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Dear Sweetheart novel

Chapter 7
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Dear Sweetheart Chapter 7

When Rayna returned from Norham, it was already two weeks later.

Despite turning on data roaming on her phone in the last two weeks, she had received only two text

messages from Julian. One of them was a brief reply to her farewell message before she left for Norham:

Travel safe.

Rayna finally decided to give up on him.

She had always thought Julian cheated on her in the past because of her sexual disorder, but now, it

seemed that he had lost interest in her.

She decided to confront him when he returned tonight.

Just as she was about to arrive at the company, she received a call from her supervisor.

A business partner from Sumanthova had just arrived at the company, and he could only speak the

Rodunstian language. Since he did not come with an interpreter, and the only Rodunstian language

speaker from the CEO’s office was outstation, the translation department had no choice but to send

Rayna over.

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Rayna wanted to turn down the task, but since she was the only Rodunstian speaker in the company,

she could only accept it.

Half an hour later, she arrived at Aurelius Club.

Rayna took a glance at her wristwatch and noticed it was only eight-thirty in the evening. The business

meeting would only begin in another thirty minutes.

She started preparing the food and wine according to the business partner’s preference, as per the

information given by her superior.

After finishing all the preparation by eight-fifty, Rayna tidied herself and made her way to the entrance. It

was then that two Mercedes-Benz pulled to a halt in front of the club.

A few men in suits stepped out of the first Mercedes-Benz once the car doors were open. All of them had

sculpted facial features.

Based on the information she had read earlier, Rayna knew they came from Sumanthova.

Flashing a pleasant smile, she greeted the guests in the Rodunstian language. However, she could not

help but glance at the Mercedes-Benz behind.

There were a few vice CEOs in the company, and they were all ill-tempered. One of them even hated

women so much that he would only bring a male interpreter to business functions. I hope he’s not here.

Right then, a tall, serious-looking man opened the car door and got out of the vehicle. Then, he moved to

the other side of the car and opened the door on that side.

Rayna thought the assistant looked familiar, but instead of wasting time trying to figure out who the

assistant was, she stepped forward and was ready to greet the vice CEO.

A man with a slender figure, wearing a pair of shiny leather shoes, stepped out of the car.

The man was tall and had broad shoulders, and he was clad in a fitting metallic gray suit. His hair lay flat,

looking absolutely tidy, but there was a glint of indifference in his eyes.

He was poised and elegant, but at the same time, he looked unapproachable.

Uncle Curtis?

Rayna’s eyes widened in disbelief when she recognized the man. The man took a sidelong glance at her

and narrowed his eyes, surprised to see her there.

Gabriel had provided him with some information about Rayna after that night at the hotel. Having read

through the document, Curtis finally understood why Rayna had addressed him as Uncle Curtis at the


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While Julian was his cousin’s son, whom he did not have a close relationship with, Rayna was Julian’s

wife in name and also Faymon Group’s senior interpreter.

The man’s insolent stare sent a chill up Rayna’s spine. Her legs trembled, and she tripped on the mat

and fell forward.

“Watch out, Mr. Faymon!” Gabriel could only warn him from a distance. Before he could do anything,

Rayna had fallen into Curtis’ arms.

Curtis’ lips twitched.

Gabriel had been working for Curtis for many years, but he had never seen a woman who had the

audacity to fall into Curtis’ arms twice.

Rayna’s face hurt as she smashed against the man’s chest, but she was immediately captivated by his

body scent. Her heart started beating wildly. This is what Uncle Curtis’ body smells like!

“Be careful, Ms. Garland,” Curtis said in a warm voice. As a gentleman, he helped her up. The moment

his cold fingertips touched her skin, Rayna started having goosebumps.

While Gabriel was observing their interaction, he began to wonder if Curtis recognized her since he

called her Ms. Garland.