at Jean’s sleeve. Jean

looked at Sammy’s small and fair hand and raised an eyebrow, choosing not to refute his claim. X

RABRESH Colgate Chapter 147 How Can You Marry a Woman with Childre Seeing this, Fabio was

taken aback and couldn’t react immediately. Harvey quickly explained, “Uncle, I’m Harvey, and these

are my siblings. We are all Mommy’s children.” “Mommy?” Fabio turned to look at Neera, finding it hard

to believe. “Your Mommy, isn’t she… Ms. Garcia?” Harvey nodded, “Yes.” Fabio’s expression changed

slightly, and he looked at Jean. “Jean, what’s going on here?” In Fabio’s eyes, Jean was an outstanding

man, and there were plenty of women who were more suitable for him than Neera. 3/5 He couldn’t

believe that Jean would marry a woman who already had three vivo Pa kistan LEARN MORE vivo Y36

– Y So Cool 11:30 Fri 25 Aug Chapter 147 How Can You Marry a Woman with Chate children. This

was unimaginable! Jean understood what Fabio was thinking but didn’t explain immediately, only

saying, “It’s a long story. I’ll explain when we have the time.” He then looked at the triplets and said,

“Do you want to try some pastries? Uncle Fabio’s pastries are the best. Give them a taste?” The butler

had just brought out some desserts that looked very appetizing. 4/5 The triplets immediately nodded,

thanked Fabio, and gratefully began eating. Seeing this, Fabio’s emotions were in turmoil, filled with

question marks. He couldn’t help but carefully observe Jean and the triplets and was surprised to

notice that Jean seemed particularly fond of them. This only confused him further. Jean had never been

so patient with anyone else before! vivo Pa kistan 11:30 Fr, 25 Aug Chapter 147 How Can You Marry a

Woman with Childre

At that moment, Nettie brought Neera out.


Neera had picked a dress that perfectly showcased her stunning figure. Her

long, shiny black hair was gently pulled up, and her delicately made-up face

had a touch of mesmerizing charm.

When Jean saw her, his gaze couldn’t look away, filled with a hidden sense of


As for Fabio, he was taken aback.

This dress would be difficult for an ordinary person to pull off, but it fit Neera

flawlessly, giving off an aura of perfection!


Chapter 148 Spending Money on Wife, It’s Only Natu

Chapter 148

Neera found the attention directed at her quite ordinary. With her innate

beauty and the transformation she underwent during her time abroad, both

externally and in her demeanor, it was hard not to attract people’s eyes.

Now, standing confidently before the group, she looked toward Jean, asking,

“How does it look? Should I wear this to meet your family’s elders?”

Before Jean could reply, the triplets couldn’t contain their excitement and

approached her with compliments. “No problem at all! Mommy, you look

stunning in that outfit! Beautiful and elegant, your presence will surely win

over the elders of Uncle Jean’s family!”

Fabio, now back to his senses, was taken aback by Neera’s appearance. Her

figure was even better than he had imagined, with curves so perfect they

seemed otherworldly.




Chapter 144 Spending Money on it, it’s Only festo

While this outfit is excellent, it’s not enough,” Fabio said, rubbing his chin.


“Not enough? Neera blinked and looked down at herself, wondering why it

wouldn’t be sufficient.


While she was contemplating, Fabio called her, “Come with me. Let’s choose,

some clothes from my collection.”

Neera glanced at Jean, silently asking for guidance.

He smiled and nodded, indicating that she should go.

Nettie, who had been listening nearby, was surprised. She knew how much

Fabio cherished his collection and that hardly anyone, let alone a woman,

had ever set foot in the room, let alone selected clothes from it.

However, to her amazement, Fabio willingly brought Neera into the collection


Chapter 148 Spending Money on Wife, It’s Only Natu


Once inside, Neera was stunned. The room was filled with exclusive clothes

from around the world, a paradise for any woman. Fabio seemed to know her

taste, as he picked out multiple sets of clothes and handed them to her,

“These, and these too. Try them on.”

Neera felt overwhelmed by the clothes being piled into her arms. She tried to

protest, “Mr. Lopez, one or two sets will be enough. There’s no need for so


Fabio urged her on, “Ms. Garcia, don’t waste time. Trying these clothes on will

take some time, and besides, you and Jean are already married. He’s

incredibly wealthy, so spending money on his wife is only natural. There’s no

need for you to be frugal.”

Neera was left speechless. She understood Jean’s wealth didn’t belong to


She glanced at him and the triplets, who had followed them, and Jean

appeared nonchalant, his expression undisturbed by Fabio’s extravagance.

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He calmly agreed, “Go ahead and try them on. You can wear them again in

the future.”

With Jean’s consent, Neera couldn’t refuse. Nettie stepped in to help, taking

the clothes from her arms, “I’ll assist you. Come this way, please.”

Reluctantly, Neera started trying on one outfit after another, showcasing

each one to the group.


To everyone’s surprise, each outfit fit her perfectly, transforming her

appearance like magic. The triplets clapped their hands enthusiastically, and

their eyes filled with pride as they admired their Mommy.

Even Neera was amazed by Fabio’s sharp eye for fashion. Each outfit was

exquisite, and she felt like a model wearing them.

Finally, when she had tried on all the clothes, Fabio was thoroughly satisfied.

He hadn’t seen anyone with such a perfect figure in a long time, and he was

captivated throughout the entire process.

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He couldn’t help but ask, “Ms. Garcia, are you a model? How else could you

wear each outfit so perfectly?”


Neera smiled modestly and replied, “Thank you for the compliment, Mr. Lopez,

but unfortunately, I’m not a model.”

Jean, always generous, calmly declared, “They all look good. Take all of them.

We’ll have plenty of opportunities to wear them in the future.”

Chapter 149 Disturbing Sweet Dreams Invites Retrib

Chapter 149



Upon hearing the proposal to buy all the clothes, Neera was taken aback and

almost choked on her saliva. She was about to refuse, but before she could

utter a word, Jean stood up and, without hesitation, told Fabio, “Put it on my


“Alright!” Fabio nodded with a smile and promptly instructed Nettie to pack up

all the clothes.

Neera couldn’t help but feel speechless and somewhat helpless. Even if Jean

was wealthy, there was no need to be so extravagant. How was she

supposed to wear all these clothes?

As she hesitated, she approached Jean and murmured, “You don’t have to

buy all of them. It’s too much. Do I have to attend the Beauvort family’s

events every time?”

Without any hesitation, Jean looked at her with deep black eyes and said in a

calm voice, “You’ll know soon. It’s not just one occasion.”

Chapter 149 Disturbing Sweet Dreams Invites Retrib

Neera couldn’t help but feel at a loss for words.


At this moment, the triplets also gathered around, their big eyes shining with

admiration as they looked up at her.

“Mommy, you look amazing in these clothes! You should listen to Uncle Jean.

and take them all!”

“Absolutely! We want to see Mommy looking beautiful every day. It will

brighten our mood for the whole day!”

“Mommy, this is Uncle Jean’s heartfelt gesture. You must cherish it.”

Neera couldn’t help but chuckle at the triplets’ flattering words. She didn’t

want to be too stubborn, so she agreed to take all the clothes.

Once Nettie had finished packing everything, she handed the bags to lan,

and Jean led everyone back home. After they returned, Jean headed to his

office, while the triplets pulled Neera to sit on the sofa.

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“Mommy, before you go to the Beauvort family dinner, you have to do your

homework!” Harvey said with a serious expression.

Amused by their earnestness, Neera played along and asked, “Oh? Are you

three going to give me a lesson?”


Harvey nodded confidently, “Before, Uncle Jean introduced the members of

their family to you, but he probably didn’t have time to explain the actual

relationships. Right?”

Neera relaxed on the sofa and nodded in agreement, “Indeed.”

Harvey continued, “Well, families like Uncle Jean’s have complicated

relationships among their members. There’s a mix of gratitude and grudges.

To avoid being taken advantage of during your first meeting with the

Beauvort family elders, I had Sammy investigate some information for you.

You need to understand it all to avoid any bullying!”

Sammy vigorously agreed, “That’s right! Knowing your enemy is the key to


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The triplets’ seriousness and enthusiasm amused Neera, and she couldn’t

help but laugh, “You guys don’t need to be so dramatic. It’s just a family

gathering, and I’ll be back after that.”

However, the triplets insisted, “We have to! It’s an important occasion, and

you must hold your own, Mommy! You can’t let yourself be overshadowed!”


Feeling a bit helpless, Neera had no choice but to agree and spent the whole

day learning about the members’ relationships and private lives within the

Beauvort family, guided by the triplets.

Finally, after a thorough study, Neera was ready to get some rest on Friday


But in the middle of the night, her sleep was interrupted as someone pulled

her out of bed.

To her surprise, it was Jean…

Jean had just finished his work and was about to head to bed. However, lan

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hurriedly entered the room to report, “Sire, something has happened. The

hospital called and said that your great-uncle appears to be in critical

condition. He’s been rushed to the emergency room, but the team of


specialists there seems helpless. They’ve been trying to contact Joanna, but

she’s unreachable, and your mother’s phone is turned off. They can only

reach you.”

Jean knew that his mother had a habit of turning off her phone when she


As for Joanna…

“Isn’t Joanna the lead surgeon? Shouldn’t she be doing her medical duties?”

Jean wondered aloud.

“Yeah, it’s crucial, but we can’t reach her,” lan added.

Jean quickly made a decision, “Go next door and find Neera!”

When Neera was woken up, she was still groggy, “What’s going on in the

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middle of the night? Disturbing someone’s dreams will bring bad luck, you


Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Jean’s expression was serious as he didn’t answer her question directly, “Can

you perform surgery?”

Seeing that both Jean and lan were dressed formally, Neera’s sleepiness

vanished, but she still hesitated, “Why are you asking this?”

“There’s something I need your help with,” Jean briefly explained the situation.

Continuing, he asked, “Are you capable of doing it?”

Neera realized that this was a matter of life and death, so she didn’t refuse,

“Well… I can try my best. Give me a moment to change clothes, and I’ll be

right down.”

Saying that, she hurried upstairs.

In just five minutes, she came back downstairs and went to the hospital with

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Jean and lan.

Upon arriving, Neera first obtained information about the patient’s condition

from the medical team.

After that, she put on surgical attire and entered the operating room.

The patient was in critical condition due to a sudden infection in the wound.

Neera quickly formulated a surgical plan and began the life-saving


The late-night surgery lasted for a full three hours, but they managed to save

the patient in the end.

As dawn approached, Joanna groggily glanced at her phone and noticed the

missed call notifications. She had been out partying with friends last night

and had a few drinks, which made her a bit tipsy, causing her to miss the


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Now, seeing so many missed calls, she immediately sobered up and had a

bad feeling in her heart. The hospital wouldn’t call so many times unless

something serious had happened.


She nervously returned the call and learned that indeed something had gone

wrong at the hospital. Her heart sank, and she rushed over immediately.

By the time she arrived, Neera had already come out of the operating room.

The patient’s family was expressing their gratitude, even more fervently than

they did towards Joanna.

“Ms. Garcia, thanks to you, you truly have miraculous healing hands!”

“Thank you for coming all the way here so late, otherwise my father would

have been in danger…”

Even the other members of the medical team showered praises, “Ms. Garcia’s

medical skills are truly extraordinary. There were a few moments when the

patient’s heartbeat was about to stop, and it was Ms. Garcia’s efforts that

saved him…”

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Neera humbly responded, “You’re too kind. I just did what I could,”

Jean approached, his dark eyes gazing at her slightly tired face, and warmly

said, “Thank you for your hard work.”

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Chapter 150



As the first light of dawn broke, Joanna’s uneasiness turned into anger. How

could Neera be here? Why were these people praising her so much? She was

the one who performed the surgery on the patient, not Neera! Why was all

the credit going to that woman?

Anger consumed Joanna’s thoughts. She immediately stepped forward with

an unpleasant expression, sneering, “Ms. Garcia, you enjoy stealing other

people’s patients, huh? Don’t you have any patients of your own to attend


Neera remained unfazed by Joanna’s sarcastic tone, not even raising an

eyebrow. Coldly and distantly, she glanced at Joanna and replied, “I have no

interest in stealing anyone’s patients. I only stepped in temporarily to help

out. However, I must wonder, where was Dr. Bridges all this time? As the

attending physician, you couldn’t be reached when your patient had an

emergency. Instead of reflecting on your own mistakes, you come here to act

all high and mighty. Quite audacious, don’t you think?”

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Chapter 150 Mommy is in Your Hands



Joanna’s face froze as she was scolded, and she subconsciously glanced at

Jean, wanting to explain herself. However, Jean wasn’t interested in hearing

her speak. His attention was solely on Neera, and he softly said, “You must be

exhausted after a busy night. Let me take you back home.”

Neera nodded, then turned to brief the medical team on important matters

and emphasized specific details.

As Neera prepared to leave with Jean, Joanna felt like an outsider,

experiencing deep discomfort. Since she arrived, Jean hadn’t even spared

her a single glance, as if she didn’t exist.

Unable to let go, Joanna quickened her pace and stopped Jean. “Mr.

Beauvort, I didn’t mean to ignore the calls. I just…” She felt embarrassed to

apologize in front of Neera but had no other choice. “I accidentally put my

phone on silent, so I missed the calls. I didn’t expect your great–uncle to have

a sudden emergency.”

Jean glanced at her expressionlessly, his gaze icy. “You don’t need to explain

Chapter 150 Mommy is in Your Hands

to me. As a competent doctor, you should know that after performing such a

risky surgery, your patient may face emergencies at any moment. Being

prepared for the worst is your duty and responsibility. But it seems you lack

that awareness. You’re quite confident in your medical skills, and that’s fine,

However, overconfidence can cost lives. If it weren’t for Ms. Garcia, my

great–uncle’s life might have been in your hands today. What’s the point of

telling me all this now?”

Joanna’s face turned pale, and she realized that she had not only missed an

opportunity but also made Jean distrust and dislike her even more.

With that realization, her face became even more grim, and she lost the

courage to say anything else, watching him walk away.

Twenty minutes later, Jean accompanied Neera back to the Imperial


Neera didn’t give Joanna a second thought. Exhausted from a sleepless

night, she yawned repeatedly, feeling both tired and drowsy.

Chapter 150 Mommy is in Your Hands

Jean felt somewhat apologetic for involving her in this situation. “I’m sorry, it

was all sudden, and I didn’t have any other option but to ask for your help.

Please rest well.”

Neera didn’t think much of it and even managed to make a joke. “If you feel

bad about it, just settle last night’s errand fee and consultation fee. Any

amount is fine, of course, the more, the better!”


Jean couldn’t help but chuckle. “Alright, I’ll transfer it to your account later. But

don’t forget about tonight, we’re going for dinner.”

Neera responded with an “OK” gesture.

After saying their goodbyes, they each returned to their homes.

After arriving home, Neera immediately collapsed into a deep sleep. When

she woke up, it was already afternoon. After freshening up, she found that the evening was

approaching–the perfect time for the Beauvort family banquet.

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Chapter 150 Mommy is in Your Hands


She chose a champagne–colored gown, elegantly tying up her long hair and

wearing light makeup. To complement her appearance, she adorned herself

with a pair of pearl earrings and minimal accessories. Her silver high heels

and a pearl clutch bag completed the elegant and graceful ensemble,

making her look like a refined lady from high society.

As she descended the stairs, the triplets couldn’t help but stare in awe and

excitement, cheering, “Mommy, you look so beautiful! Stunning!”

When Jean came to pick her up, he was once again amazed by her beauty.

She had already dazzled him during the dress fitting a couple of days ago,

but tonight, with meticulous grooming, she was breathtaking! If they were

attending a high society soiree, she would undoubtedly outshine everyone


“So, what do you think? Does it look okay?” Standing before Jean, Neera

sought his opinion.

His mind was momentarily pulled back by her voice, and he concealed the

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good. It’s about time, let’s go.”



Before leaving, Neera didn’t forget to remind the triplets, “You three, behave

and stay at home. Don’t wander around, and don’t cause any trouble for

Auntie Zuniga,”


“Yes!” The triplets nodded obediently, surprisingly well–behaved. Then, like

little adults, they turned to Jean and said, “Uncle Jean, we’re leaving Mommy

in your care. Please take good care of her!”

Jean raised an eyebrow and replied warmly, “Of course.”

On their way to the grand estate of the Beauvort family, Jean glanced at her

and asked, “Are you nervous?”

Neera responded, “Not at all, I’m perfectly fine.”

After all these years, she had experienced countless grand occasions; this

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was nothing!

Jean nodded in response. “That’s good.”

After that, he shifted his gaze away and didn’t look at her again.

Half an hour later, the car arrived at the Beauvort family estate.

Era la primera vez que Neera estaba aquí y quedó atónita por el pintoresco

paisaje que se desarrolló ante sus ojos.

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La finca cubría una vasta área, una mansión extravagante que rezuma opulencia.

desde cada rincón.

Mientras admiraba el paisaje, siguió a Jean al interior.

Al llegar a la puerta principal de la mansión, un mayordomo inmediatamente saludó.

ellos, mostrando gran respeto mientras se inclinaba ante Jean. “Señor. Jean, señora Beauvort,

Por favor, entre. El señor Frederic le ha estado esperando.

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Señora Beauvort…


Las cejas de Neera se arquearon ante la dirección, sintiéndose algo incómoda.

Sin embargo, anticipó varios escenarios posibles y con calma

los aceptó.

A su lado, Jean le ofreció el brazo y le hizo un gesto para que se uniera a él.

Neera asintió con calma, intentando parecer natural, y se acercó a

él mientras caminaban juntos hacia adentro.