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Descent of the Demon Master

Chapter 582. Agonizing Over (2)
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Chapter 582. Agonizing Over (2)

“When you say completely...?” Kang Jin-Ho quietly asked back.

However, Lee Hyeon-Su didn't immediately reply. Instead, he sneakily slid over an ashtray toward Kang Jin-Ho, which he had readied just in case before this meeting had commenced. “Here. How about a smoke break?”

Kang Jin-Ho didn't seem happy about this delay but still took out his cigarette packet anyway. He wasn't a dummy, so how could he miss the obvious hint that Lee Hyeon-Su didn't want to delve into this topic right away? To hear what he had to say, maybe it was necessary to beat around the bush for a little while.


Kang Jin-Ho mouthed the cigarette and lit it. As the smoke rushed into his lungs, Kang Jin-Ho felt his mood settle down a little. Maybe this was why Lee Hyeon-Su had suggested a smoke break.

“Fuu-woo...” Kang Jin-Ho leisurely exhaled the smoke from his lungs, then glanced at Lee Hyeon-Su. “...Okay. So?”

Lee Hyeon-Su coughed to clear his throat, then began explaining. “Currently, the Martial Assembly is operating as it should. It should be difficult to pick a fault with our current situation. On the surface, it will look like we're maintaining just the right level of tension.”


“Unfortunately, that's not the case under the surface. The biggest issue is with the fact that the leadership has been split between you and Assembly Master Bang.”

“I don't have any issues with him,” said Kang Jin-Ho.

“Indeed. That is true. However, isn't that because you two have come to an agreement of sorts?”


“Two tigers can never share one mountain, Mister Jin-Ho. One of the two either has to leave or willingly admit to not being a tiger in such a case.” Lee Hyeon-Su stopped there and sucked in a deep breath. “The Assembly Master has not opposed your opinions and more or less followed you. However, you will soon have a problem on your hands if you think Assembly Master Bang is trying to embrace your ways out of his generous heart.”

Kang Jin-Ho had no choice but to agree. Absolute power always gave birth to problems. However, that did not mean the better alternative was non-absolute power either. Issues created by absolute power would only be exacerbated when the power was weak.

“Mister Jin-Ho, what you need to sort out first is your internal contradiction.”

“...My what?” Kang Jin-Ho made a perplexed face while staring at Lee Hyeon-Su. What contradiction was he even talking about?

“Mister Jin-Ho, it seems you want everyone to be happy and live in harmony with each other.”

“Mm...?” Kang Jin-Ho tilted his head.

Before he could reject that claim, though, Lee Hyeon-Su landed the next jab first. “Under the premise of 'everyone' being your people, of course.”

Kang Jin-Ho clamped his mouth shut. What Lee Hyeon-Su said certainly pinpointed the essence of Kang Jin-Ho's desire.

Kang Jin-Ho was indifferent, nay, downright cruel, to his enemies or those 'allies' he didn't quite accept as his 'people'. Once he accepted them as his companions coming along for the ride, though, Kang Jin-Ho would become extremely soft with them.

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Even Kang Jin-Ho had noticed this shortcoming of his.

“However, you also desire a rapid and drastic change. Unfortunately, that's where the problem lies. Those two things can't coexist together,” said Lee Hyeon-Su.

Kang Jin-Ho frowned slightly. “Can't coexist? Why not?”

“Simple. Because you're too excellent, Mister Jin-Ho,” Lee Hyeon-Su replied in a firm voice. “Allow me to explain. Assembly Master Bang is currently thinking of teaching his cultivation technique to younger-generation martial artists. Only his personal guards like Cheon Tae-Hun could learn it in the past, but the Assembly Master now wants to make it available to everyone. So that our younger generation can become even stronger.”

Kang Jin-Ho tilted his head again. “That sounds like a good idea. But, so what?”

“You're right. It is a good idea. However, will you be satisfied with only that much?”

Kang Jin-Ho stopped tilting his head and didn't say anything.

“You teaching them should be a better alternative, wouldn't you say? After all, there should be a clear limit to how much Mister Bang Jin-Hun can do as the Assembly Master.”

“Utter nonsense,” Kang Jin-Ho grunted while furrowing his brow. “I cannot do everything by myself. I've learned that lesson by now.”

“Of course. That is undeniably true. Even so, Mister Jin-Ho…” Lee Hyeon-Su smirked softly. “You might not be able to do everything by yourself, but... People's perception will change greatly depending on whether you're an adviser... Or the ruler.”


“What you want to see is everyone working together to create a better future for themselves. To create that situation, you simply have no choice but to completely take over the Martial Assembly. You can no longer afford to stay in the shadows, one step removed from the authority and the responsibilities that come with it. Please, it's time you step into the light and lead from the front.”

Kang Jin-Ho wordlessly massaged his face.

Meanwhile, Lee Hyeon-Su continued with his sweet-sounding words of temptation. “Take over the Assembly, Mister Jin-Ho. Then you will acquire everything you need. Money? Power? Information? All of them will be yours.”

“Even if I become the Assembly Master, the current system in place won't change. Something I can do as the Assembly Master should also be doable by Mister Bang Jin-Hun. In that case, I don't see what could be the problem with receiving his assistance.”

“That's not true,” Lee Hyeon-Su smirked suspiciously. “When you become the next Assembly Master, the Assembly's structure and systems in place will go through a fundamental reform. Unlike the current system of an alliance, all authority of this organization will become concentrated on its leader.”

“So, you want to change everything? Is that it?”

“Yes,” Lee Hyeon-Su licked his lips. “And it won't lead to bloodshed, either. With you as the new Assembly Master, the situation within the Assembly will be markedly different from when Mister Bang Jin-Hun is the Assembly Master. Even if you make the same choices and judgments as Mister Bang, the intensity of opposition will be... Let's say it will be noticeably muted. No one wants to die, after all.”

Kang Jin-Ho leaned back against the couch while crossing his legs. The cigarette smoke he had inhaled earlier was now lazily drifting away in the office's air.

“Let me be honest with you,” said Kang Jin-Ho, his gaze withdrawn. “I'm not cut out to be the man at the top.”

“But, Mister Jin-Ho...!”

“Listen till the end.”

After detecting the subtle hint of coldness in Kang Jin-Ho's voice, Lee Hyeon-Su immediately clamped his mouth shut. He might be allowed to make suggestions, but that didn't mean he could goad or force Kang Jin-Ho.

“I'm not suitable to be the man on the top. I know that better than anyone. Simply put, I'm a lunatic who is mad about fighting. I don't have a clue about leadership. I'm too blind to notice my surroundings. And I'm too deaf to hear other people's opinions and advice. Most importantly... I have already experienced the pathetic end reserved for an organization led by me. I do understand what you want from me, but that's not something I can do for you.”

Lee Hyeon-Su hurriedly shook his head. “No, hang on. Mister Jin-Ho, that all depends on your advisers...”

“Really?” Kang Jin-Ho stared meaningfully at Lee Hyeon-Su. “Don't you mean... It depends on you?”

Lee Hyeon-Su was left speechless just then before quickly sobering up. “I'm not sure I understand?”

An unreadable smirk floated up on Kang Jin-Ho's face. “The reason you want me as the Assembly Master is not as grand as you make it out to be, now is it? With Bang Jin-Hun in the Assembly Master's office, it's much harder for you to do what you want. Isn't that your true reason?”

Lee Hyeon-Su's mouth clamped shut again. He couldn't say anything to defend himself.

“Don't worry. I'm not trying to rebuke you. I understand your sentiments. And I'm well aware of how you can't unleash your full potential because of the current situation,” said Kang Jin-Ho, his voice getting firmer, colder. “So, I'll do something for you.”

Lee Hyeon-Su sucked in a deep breath. “Does that mean...?”

“If something hinders you, I will remove it. I will smooth out the road ahead for you. That should make your job that much easier. And I'll grant you a little more authority. So... Let's not get ahead of ourselves, okay?”

After those words left Kang Jin-Ho's lips, his previously icy eyes became much warmer again. And he leisurely mouthed a fresh cigarette.

However, Lee Hyeon-Su's back was soaked in cold sweat.

'Just... Just how unfathomable is he?'

Lee Hyeon-Su had never underestimated Kang Jin-Ho. As a matter of fact, he willingly called himself Kang Jin-Ho's servant. And he wouldn't dare dream of using silly tricks and mind games to manipulate this returner.

The truth about Lee Hyeon-Su was that... He wasn't smart enough to handle Kim Seok-Il. In that case, how was he supposed to handle Kang Jin-Ho?

Lee Hyeon-Su confidently could say no one could best him when it came to managing an organization or an army. However, controlling a charismatic individual from the shadows was still impossible for him.

Without Hitler, Goebbels would've been just another twisted dreamer. Without Kang Jin-Ho... Lee Hyeon-Su would be a nobody.

However, this Kang Jin-Ho defied expectations. Yet again.

This feeling Lee Hyeon-Su got was not because Kang Jin-Ho was powerful and fear-inducing. No, it was because of his insight. Their brief discussion was enough for him to accurately point out Lee Hyeon-Su's dissatisfaction, something even Lee Hyeon-Su himself had not been consciously aware of. And that was... distrust. Always kept in check in some way.

Lee Hyeon-Su's restrictions within the Martial Assembly were rather plain to see. He used to be Kim Seok-Il's brain responsible for running the Yeongnam Group. Even if he was committed to doing his best for the Assembly, it was still extremely difficult to break down the barriers of fundamental distrust toward him.

Unsurprisingly, everything he did was closely scrutinized. And that frustrated Lee Hyeon-Su to no end. However...!

If Kang Jin-Ho stepped up and took over the Assembly Master position, all the scrutiny haunting Lee Hyeon-Su would dissipate into thin air. That was what Lee Hyeon-Su had been counting on. And he hadn't even been aware of it.

“My apologies, sir.”

“No, it's fine,” said Kang Jin-Ho while lazily exhaling the cigarette smoke. “Your idea isn't a bad one. It's not like I have not considered it before. It's just that I don't think now's the right time. Anything too abrupt will inevitably lead to stiff resistance. You feel frustrated and try to sort all your problems out at once, and one of the consequences of that choice will be a weighty burden being dumped on your shoulders.”

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“You're right. I was too rash.”

“Still, it was good to talk to you like this,” said Kang Jin-Ho as he got up to leave.

However, Lee Hyeon-Su hurriedly reached out and stopped Kang Jin-Ho. “Please wait.”

When Kang Jin-Ho quizzically looked back, Lee Hyeon-Su sheepishly scratched his head.

“There's something I'd like to tell you regarding our original topic of discussion.”

“The original topic, is it?”

“Yes. The scale of what you're trying to do is quite big. I'm 100% certain about this, Mister Jin-Ho. You won't raise the required capital via conventional methods. Of course, I have no doubt you can gather that amount of money eventually if you get dead serious about it. However, don't you need the cash urgently? What's the point if you take two decades to raise the capital?”

“Yes, you're right.”

“That's why I'd like to tell you about a surprisingly simple way to raise the capital you need.”

“Mm?” Kang Jin-Ho cocked an eyebrow and stared at Lee Hyeon-Su in genuine interest.

“In a way... You might even call it a kill-three-birds-with-one-stone plan.”

“...Is this when I'm supposed to praise you?”

“No, that's not necessary,” said Lee Hyeon-Su while sitting upright. 'Right, I was in too much of a hurry.'

It seemed he brought up the topic of the Assembly Master position a little too early. His impatience had almost ruined everything. That didn't mean he would walk away empty-handed, though.

'At least, now I know Mister Jin-Ho is not averse to the idea...!'

Kang Jin-Ho was hesitating only because of pragmatic issues and his previous failures. That was it. And Lee Hyeon-Su wasn't remotely surprised by it.

Anyone who knew the real Kang Jin-Ho would say that words like 'humble' did not suit him. After all, confidence practically overflowed from him to the point of a mini avalanche. That was who Kang Jin-Ho was. It was just that his method of expressing it was a little different.

In that case, Lee Hyeon-Su should take his time.

'That is my role.'

This was what soldiers did. To them, their leader's intentions didn't really matter. Even if the leader hated it and opposed it, the soldiers still had to do it if it benefited the leader. So, Lee Hyeon-Su should prioritize crafting a situation where Kang Jin-Ho could no longer resist the idea.

After deciding on his future course of action, Lee Hyeon-Su smirked deeply. “How about you take out what needs to be taken out?”

“...What needs to be taken out?” Kang Jin-Ho narrowed his eyes.

Lee Hyeon-Su turned his head and looked outside the window. “Yes. By that, I mean we should put those old farts in their places. Those old folks whose roles are already finished but still think they are entitled to something. When you do, Mister Jin-Ho... Everything will be resolved naturally.”

Kang Jin-Ho also smirked after figuring out what Lee Hyeon-Su was implying here. “I see. Yes, I've been waiting.”

His smirk soon became a ferocious grin with his fangs bared. The time to resume his hunting had arrived.