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Earth's Greatest Magus

Chapter 1035: Grandmaster
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As per what Cedric had told him, Emery took off and went to the third building within the Apothecary complex.

It was kind of similar to the second building he had visited earlier. A place where the master and grandmaster apothecary resided to further improve their skill and create numerous apothecary products.

Emery followed Cedric's words to the tee. He stepped into and accessed the moving platform, heading towards one of the highest floors of the building. The platform came to a stop, he quickly stepped off it and made his way towards the place where a beautiful female staff welcomed him with a smile.

"Welcome to Master Hazard Apothecary. Is there anything I can help you with today?"

Grandmaster Hazard was one of the leading Apothecarist within the Magus Alliance, and was as renowned as Master Grom.

However, the man had been bestowed with a special privilege. He was the examinee of this year's apothecary exam, hence the reason for Emery's arrival was apparent to see.

Just as planned beforehand, Emery introduced himself as Master Grom's disciple and a privileged class acolyte who had missed the exam. He asked for a remission, and exemption to be tested outside the official exam.

What Emery did not expect was how hard he found himself saying those words. Still, recalling the predicament he was in, he set aside the discomfort he felt and forced himself. In the end, he managed to express his intention across, albeit with difficulty.

A few minutes later, after the female staff asked Emery to wait, she returned and gestured to him to follow her. Apparently, the master had summoned him.

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'It seems to work! Thank you, Cedric!' exclaimed Emery in his heart as he followed the female staff.

Emery was led through a long corridor and to a certain hall, where it was surprisingly filled with dozens of people. From the looks of it, they had just finished having a briefing or a class of some sort.

The female staff introduced the elderly man sitting at the front to Emery as the person he was looking for – Grandmaster Hazard himself. Seeing the other party's gaze fixed on him, Emery quickly bowed his body respectfully.

"Step forward, apprentice." The grandmaster said.

Emery did as he was asked and he quickly found himself standing in the center of the hall, being stared at by dozens of pairs of eyes. Emery swiftly cast his gaze across the entire room and saw that a few who were on the premises looked young and were wearing the uniform of the Magus Academy. However, adults made up most of the people here.

Seeing such a sight, Emery assumed that all those present should be Apothecary Apprentice, just like himself.

He was about to introduce himself when the old master suddenly smirked and opened his mouth.

"You are Emery Ambrose, Magus Academy's privileged acolyte?"

Emery suddenly had a bad premonition hearing the other party's words. However, he still maintained his composure. Once again, he bowed respectfully to the man and answered the question posed.

"I am, Grandmaster."

Upon hearing his reply, the grandmaster let out a chuckle and turned towards the others, saying, "Hear this, the young man standing in front of you thinks that he is better than all of you."

Emery jerked his head upwards. A look of shock as well as confusion was evident on his face. Thinking that the other party had misunderstood something, he quickly wanted to clarify and defend himself. Unfortunately, the grandmaster didn't seem to want to give him a chance.

Ignoring Emery, the man started talking about the history of the Apothecary Institute, and how without apothecary, there wouldn't even be a magus to begin with. Meanwhile, Emery stood there in confusion, not understanding what was going on.

"If we, the apothecaries, didn't create the Awakening Pill, there might not be a Magus Academy."

The man didn't stop and continued apparently using the situation as a teaching chance of some sort. But then the grandmaster's next sentence troubled him.

"When all of you, hard-working trainees, have to diligently study, practice, and fail multiple times in the exam. This young Rank 3 Apprentice dares to demand a private examination, thinking that he can pass it easily."

It was at this moment that Emery realized that the dozens of people in the room were looking at him with hateful gazes.

"No, Grandmaster. You misunderstand. I–" Emery was completely stunned by the unexpected development and was at a loss for words.

Out of nowhere, he was judged in front of these people and no one seemed willing to listen to him. Everywhere he looked, there were only gazes of hatred or hostility that greeted him, until suddenly a girl stood up and shouted.

"He's not that kind of person!"

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Every pair of eyes immediately turned towards the direction of the voice, including Emery. There stood a simple-looking girl. It was a face he had not seen for more than three years. Karin, the genius apothecary that Emery met in his first exam.

"Please master, let brother Emery speak…"

The grandmaster looked surprised. It seemed that he didn't expect to be interrupted by someone. Even so, he didn't get angry and gestured with his hand for Karin to continue with her words.

Seeing that everyone's attention was on her, the girl became nervous. It could be seen from her restless gestures. However, with her eyes closed, she plucked up the courage and expressed what she was thinking.

"Master, I think you have misunderstood something. Brother Emery is the most talented and kindest acolyte that I know. There's no way he's someone you just said."

Then, much to Emery's surprise, the girl started citing things about him one by one. From his lower realm background, his misfortune during the elf attack made him miss the exam, and even to the recent missions and events. Apparently, the girl had been following news about him.

While the grandmaster and the others were still dumbfounded by what they had just heard, the girl then said, "Please master, if brother Emery asked you for a private exam, I believe he must have good reasons for that."

It was apparent that the girl's bombardment of words made the grandmaster speechless. Eventually, the old man shook his head and glanced at Emery before saying, "Young man… I will not grant your request for a private examination."

Emery sighed when he heard those words. It seemed Cedric was wrong. The merits of the Magus Alliance didn't matter much in the Apothecary Institute. But then, he realized that the grandmaster had not finished his words.

With a slightly disgruntled look, the man said, "But… if you're really as talented as my protégé here says, I'll give you a chance. The third exam just finished two days ago, and I can't make an exception just for you. However, tomorrow there will be the fourth one, the Rank 5 Artisan exam. With my authority, I will allow you to join the exam regardless of your current rank."

Staring at Emery, the man said in a serious tone. "Prove me wrong with your talent."

Artisan exam; Emery wasn't sure if he should be happy or worried.